The tale about seduction of Stalin's daughter.


The grates tyran of them all! The personification of evil. The blood hungry beast. These word are not about the moderator of this forum. :wink: They are about Stalin. Josef Stalin. Josef Dzhugashvili. Koba.

I guess you all wondered - WHY? Why all those suffering and ordeal during his rule and before when he was in a lower power position. Was it becasue he was an evil person? A fanatic? A persistant politician? A wise man whose good intention were perverted by the bad guys? Many question - few answers.

But here is the story that could help us to get an insight into how personaly Stalin was evil.

Here is the extract from chapter “The mystery of 1937” form the book “Russia, XX century.” by Vadim Kozhinov.

V.Kozhinov, “The mystery of 1937”

A chapter from the book “Russia, XXth century”

The following fact from Stalin’s life can illustrate that he him self was not some kind of exceptional personification of evil and vindictiveness. In October 1942 Stalin’s son Vasily planned to take motion picture about pilots. He invited known producers and scenario writers like Roman Karmen, Michail Slutsky, Konstantin Simonov and Aleksey Kapler (co-writer for scenario of the famous movie about Lenin. Winner of the Stalin’s prize in 1941 and so on.).

As it was later described by the Stalin’s daughter, Svetlana, that slightly overweight man [Aleksey Kapler, 1904–1979] almost in his fourties had “a gift of getting easily arround with all sorts of people”.
He invited sixteen y.o. Svetlana to see foreighn movies with “erotic” incline (films were shown in a private cinema for just two of them…), presented her a typewrite copy of the Hemingway’s novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (where tens of pages are dedicated to picture “love” in American sense of that word) and other “books for grownups”, dansed playful foxtrots. He wrote and even published in “Pravda” love letters to her and finaly approached her with kisses (All this is described in the book by Svetlana).
At the same time it can be said, that the leader’s daughter did not possess much of female charm (I can personaly state that as I in the 1950s - beginning 1960s was working together with Svetlana Stalina in the Institute of the World Litterature). Even more, by the year 1942 she still was a “undeveloped” teenager or, as she sais herself, “funny duckling”
In other words, it is doubious that A.Kapler loved or was personaly attracted to Svetlana. It is very likely that Kapler just attempted to “win” the daughter of the mighty leader…

Svetlana Stalina later wrote about her father:“While I was a little girl, he was found of kissing me and I will never forget that tenderness. That was a pure georgian warm tenderness towards children.” These words are confermed by published lately correspondence between Stlain and his daughter (before September 1941, i.e. before Kapler’s appearance on the stage) and the family photos. And suddenly a stranger, an outside man, invades this sentimental relationship. A man about whom Stlian said with authority:“You fool, he has so many other women!”

The very fact of “seduction” of a school aged minor by an experienced man was prosecuted by criminal code. But Stlain obviously could not allow this matter to go the official way. So Kapler, who hed continious contacts with foreighners, was charged with "espionage " by NKVD on 2nd of March 1943.
Though the “punishment” was surprizingly mild: Kapler was relocated to work in Dramma Theatre in town Vorkuta (he also worked as a photografer in parralel)! But in 5 year in 1948 he was sentesed for 5 years in prison for breaking exile rules and unauthorized visit to Moscow. But hardly Stalin was involved this time as such sentenses were normal in those year for such daring breaking of the rules.

It will not be exhageration to say, that almost every man (or at least vast majority) possessing “caucasian mentality” being on the Stalin’s place and having unlimited power would act much harsher. In the middle of his “affair” Kapler visited Stalingrad (from where he sent to “Pravda” love letter from “leutenant K.”, i.e. Kapler, and obviously addressed to Svetlana). It would not take anything from Stalin to make a secret order to shoot Kapler in the heat of the frontline, though it could be easily done back in Moscow - any “accident” would do… But “Stalin’s all consuming vengeance” did not reach further than “administrative exile”, which in those rough times was rather exception, then a rule. In 1943 about 68.887 people were jailed for “political” charges, but only 4.787 people send to exile, i.e. only 1 for every 15 sentensed…

All these of course does not mean that Stalin did not dictate most severe sentenses, but at the same time this story with Kapler creates deep doudbt about the version by which Stalin was personaly most evil and vindictive person on Earth.

I address this issue in order to clear the approach to understsanding of the meaning of the year 1937. At th e end, even if Stalin’s charecter was unicly “evil” (and Kapler’s case was some kind of strange exception from the rule) the attempts to explain the terror of 1937 by Stalin’s individual state of mind - most primitive thing on the level of children book, which explain the troubles as result of acts of some sort cartoon character.

Chapter from the book “Russia, the century OF THE XX” About the fact that Stalin was personally not from a number the there outgoing embodiment of spite and vengeance, sufficiently convincingly testifies at least this episode of his life. During October 1942 son of Stalin, Vasiliy iosifovich, planned to take motion picture about the pilots and invited to themselves well-known directors and scenarios, among whom there were the novel of Carmen, Mikhail slutskiy, Constantine Simonov and Aleksey (him they called in this company “lyusya”) coupler - co-author of the scenarios of the renowned films about Lenin, the laureate of the Stalin reward, prisuzhdennoy in 1941 and, etc. As recalled subsequently the daughter of Stalin, Svetlana iosifovna, this almost forty year and already grown stout man had “a gift of light unconstrained contact with the most different of lyud’mi”[e ]. He began to show to sixteen-year schoolgirl Svetlana foreign films with the “erotic” incline (by the way, on the special-surveys for two…), entrusted to it the typewritten text of the transfer of khemingueevskogo novel “on anyone it rings the bell” (where tens of pages occupy the impressive image of “love” in the American value of this word) and other “adult” books about the love, it danced with it playful foxtrots, it wrote and even it published in the newspaper “Pravda” amorous letters to it and finally it approached the kisses (all this is in detail described in the recollections Of s.I.Stalinoy). In this case it cannot be hushed up that the daughter of leader was by no means characterized by the female charm (I can about this testify, since at the end 1950 - beginning 1960- X was annual colleague Svetlana iosifovny in the institute of the world literature of the academy of sciences), and moreover in 1942 it yet did not pass the boundary of teenage “nedoformirovannosti” and, according to its own definition, “it was ridiculous chicken” (s. 164). In a word, hardly is the foundations for perceiving in the described behavior Of “lyusi” the expression of fateful passion, and it is difficult to doubt the fact that in reality Of “lyusey” was undertaken an attempt at the “achievement” of the daughter of great leader… Svetlana iosifovna wrote subsequently about the father: "thus far I was girl, it loved to kiss me, and 4 I will forget this kindness never. This was purely Georgian hot tenderness to the children… “(”). The aforesaid convincingly confirm those published now Stalin’s correspondence with the daughter (until September 1941 - i.e., not long before the appearance Of “lyusi”) and family photographs. And here in these sentimental relations invaded the strange man, about whom Stalin impressively said to the daughter: “in it by the circle of ram, fool!” (s. 170). An attempt at the “seducing” by the highly experienced man of minor schoolgirl itself was the provided criminal code by act, but Stalin, certainly, in no way it could allow the official investigation of the “matter”, which is concerned its daughter. And for the coupler, which was being constantly associated with the foreigners, THE NKVD produced on 2 March, 1943, standard charge in the “espionage”. However, “punishment” was straight-away to the consternation soft: “lyusyu” they sent to manage the literary part Of the vorkutinskogo dramatic theater (besides this - or even later - it he worked as photographer)! True, in five years, in 1948, for the arbitrary arrival into Moscow they condemned it to the five-year conclusion, but hardly Stalin dictated this new punishment: it was usual in those years for the audacious disturbance of the regime of deportee. However, the essence of the matter in other. Not it will by exaggeration assert that almost each (or already, at least, the overwhelming majority) person with the “Caucasian mentality”, it prove to be on the spot of Stalin, that exists in the situation of “seducing” of daughter- schoolgirl by forty year man, also, with the presence of limitless authority - it would enter much more severe! At the heighth of its “novel” the coupler left to Stalingrad (from where it sent into “Pravda” amorous letter “Lieutenant L.” - i.e., “lyusi”, completely obviously inverted to Svetlana). And for Stalin nothing it was worthwhile to return secret order to shoot coupler in the frontal situation, although, of course, and in Moscow for this it befitted to any “accident”… Nevertheless Stalin the “all-devouring vengeance” (according to the expression A.V.Antonova-Ovseyenko) did not go further the “administrative dispatch” of coupler, which in those severe times was clearly rare exception, and not by the rule: thus, in 1943 on the “political” charges in camp, the colony and prison were concluded 68887 people, and for the reference are sent in all only 4787 chelovek[ya ], i.e., only one of fifteen osuzhdennykh… All this, of course, it by no means means that Stalin did not dictate the most severe sentences, but at the same time history with the coupler causes the deepest doubts about the soundness of version about from the number of there outgoing personal spite and vindictiveness of Joseph Vissarionovich. However, this problem, as we still will see, not at all has vital importance, and I was turned to it only for the fact that, so to speak, to clear way to understanding of the real sense of 1937. Finally even if Stalin’s nature would be unique “villainous” (but the “case of coupler” it was, it is said, certain strange deviation from the usual behavior of leader), nevertheless the explanation of the terror of 1937 by individual Stalin psyche - this extremely primitive occupation, which is not risen above the level of those intended for the children of the low-order age of books, that explain of any kind of calamity by the intrigues of any lubochnogo villain…

Already done that for ya buddy the Babble Fish Translator really comes in handy

I translated the text.

Thank you Dorr! :slight_smile:

Here is another short account of this story. Look for the third paragraph on the page.
Note how different it is described. :wink: