the plot to kill hitler

i know colonel claus von staufenburg was the attempted assin, but how many other german staff officers were involved?and was rommel really involved with the plot?

Um, there’s a Wiki page on all this…

I heard that Colonel Von Sanders was somewhat involved too!. I read about it in Wiki!..thats why they call it a “killer” recipe!.

No the fox had nothing to do with it the only reason he was singled out was because after the attempt there was a list found which had potential leaders of germany should hitler die and he was on it

Rommel was against assassinating Hitler merely for fear that he would become a martyr but he was all for the conspiracy as far as overthrowing the National Socialists went so, he knew of the plot which was enough to get him executed.

Lieutenant-Colonel Caesar von Hofacker, cousin of Stauffenberg and personal adviser to General Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel, France’s military governor, to whom Hofacker was personal adviser, was forced to betray Rommel under Gestapo torture.

“Tell the people in Berlin they can count on me” Hofacker quoted the Field Marshal as assuring him. Upon hearing that, Hitler decided that his favorite general must die.