The Return.............................

Ive noticed that since the return of Ferrous-Rantus the number of posts have risen, but sadly the true debate hs dwindled. He is deliberately TROLLING all of us, and we are taking the bait.

Without him here I have had some really great debates, sometimes quite heated, often not. Also, another trend seems to be appearing in that people seem to be coming here only to trade insults with ironman (or the Argentinians or the British, but mainly Iron man). If it is allowed to continue, this forum will degenerate to having Chosin or anti-americanism mentioned in every post.

Since his return, any visitor here would seriously think twice about joining.

Whats my point?

Well I cant do anything about it. I just didnt want this swallowed up inside yet another Iron-man related topic.

I would ask the MODs though to move threads into the same topic if nothing else.

At the end of the day, he is winning, as he is attention seeking and has totally disrupted, yet again the forum.

If it continues, I for one will be voting with my feet and will find another ww2 forum.


We are back at square one.
You can try to refute IM’s claims by posting articles with references, but as long as it doesn’t fit into his extremely narrow mindset, he’ll become abusive.

Don’t even think of critisising President Bush Jr. and his government policies.


Well in the past when confronted with cast-iron (if you’ll excuse the pun) references and credible evidence, he resorts to bare faced lies. When the bare faced lies are repeated to him, with evidence of why they are lies, in print, he hops off to another thread. He won’t answer awkward questions, and will slander those who catch him out.

If he were air-dropped ordnance, he’d be a Snake-eye.

[quote=“festamus”]If he were air-dropped ordnance, he’d be a Snake-eye.quote]

Only if in “B” mode… :wink:

Actually, every time he decides to turn around an argument and refuse to answer or comply with a reasonable demand I have decided to quote him with the following:


If everyone did this, Im sure he would soon get the message.

i believe that ironman is coming to ww2incolor for no reason other then to piss people off and insult them. it is obvious, when you look at the fact that he is making up quotes, blaming people for things that they never said, and insulting anyone that posts something that is contrary to his belief. i dont think that ironman is really here to debate ww2, but rather to have fun screwing with people.

I agree, see my post above yours.

Simply state TROLL POST and the reason why.

He will either learn to substantiate his statements or get fed-up and leave, either way is ok for me.

i will-that is a good idea.

We can write TROLL or anything thet’s not mean nothing to him ,he only want to fight here,and Bluff write every time when answer on him post F**K OFF and nothing ,we should ignore him ,not answer on topics and not make topics about him ,when he see then anyone ignore him he will leave or he will calm down.My opinion.

i understand what you mean. But simply stating TROLL POST and why you think he s troling is enough or me.

He is a Troll thats true ,he insult almost all members here,he have stupid topics which use only for fighting.

Its better then i do nothing i will not answer on him topics ,and i think that al users should do this too ,if he insult you or some else send PM to mod or admn. they will do actions thats mods job here ,isn it . :wink:


clausse you make more sense than most regarding this.

I have to agree, though I find him amusing, he is clearly an attention seeker and every resonse to his posts gives him validation.
I if We treat all of his posts with indifference he will eventually drift off.
Just a thought do you think he is currently serving a suspension from another site, prompting his sudden return.

Never thought of that, but given his past site history, in that we tracked him down to 2 I think where he was banned, I wouldnt be surprised.

I am making it my mission to expose him here whenever he TROLLS. 5 Days off work and Mrs Firefly and the kids are away means I have plenty of time for this…

Forgot to add, and plenty of Alcohol, stand by for some outrageous posts later on… :twisted:

can’t we all live in peace :oops: :lol: :roll:

lololol pffft, as if, theres always gonna be some hill billy redneck that wants to start trouble, unfortunate because this is such a great forum

What, a redneck like this?

Just don’t touch his Banjo or he’ll make you squeal like a little piggy! :shock:

Or this one:

Wow. Appearently i am the most famous forum poster of all time. Thanks guys!

Take care IRONMAN. You know already that you are watched very closely! :smiley: