The Swastika? Please Vote!!!!

Should the swastika be outlawed on the site??? I dont mean in reference to actual historical pictures, but as far as avatars, parts of avatars or sigs.

If you are offended by it vote yes. If you are okay with it vote no.

This is a important topic IMO. Thanks

Gen. Sandworm

P.S. This site in no way supports neo-nazism, nazism, racisim or other venue’s of anti-semitism.

I’m a PROPER liberal, so I’m not at all in favour of banning anything, but I have to say I would find someone using a Swastika as their avatar somewhat distasteful, and would have to question their motives. Thats not to say I would want to ban them from doing so, but I would reserve the right to tell them that I think they’re a fuckwit!

I would have to agree with ya. So would you call Prince Harry (Is that right?) a fuckwit for dressing up like a Nazi and wearing the Swastika at that one party?

Yes he was

Voted for allowing them, as ale said it’s personal choice (and on a WW2 board, the national emblem on one of the main protaganists can’t really ignored or swept under the carpet). I’d reserve the right to call someone who used on as an avatar a cunt if they were using it in a way I thought was cuntish though.

There was a motion to ban the Swastika in the whole of the EU, cos some countries were oppressed under it for a couple of years. Then, the former Eastern blok countries piped up & said “only if you ban the hammer & sickle, cos we were oppressed under that for 40 years”. Then, France (& a few others) said “but we still have political parties which use that emblem!” :shock:

Thus the debate died, thankfully. There is a horrible double standard with regard to Nazi & Soviet iconography. I find it rather sad that we still have Communist parties - an idelology which is as, if not more, offensive to me than Naziïsm.

Yes allot of countries still have communist parties. They seem to still feel that communism will work. I guess that means they dont know fu** about history. History will repeat itself. South Africa still has a communist party I believe.

0% success rate, and 95,000,000 democides in the 20th century (best estimate)

There are still 5 communist dictatorships remaining:

North Korea

And may their regimes end quickly and as painlessly as possible.

South Africa still has a communist party I believe.

Its called the ANC isn’t it? :wink:

I’m not sure that in the context of Prince Harry I would call him a fuckwit; he was after all going to a fancy dress party. It was certainly an ill-considered move though, especially as he is so very much in the public eye. Personally, I wouldn’t have done that though.

I would call someone who used a Swastika as an Avatar a fuckwit if it became apparent that they were doing it because of their political sympathies. If they were doing it for fun, I would probably restrict myself to thinking they were a right idiot.

I would feel equally strongly about Communist insignia such as Hammers and Sickles, if not more so. Given the choice between a Nazi and a Communist I think I know who I’d choose.

For what its worth, my family background is Polish, so I have little love for either ideology.

I don`t like nazism,fasism and comunism.

i like the armies,uniforms,weapons,vehicles and militaria.

btw,i like capitalism :lol: :lol: :lol:

Quite true Man of Stoat!

I voted swastika to be allowed on the site as a personal choice for avatars, part of avatars or signatures. We didn’t ban the using of “Adolf Hitler” name for our 119th member! Why should we ban now?
Should we ban also Iron Cross using?

The law was proposed by Germany and Austria, where Nazi parties are illegal and considered criminal organisations (based on Allied occupational laws from 1945, but introduced into the respective country´s legislation. E.g. displaying Nazi symbols and propaganda in Germany, with the exception for movie or theatre purposes, education and scientific research, like museums, as long as the Nazis are not being glorified, is punishable with up to 3 years prison). The problem was that certain Neo-Nazis used the more liberal laws in neighbouring countries, like e.g. Denmark, to spread their propaganda into Germany and Austria.


People are how they are. I am not against it, I am not saying it is in the best of taste to use it I am just saying it doesn’t offend me.

I think just as long as they don’t post on how Hitler was the greatest man alive, or how much better it would be if Germany won WWII, they could have it as their avatar and or signature. And y’all already allow the Iron Cross on the avatars, and it means basically the same thing.

Yea I mean it is how someone interprets it. Everyone views things different. Saying the iron cross could be much more offensive to me than the swastika. It is all about personal opinion.


The Iron Cross is another symbol having been hijacked by the Nazis. It´s origins reach back to the Napoleonic wars, when it was designed as a decoration by the famous architect and artist Schinkel.
As such it is being used by the modern Bundeswehr.
The Wehrmacht used the “Balkenkreuz” with straight lines to mark their equipment.

The Swastika was originally a good luck symbol, and is still used as such in both Buddhism and Hinduism, though there it is usually standing on a side, not on a corner and is facing counterclockwise. The Nazi version faces clockwise and is standing on a corner. AFAIK, there is a movement now among Hindus in both Britain and the US to reclaim the Swastika to be used for it´s original religious purpose.


Off-topic: Jan, what kind of cross Bundeswehr use to mark their equipments?

You mean the one with the swunglines, that looks a bit like a Maltese Cross? It´s the original Prussian Iron Cross.

BTW, the Skull and Bones used by the Totenkopfverbände of the SS were hijacked from Prussian Cavalry units and are also dating back to the Napoleonic wars. The Skull and Bones were first used by the Hussars, and later by Armoured Units. Since the Wehrmacht tankers wore the Skull and Bones on their caps (their units having previously been cavalry regiments, just like the Royal Armoured Corps of the British Army) and since their uniforms consisted of black overalls (due to the dirt and grease inside a tank), with a black cap, they often get confused with SS troops.


IIRC they often wore much lighter overalls on the eastern front to give them some chance of survival if captured (I would imagine the chance of an SS man surviving capture would be very small indeed).

The Prussian cavalry units aren’t the only ones to use the skull and cross bones either - the photo below is of the current cap badge of the Queen’s Royal Lancers

(My emboldenment)

Have to take a small issue with that Walther, I have some Indian books which predate the Nazis which show the swastika in both directions.
But as you rightly say they are normally ‘stood’ on the side as opposed to a corner.

Well as by the poll it seems that most do not mind it on the site. So we will leave it like that. I moved this topic to the German Military since it has some bering in there. What do you think Dani??? You can move it if you dont think it does.