The son-in-law also rises ... - German Leadership | Gallery

The son-in-law also rises ...

SS-Gruppenfuhrer (Obergruppenfuhrer, Waffen-SS) Hermann Fegelein and Margarete (Gretl) Braun (sister of Eva) enjoy an intimate moment, 1944. On 3 June, 1944, the couple married in Salzburg, after which they adjourned to a 3-day wedding party hosted by Eva Braun at the Berghof. One might wonder about the prospects for this union; Hermann was Gretl's (I think) third husband, and the man himself was a noted philanderer. In any event, the marriage did not save Fegelein when, following an attempt to flee Berlin in the final Bunker days (he was Himmler's personal representative to the Fuhrer's headquarters, in succession to Karl Wolff), he was tried for treason (possibly) and shot to death by SS guards. There is no record of Eva having pleaded for his life. Perhaps, by now, it appeared irrelevant to her; perhaps she did not know. Best regards, JR.

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In the recent film "The fall", Eva Braun pleads for him.