The Story of Hungarian Soldier Takacs - Hungarian Forces | Gallery

The Story of Hungarian Soldier Takacs

Karoly TAKACS (Taa-kaach) was born at Budapest and joined the Hungarian army during the 1930’s, rising to the rank of sergeant. Soon an expert pistol shooter, he anticipated participation in the 1936 Olympics at Berlin, but current upper-crust inspired Hungarian regulations excluded non-commissioned officers from the team. During 1938, a malfunctioning grenade exploded in his right hand and he lost the use of his shooting right arm. Determined and persistent, Sergeant Takacs went on to relearn handling a pistol with his left hand and arm, surprising everyone by soon winning additional national pistol shooting championships. In fact, at the 1948 London Olympics, he won a gold medal in the 25 meter rapid fire pistol competition, repeating the same accomplishment at Helsinki in 1952. Serving as a national inspiration during the gloomy postwar years, Takacs died in 1976 with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

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Outstanding for him!!!

Being a target shooter myself I know how hard it must have been,to change to his left arm/hand.I prefer the two hand grip for both target and practical shooting though :wink: