The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada - Canadian Forces | Gallery

The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada

After the Italian campaign, the Seaforths moved to North-West Europe in March 1945. The Regiment finished the last few months of the war clearing German forces from the Scheldt Estuary in Holland, and upon the German surrender, were the first Allied unit to enter the city of Amsterdam.

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From the text it seems they are getting ready to invade Vancouver. Nice photo

Shouldn’t this be in the Canadian section of this site. The Seaforth Highlanders were a regiment raised in Vancouver and the lower mainland of British Columbia… they were finally heading home after six years of war… many of these men signed up to fight in the Pacific but the atomic bomb ended that. Many of the Canadian soldiers and sailors enlisted to fight the war in Europe. When the war in Europe ended, they were then asked to volunteer to fight the Japanese in the Pacific theatre of war, this resulted in one ship, The HMCS Uganda actually voting themselves out of the war and being sent home from the Pacific. The Uganda gained some level of infamy when they accidentially raked the decks of the HMS Illustrious while under attack from Japanese aircraft ! A number of British sailors and marines lost their lives as a result!