The Prisoner

I’m just looking a the beginning of episode one of The Prisoner. I tuned into ITV more from curiosity than anything, because i couldn’t figure why they would want to remake that fabulous Sixites series which has become a bit of a cult. However, it appears to be Amerrican so that might explain it. Could someone please let me know if I’m wasting my time looking at this thing?

Patrick McGoohan, The Prisoner

The reason behind all remakes is a lack of imagination.There have been good remakes,3.10 To Yuma springs to mind,but its still lazy.

I watched this thing. It started off OK but I suspect it may go the way of a lot of TV lately. It will either die after a single series or be mildly succesful and run ad-infinitum (Lost anyone?).

The new Prisoner series? It has its charms, but lacks something. Guess I just like the original series better…