The rights of the minority

I was inspired to open this thread many moons ago, but, as with others, time is always a limiting factor with me. Anyway, Egorka’s comments on the ‘Offend’ re-awoken my interest in this topic.

Benjamin Franklin once said something to the effect ‘Democracy is all very well, but who protects the minority from the majority?’. I suspect he was influened by the likes of Plato, Xenophon and other great commentators fo 5th Century B.C. Greece. However, it is a question which can be applied to many groups and issues. Franklin later went on to say that the Bill of Rights is there to protect the minority. But not all countries have a Bill of Rights, so how do we, or should we, even, protect the minority from the majority?

I think that a more “current” problem is the protection of the silent majority from the vocal minority of single issue fanatics, religious extremists, criminals and so on.

Good point.

Is it not the faul of the silent majority for remaining so silent?

The silent majority are often silent because they have better things to be getting on with, and find the usual form of vocal protesting vulgar, and best left to unwashed left-wing serial protesters.

Also, many of them have realised long ago that the politicians just don’t care anymore and will ignore them.

I don’t necessarily agree with that, but I take your point.

Try this:

God preserve us from politicians…

Please forward this to as many people as possible!!! (British Citizens)

The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed ‘too British’.
Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might be ‘offensive’ to other countries taking part in the Games. The display team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display team ‘too militaristically British.’ Red Arrows pilots were said to be ‘outraged’, as they had hoped to put on a truly world class display for the Games, something which had never been seen before. Being axed from a British-based event for being ‘too British’ is an insult - the Arrows are a symbol of Britain.

The Red Arrows have been excellent ambassadors for British overseas trade, as they display their British-built Hawk aircraft all over the world.

The Arrows performed a short fly past in 2005 when the winning bid was announced, but their fly past at the Games was to have been truly spectacular.

It is to be hoped that common sense prevails.

If you disagree with this decision, sign the petition on the link

Forward this on to everyone you can.

For those that are unfamiliar with the Red Arrows:

And for those of you unfamiliar with reality, the story above is a fine example of an internet urban legend.

165,000 protest votes. Not bad. Still, it isn’t the silent majority, is it? Very much a minority.

However, it does demonstrate the power of the web as a channel for lobbying one’s M.P. and government.

Meanwhile, back home, drinking a Bud.

I think your point raises a number of issues:

  1. The British public tend to vote on traditional party lines when electing their MP, so when they are P’d off with said MP, they abstain;

  2. Our system of government requires a strong oposition, which I believe we haven’t seen since the 1970’s;

  3. The longer a single party remains in power the more arrogant and corrupt it’s politicians appear to be.

The effect:

A) The electorate become disillusioned and apathetic;

B) The opposition win a landslide victory and form the next government;

C) The previous government form a weak opposition;

D) (1) to (3) above are repeated.

How do we change this?

In my opinion

i) by not abstainig from voting in the elections.

ii) by hammering home to them when they are canvassing that they had better perform;

iii) by not voting on traditional party lines and showing the politicians that they cannot get away with their arrogance;

iv) if they do not perform when elected, then bombard them with protest.

Get out there and show them that they have to perform or they are toast (to steal a phrase from Nick).

Would it work? Probably not. Most people prefer to remain silent. :slight_smile:

You drink Bud? :frowning:

I thought the English had better taste in beer!:confused:

Get out there and show them that they have to perform or they are toast (to steal a phrase from Nick).

Would it work? Probably not. Most people prefer to remain silent. :slight_smile:

I don’t recall ever saying that… :neutral:

They do, usually. You can get the original Czech beer of the same name in the UK, but for some reason I doubt that’s what he was referring to…

Quite truthfully, in America now it is really more a question of how to protect the majority from the minority.