The “Roma” battleship’s aircraft - Italian Forces | Gallery

The “Roma” battleship’s aircraft

An IMAM Ro.43 floatplane on the stern catapult of the Italian Navy’s battleship “Roma” at anchor likely on La Spezia Harbor, 1942 or 1943. On the left the crane for boarding and transfer’s aircraft on the catapult of the aircraft. The battleship “Roma” was sunk by two radio-controlled bombs Ruhrstahl SD 1400 (or FX 1400) launched by German Dornier Do 217Ks of Luftwaffe’s Kampfgeschwader 100 took off by Istres Airport, France, on 9 September 1943 during the transfer of the Italian Fleet to Malta after the Italy’s Armistice. Over 1200 of 1849 men of the crew died included the chief of Italian Regia Marina’s battle naval forces Admiral Carlo Bergamini and the Lieut. Col. Mario Giannini, Commander of Ship’s Aviation with the other eight member of Reparto Volo (Flight Section) of the “Roma”. Destroyed also the two Ro.43s, military codes MM. 27112 and 27153, assigned to the ship. Victor Sierra

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Was part of NATO minning exercise out of Sicily. My crew dropped a 8 mine line across La Spezia entrance and the Italian Navy mine sweepers removed them. You could see WW2 gun emplacements on the clifs. Beautiful harbor.