The State of the Site.

This site is, as our American cousins say, going to hell in a handbasket lately.

And notably through endless spam postings by repeat offender spammers whose ID’s and IP addresses cannot be banned by the mods who do ALL the work in managing the forum for the benefit of the members and, ultimately, the site owner who apparently couldn’t give a fishy fuck about the mods’ considerable daily efforts which preserve the site for the site owner’s benefit.

The site owner is entirely unreasonable towards, and disgracefully exploitative and utterly contemptuous of, the volunteer mods in expecting them to continue to spend a ridiculous amount of their unpaid time to delete the endless spam posts which are flooding the board while steadfastly refusing to give them the power to ban painfully obvious spammers.

If the site owner can’t be fucked taking steps to protect his investment, I’m fucked if I can see why the mods should waste their valuable time trying to do a King Canute (the various spellings of which include Cnut, which is a simple internal vowel and consonant transposition away from the way the site owner is behaving towards both the mods and members of the site) holding back the waves.

Site owner, here’s a basic rule of military and every other form of effective management: Do not confer responsibility without equivalent authority.

The mods are undoubtedly capable of preserving the site if, as Churchill said to Roosevelt when seeking American help in WWII, “Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”

If the site owner doesn’t give the mods the tools to do their job, the spammers and fuckwits will finish the site, as they have many others, while the site owner sits, Cnut like, on his throne futilely commanding the waves to retreat. Assuming he even gives a fuck about the waves swamping his site.

All I can say is…if you see RS coming down the street, ya better put it in first gear and run!!..Ouch!!!

Such things are much better dealt with by PM, so take this there. For anyone not clear on things, the site owner is Procyon.

All I can say here is I agree in essence, if not the actual words. This isnt the only site I frequent, or indeed Mod at, but this is the only site that has this amount of Spam.

As for fuckwits, thats an objective thing, you cant expect everyone to have the same level of understanding as, er everyone…

Unfortunately, we are a few good men right now, we cant appoint new Mods or change the site setup unless the owner gives us more power.

I await the owner as the chief Mod right now.

Firefly, pdf27, nickdfresh, ladies and gentlemen:

Things got a bit heated in this thread but mostly in other threads recently, primarily because I started this thread with what pdf27, quite reasonably in retrospect, saw as an incendiary post and responded in what I, quite reasonably in retrospect, saw as an incendiary post. So things blew up from there, in the usual incremental manner which is how wars start.

My OP here wasn’t meant to be incendiary but merely a comment about the site’s recent problems expressed in my normal gentle, restrained, balanced and humorous manner. :wink: :smiley:

Anyway, to the extent that I’ve been an unintentionally disruptive Cnut in starting this thread which led to starting and contributing to the related threads, I’m sorry.

Well herman, arn’t you lucky you don’t live in Melbourne hey!

It’s kind of quiet here this morning and I “miss” my favourite first-cup-of-coffee-lecture. Could it be that measures have been taken regarding a certain member?

I don’t think so.

I’m still here. :wink: :mrgreen:

Conspiracy, or alien intervention?

Aly j has a profile but doesn’t appear in the member list:

Spooky, huh?

I suspect she’s deleted her profile after she finally got banned for displaying implausible levels of stupidity. She’s started to send Nick abuse on another forum about it :wink:

So much for this being the first forum she’s been on. Sorry to hear she’s bugging our mods on other forums, that’s low. BTW…Hey RS! Glad you didn’t leave (one way or the other):wink:

Might be true - she didn’t join the other forum until after being banned here!

Can I take it that I’ll be safe if I display only plausible levels of stupidity? It’s worked alright for me so far. :wink: :smiley:

Well, a lot of people feel like that about Nick at times :D, but he’s used to it. :mrgreen:

Might I say that I find it surprising that a semi-literate technozombie like aly j managed to find another site and, even more remarkably, is managing to stalk Nick there (something else he’s used to, being an international chick magnet :wink: :smiley: ). Which rather suggests that “her” online personality was sufficiently full of **** (I was going to say ****, but in light of the new regime on ruthlessly expunging vulgarity I thought it better to say ****) to deserve her apparent demise on this board.

A pity, really, because when aly had one of her lucid intervals when she forgot to pretend to be a mong (I was going to say f**ktard, but that would be unacceptable) she was capable of carrying on a sensible discussion of WWII issues. It’s her and the site’s loss that she didn’t.

Our loss is their loss. :mrgreen:

I appreciate that, especially as it’s a pleasant change from slinking out the back door after crapping in my own, or at at least the resident animal’s, nest. :smiley:

Wishing You a Marvelous Morning RS and Flame Guy!:wink:

Herman, it wasn’t you I was missing there for I know you don’t post on weekends.:wink:

Oh LOL She can bug me there all she likes, personally, I think it is sort of funny…

We have a saying;

‘Theres nowt as funny as folk’

Sums up quite a few people all over the web…

I reckon she’s got the hots for you.

shee just dost no how too spel it :mrgreen: