the only pic: the front of the bergetiger - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

the only pic: the front of the bergetiger

As you can see, lot of model kits are wrong ! It was in Anzio, in 1943. the hull is not a late model but mid production model.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

There never was a Bergetiger. Like patdau said, this was used to lay charges.

I think that it was made to depose explosives :"it is more probable than the crane of Bergetiger was used to deposit loads of 200-300 kg while offering a definitely better protection under the fire of the enemy than that offered by small and light Borgward DCL used normally for this task. Another interesting idea was the use of the winch of Bergetiger to handle a sweeping mass of mines. These two last ideas seem most probable, one can in all logic give up the role of vehicle of recovery because of the weakness of the winch device of whereas any Tiger could better do with a simple cable of towing. "