The Ukrainian Insurgent Army

The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Ukrainian: Українська Повстанська Армія, Ukrayins’ka Povstans’ka Armiya, UPA) was an independent Ukrainian guerrilla army formed on October 14, 1942, in Volhynia. The UPA was the military branch of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. The main goal of the UPA was an independent Ukraine. Its leaders were Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera.

The UPA fought a broad spectrum of military forces in the area: the German Wehrmacht, the Nazi German SS, the Polish Armia Krajowa and the Soviet Red Army. The UPA also fought the Ukrainian supporters of the latter three. After World War II, UPA partisan units continued fighting the Soviet Union and communist Poland until the early 1950s, especially in Carpathian Mountains regions. It was unique among practically all resistance movements in Nazi-occupied Europe in that it had no significant foreign support, making its growth and strength an indication of its popularity among the Ukrainian people.

wasn’t there a polish counterpart to this ,called WIN,that had the same goal of fighting soviet occupation in poland?

I am not acquainted with the abbreviation WIN. I would like to point out that there wasn’t Polish armed resistance to the Soviet occupation. On the contarary Poland sided with the USSR in the struggle against the Ukrainaian Insurgent Army. Polish security forces committed atrocities towards Ukrainian civillians living in Poland. They conducted operation Operation Wisła (Polish: Akcja ‘Wisła’ or Akcja ‘W’). The code name of the military operation, by Polish military and security units (28 April to 31 July 1947), that resulted in the deportation of 150,000 Ukrainians from their autochthonous territories (the Lemko region, Sian region, and Kholm region) in southeastern Poland to Poland’s ‘regained territories’ (Ziemie Odzyskane), newly acquired from Germany, in the north and northwest.
Officially the purpose of Operation Wisła was to destroy Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) units active in the Lemko region as well as to deprive them of a base of support among the local population. On 17 April 1947 the Polish State Committee on Public Security issued an order for the implementation of Operation Wisła, and it was sanctioned by a decree of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of Poland dated 24 April 1947.

No, it wasn’t a counterpart.
WiN was established in september 1945 as a civilian-military organisation which was against soviet occupation of Poland. They also declined the eastern border of Poland confirmed in Yalta by U.S., Great Britain and USSR.

In the beginning WiN focused on political agitation, but in response to the communist terror (arresting, murdering of its members by UB, NKVD and forces of Ministry of Public Security) decided to start armed ressitance. The strongest units of WiN were operating in central and eastern Poland. WiN was subordinated to the Polish Armed Forces in the West.

Due to intensive infiltration by communist intelligence, it was totally compromised in 1948. From that time controlled by the UB, WiN started close cooperation with CIA and british intelligence. In 1952, when CIA prepared a group of U.S. officers to be transported to Poland in order to support WiN structures, polish communist counter-intelligence finished the “spy-game” and annouced the liquidation of WiN.


I am not acquainted with the abbreviation WIN. I would like to point out that there wasn’t Polish armed resistance to the Soviet occupation.

…perhaps you are underinformed…

as much as i hate Wiki…they have the most concise info on this subject…

The ‘cursed soldiers’ (Polish: Żołnierze wyklęci) is a name applied to a variety of Polish resistance movements that were formed in the later stages of World War II and afterwards. Created by former members of the anti-Nazi organizations of WWII, these organizations continued the struggle against the Soviet domination of Poland well into the 1950s. Most of these groups ceased operations in the late 1940s or 1950s. However, the last ‘cursed soldier’, Józef Franczak, was killed in an ambush as late as 1963, almost 20 years after the Soviet take-over of Poland.

The main Polish resistance movement in World War II, Armia Krajowa (or simply AK), officially disbanded on 19 January 1945 to avoid armed conflict with the Soviets and the prospect of a civil war. However, many units decided to continue their struggle under new circumstances, seeing the Soviet forces as new occupiers. Soviet partisans operating in Polish or disputed territories had already been ordered by Moscow on June 22, 1943 to engage Polish partisans in combat,[1] and in those territories they actually attacked the Poles more often than they did the Germans.[2] Similarly, the main forces of the Red Army (Northern Group of Forces) and the NKVD conducted operations against AK partisans, even during or directly after the Polish Operation Tempest, which was designed by the Poles to be a joint Polish-Soviet action against the retreating Germans.[3] Stalin’s aim was to ensure that an independent Poland would never reemerge in the postwar period.[4]

The Soviet and Polish communists viewed most of the Polish underground, which was loyal to the Polish government-in-exile, as a force that had to be removed before they could gain complete control over Poland.[2] Future General Secretary of PZPR, Władysław Gomułka, is quoted as saying: “Soldiers of AK are a hostile element which must be removed without mercy.” Another prominent Polish communist, Roman Zambrowski, said that the AK had to be “exterminated.”[3]

The first AK structure designed primarily to deal with the Soviet threat was the NIE, formed in mid-1943. NIE’s goal was not to engage the Soviet forces in combat, but rather to observe and conduct espionage while the Polish government-in-exile decided how to deal with the Soviets. At that time, the exiled government still believed that the solution could be found through negotiations. On May 7, 1945, the NIE (“NO”) was disbanded and transformed into the Delegatura Sił Zbrojnych na Kraj (“Armed Forces Delegation for Homeland”). However, this organization lasted only until August 8, 1945, when the decision was made to disband it and stop partisan resistance on Polish territory.[3]

The first Polish communist government, PKWN, was formed in July 1944, but declined jurisdiction over AK soldiers. Consequently, for more than a year, it was Soviet agencies like the NKVD that took care of dealing with the AK. By the end of the war, approximately 60,000 soldiers of the AK had been arrested, and 50,000 of them were deported to the Soviet Union’s gulags and prisons. Most of those soldiers had been captured by the Soviets during or in the aftermath of Operation Tempest, when many AK units tried to cooperate with the Soviets in a nationwide uprising against the Germans.[3] Other veterans were arrested when they decided to approach the government after being promised amnesty. In 1947, an amnesty was passed for most of the partisans; the Communist authorities expected around 12,000 people to give up their arms, but the actual number of people to come out of the forests eventually reached 53,000. Many of them were arested despite promoses of freedom; after repeated broken promises during the first few years of communist control, AK soldiers stopped trusting the government.[3]

The third AK organization was Wolność i Niezawisłość (“Freedom and Sovereignty”). Again, its primary goal was not combat; rather, the WiN was designed to help AK soldiers transition from the life of partisans to that of civilians. The continued secrecy and conspiracy were necessary in light of the increasing persecution of AK veterans by the communist government. WiN was, however, much in need of funds to pay for false documents and to provide resources for the partisans, many of whom had lost their homes and entire life’s savings in the war. Viewed as enemies of the state, starved of resources, and with a vocal faction advocating armed resistance against the Soviets and their Polish proxies, WiN was far from efficient.[3] A significant victory for the NKVD and the newly created Polish secret police, Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (UB), came in the second half of 1945, when they managed to convince several leaders of the AK and WiN that they truly wanted to offer amnesty to AK members. Within a few months, they managed to gain information about vast numbers of AK/WiN resources and people. Several months later when the (imprisoned) AK and WiN leaders realized their mistake, the organization was crippled and thousands more of their members were arrested.[3] WiN was finally disbanded in 1952.

The NKVD and UB were certainly not beyond using force. In the autumn of 1946, a group of 100-200 soldiers of Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (NSZ) were lured into a trap and massacred. By 1947, a colonel of the communist forces declared that “The terrorist and political underground has ceased to be a threatening force, although there are still men of the forests” that need to be dealt with.[3]

The persecution of the AK was only part of the big picture of Stalinism in Poland. In the period of 1944-1956, approximately two million people were arrested, and over 20,000 (including Witold Pilecki, the hero of Auschwitz) were executed or murdered in communist prisons.[3] A further six million Polish citizens (i.e., one out of every three adult Poles) were classified as suspected members of a ‘reactionary or criminal element’ and subjected to investigation by state agencies.[3] In 1956, an amnesty released 35,000 former AK soldiers from prisons. For the crime of fighting for their homeland, they had spent 10 years or more years in prison. Still, some partisans remained in the countryside, unwilling or simply unable to rejoin the community. They became known as the cursed soldiers. Stanisław Marchewska (“Ryba”) was killed in 1957, and the last AK partisan, Józef Franczak (“Lalek”), was killed in 1963[3] — almost two decades after the Second World War ended. It was only four years later, in 1967, that Adam Boryczka, a soldier of the AK and a member of the elite, British-trained Cichociemny (“The Silent and Hidden”) intelligence and support group, was released from prison. Until the end of the People’s Republic of Poland, AK soldiers were under investigation by the secret police, and it was only in 1989, after the fall of communism, that the sentences of AK soldiers were finally declared invalid and annulled by the Polish courts.[3]

[edit] Organizations
Among the best-known of these organizations were:

Wolność i Niezawisłość (Freedom and Independence, WIN)
Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (National Armed Forces, NSZ)
Narodowe Zjednoczenie Wojskowe (National Military Alliance, NZW)
Konspiracyjne Wojsko Polskie (Underground Polish Army, KWP)
Ruch Oporu Armii Krajowej (Resistance of the Home Army, ROAK)
Armia Krajowa Obywatelska (Citizens’ Home Army, AKO)
Delegatura Sił Zbrojnych na Kraj
Wolność i Sprawiedliwość (Freedom and Justice, WIS)

^ Tadeusz Piotrowski, Poland’s Holocaust, McFarland & Company, 1997, ISBN 0-7864-0371-3. Google Print, p.88, p.89, p.90
^ a b Review of Sowjetische Partisanen in Weißrußland, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, in Sarmatian Review, April 2006
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Rzeczpospolita, 02.10.04 Nr 232, Wielkie polowanie: Prześladowania akowców w Polsce Ludowej (Great hunt: the persecutions of AK soldiers in the People’s Republic of Poland), last accessed on 7 June 2006
^ Judith Olsak-Glass, Review of Piotrowski’s Poland’s Holocaust in Sarmatian Review, January 1999.

i have something of a personal connection to this as my mother’s family is from Mrzyglod,near Sanok, in SE Poland.Two of my grandmothers brothers were in WiN…they are the man on left and the guy in the center in this photo…

the one on the left died in an “accident” at the factory that he worked in in Sanok around '50-'51…friends of the family later told my grandmother that he had been pushed into a grinder by local communists…a machine that was under repair at the time,supposedly,but it came on somehow when he fell into it…

sorry Kovalski…i guess i was busy putting together my post when you did yours…lol…

Found some stuff on the UPA/OUN:

savoy and kowalski: What was the relationship between the UPA and AK? I heard it hostile, but I suspect that analysis may have been spread by the soviets as sort of a “divide and rule” tactic.

it’s my understanding that it was hostile but that dated from before OP: Vistula.

between WW1 and WW2 there was a good bit of local fighting between ethnic ukranians and ethnic poles…kinda something along the lines of N.Ireland…a couple of people executed here, an ambush there,etc. like N. Ireland it had the usual religeous component as well…(catholic vs. orthodox).both sides had a good bit of blood on their hands by WW2…the AK and UPA spent too much time fighting each other and the soviet/polish communist forces not to lose in the end…

Sure mst savoy the so called ethnic conflics between the poles and ukrainian nationalist had he places.
But i/m strongly doubt in the N.Ireland the religiouse/ethnic conflict was a such bloody.
It is claimed that in February 1944 local elements of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army began attacking the Polish minority population, killing many in an effort to drive the Poles out of Volhyn. These actions were conducted by many units and seemed well-coordinated. Two delegates of the Polish government in Exile, J. Z. Rumel and K. Markiewicz, together with a group of representatives from the Polish Home Army, attempted to negotiate with UPA leaders, but soon they were found murdered (on July 8, 1943). Within three days, on July 11, a round of massacres began, with many reports of UPA units marching from village to village, killing Polish civilians. The massacres lasted 5 days, until July 16. It is also asserted that the UPA continued the ethnic cleansing, particularly in rural areas, until most Poles had been deported, killed or expelled. After 1944, the scale of such actions was limited.
Exact numbers of civilian victims remain unknown. Various historians estimate the number at between 35,000 and 60,000 in Volhyn alone, while estimates of all Polish victims of ethnic cleansing in Ukraine run as high as 100,000 or even 500,000.

The some of the "actions’ of UPA toward the polish population were out of human-limit.For instance they brutally killed the whole families with the childrens.In this role the ukrain nationalists were enen worst the the Germans SS.
The most of the famouse “Ukrainian hero” the Bronislav Kaminsky whose the SS brigade was used in the suppression of the Warsaw uprisin in the aug-sep1944.
The cruelty of this unis ( that was formed mostly from the ukranians voluntarists) had wondered even the Nazy.

More infor about UPA atrocities.
I hope our polish friend could help us to translate the text

Fot. 12. Zdjęcie ze zbiorów dr Aleksandra Kormana z wyjaśnieniem: ŁOBOZOWA (?), pow. Tarnopol, jesień 1943 lub 1944 roku. Terroryści OUN-UPA dokonali okrutnego mordu na polskich dzieciach. W alei starych drzew, do każdego drzewa przybijali wokół małe dzieci, tworząc tzw. “wianuszki” Aleję tę, na rozwieszonym transparencie nazwali “drogą do samostijnej Ukrainy”. Na zdjęciu jedno z drzew, na którym przybito czworo małych dzieci. Zdjęcie to publikuje J. Węgierski, informując, że pochodzi ono ze zbioru M. Domiszewskiego

Fot. 10. Zwłoki zamordowanych Polaków w Lipnikach podczas napadu UPA na kolonię. Fot. Sarnowski. Fotografia z książki Ewy i Władysława Siemaszków pt. “Ludobójstwo” tom 2, str. 1294.

actually…in the beginning of cromwell’s oppression in ireland, it was this bad…but i only used the “troubles” as an example of the inter-war conflict since most people have never heard of this.personally i just don’t get the whole ethnic cleansing thing…on the other hand,though, nothing says “get the hell out” like dead kids tied to trees with barbed wire…

as an aside chevan…what movie is the clip in your signature from? i gotta see that…

Actually they behaved like a beasts toward the non-ukrainians and even the ukrainians who was loyal for the poles.There a lot of cases whan the UPA killed the ukrainians for thet they try to saved the polish children.

as an aside chevan…what movie is the clip in your signature from? i gotta see that…

Well this is the old soviet film Osvobojdenie (Liberation) the director is the Nikolay Oserov.
This film was shoted in the1970-yy.
The movie that i’ve used for the picture tells about Kursk battle.The great mass shoting of the tens of the T-34-85 and the “plaster casts” of the Tiger ( on the chassi of the T-44).
The T-34 is the REAl and combat ready but the parody of Tigers are not good.
The one ONLY problem - in the Kursk battle (summer of 1943) there were NAVER the T-34-85 that had come to the service since the winter of the 1944;)
The basic soviet tank in the Kursk was the T-34-76 at that time.
Welli/m really do not know where could you get this movie in America. ( and honestly speaking the whole film is not good - the naive soviet propoganda) But if you wish i could send you the Mpeg clip ( about 44 mb ) with the part of the excellent scene with the combat of the T-34.

What could be more intersting to make the heroes from the UPA-OUN that was guit in the mass atrocities above the civilians in the Western Ukraine;)
Firstly this is the fary tells that the YPA fought with Germans and SS.
Actually UPA attacked some of germans groups of soldiers for the getting the wearpon and food i.e simply grabed them. After that all the germans soldier were free and come back to its units.
Certainly the Grmans command was not in delight from this “ukrainian fighters for independent” but the nazy simply slosed the eyes at the UPA coz the UPA “activity” helped them to hold the Ukraine and Polish population in the terror - this situation when the ukrainians slaughtered the poles was very liked by the Nazy.
Indeed the main goal of the UPA was not the “Independent Ukraine " but the “Ethnic-clear Ukraine”.
Fro the most begining of the German occupation the Stepan Bendera declared :
"The most danger enemy of the ukrainian people are the JEWs and the Moskali( they called the all russaian in such way)
So the policy of the UPA was fully in the spirit of Hoebbels - thus the ideologically the UPA was practically the allies of the Nazy.
Actually at the first time of the German occupation of Ukraine the fascists had tryed to involve the UPA in the “stragle against the Red army” but the UPA was not as good soldiers as cruel bandits.
But the practical Germans simply could not be ignored the Ukrainian national hate toward the other nations to be the succesfull used in the own nazy purposes.
Thus in the Ukraine in the 1941-42 were formed the some of the punitive units like the battalion of ukrainian SS “Nahtigal” and “Roland”.
Also the sadly known the brigade of Bronislav Kaminsky( that was so “succesfully” used in the suppression of the Warsaw uprising)
The all of the UPA leaders declared the policy of the Ethnic clearship and immediatelly had bagin it when the Germans controlls ( due to the hard situation at the Eastern front was weaker).
The method of henocide that they used were even the worst then use the Japanes in the China

This is a book of polish historian Alexander Korman who wrote a illustrated material about henocide of polish polulation by the “fredom fighters” from UPA.
Here is the some of the photos from of the victims (brutally murdered polish women and children)
Warning: if you have a weak nerves do not look
Those animals from UPA killed a thousands of the children by the most cruel way.


And a little addition…

That what declared the Bandera in his work " fight and activity of UPA-OUN during the war". 1941

  1. Ukraine for the ukrainians. The deths for the bolshevic-jewish community.
  2. The polish peasant- to assimilate . The polish leaders must be killed.( later the relation toward the poles was ONLY worst)
    3.No any help or food for the Moskalam ( he means the ukrainians of the russian origin in here). Let him to dead like a dogs.

The another leader of UPA - Jaroslav Stezko goes even far.
He wrote in the 1941 to the Rosenberg ( Hitlers advicer of the Eastern territories)
" i insist on the transference of the GErmans methods of the lidudation of the jews and other low races to the Ukraine"

“What could be more intersting to make the heroes from the UPA-OUN that was guit in the mass atrocities above the civilians in the Western Ukraine”
“Certainly the Germans command was not in delight from this “ukrainian fighters for independent” but the nazy simply slosed the eyes at the UPA coz the UPA “activity” helped them to hold the Ukraine and Polish population in the terror - this situation when the ukrainians slaughtered the poles was very liked by the Nazy.”

You pervert Ukrainian history, Chevan. You simply ignore the campaign of terror and genocide against Ukrainian civillians in Western Ukraine launched by Poles from AK and other Polish organisation who openly declared their plans to restore Poland within the borders of XVII century. If there hadn’t been OUN-UPA Polish armed groups would have just massacred all Ukrainians in Western Ukraine as they were indulged to do so by German authorities and instigated by Soviet communists. Nowadays even Poles admit the fact that
cruelties were committed by both sides of the conflict and it was a small wonder considering the history of Ukrainian-Polish relations. Polish presidents and high-ranked officials apologised to Ukrainians for brutalities and crimes commited by Poles then many times. People shown on snapshots you posted could be Ukrainains killed by Poles as well. And in general your posts about OUN-UPA copies the official version of Stalin’s propaganda designed to slander them and justify in the eyes of Soviet citizerns the horrifying Soviet suppression of this movement

“Firstly this is the fary tells that the YPA fought with Germans and SS.
Actually UPA attacked some of germans groups of soldiers for the getting the wearpon and food i.e simply grabed them. After that all the germans soldier were free and come back to its units.”

This is a perversion again. Your words “attacked some of germans groups of soldiers for the getting the wearpon and food i.e simply grabed them” can be applied to Soviet partisan as well. Actually it was always one of the main activities of all the partisans in the world. “After that all the germans soldier were free and come back to its units.” is a blatant lie. Perhaps there were such cases but it was done to avoid German retaliation against the civillian population of the areas. Of course as soviet partisans didn’t value much the lives of their fellow-citizerns they killed Germans without captivating anyone.
To measure the extent of the OUN-UPA struggle against Germans one simply need to compare the main battles between Germans and partisans in different countries. For instance the biggest clash between French partisans “maquis” and German troops took place at Vercors plateau. About 8000 German and foreign soldiers and policemen under general Karl Pflaum assaulted the positions of maquisards and quickly gained a complete victory over them. 600 maquisards were killed many more injured.
By comparison in June 1943 German SS and police forces under the command of General von dem Bach-Zalewski, seen as an expert in fighting against guerrillas, attempted to destroy UPA-North in Volyn during Operation “BB” (Bandenbekampfung). He was chosen specifically by Himmler to destroy UPA in this operation. [3] During Operation “BB” Bach-Zalewski had under his command 10 battalions of motorized SS troops, 10,000 German and Polish police, 2 regiments of the Hungarian army, and three battalions of Cossacks organized from among Soviet POWs.( approximately 35000 troops)[4] By August, this operation proved to be a military failure. During this struggle, on August 19-20 UPA captured the military center of Kamin Koshyrsky, defeating several German battalions and capturing large quantities of arms and ammunition.[4] General Bach-Zaleski was relieved of his command and replaced by General Prutzmann. Ultimately the German forces failed to destroy UPA or to establish control over the Volyn countryside.
And according to Chevan “nazy simply slosed the eyes at the UPA”

That what declared the Bandera in his work " fight and activity of UPA-OUN during the war". 1941

  1. Ukraine for the ukrainians. The deths for the bolshevic-jewish community.
  2. The polish peasant- to assimilate . The polish leaders must be killed.( later the relation toward the poles was ONLY worst)
    3.No any help or food for the Moskalam ( he means the ukrainians of the russian origin in here). Let him to dead like a dogs.

Bandera simply declared the necessity of the creation of Ukrainian natioanal state. As to the Polish leaders who brutally supressed Ukrainians in past and pursue the goals of purging Ukrainians from Western Ukraine I suppose they deserved death. And I would like to disappoint you. The attitude to Russians were quite tolerable. What’s more there was a sufficient number of Russians who joined OUN-UPA and fought against all the enemies of Ukraine. Some of them even wrote poems:

Судьба причудлива и, думаю, слепа.
Фамилия на “ов”, но воевал в УПА.
Привел меня туда авантюризм.
Но подарил мне правильную жизнь.

Безумный случай - и потом леса.
Топор опасности угрюмо нависал.
Сначала любопытство, а потом
походы долгие. Сходило семь потов.

Навеки я запомнил голый склон
и серый камень. Защищал лишь он.
Тупая мысль стучала у виска –
не допустить гранатного броска.

Мой озверевший пулемет строчил,
а я терял остатки жалких сил –
ведь мне шестнадцать, хочется пожить.
Гранаты взрыв - и оборвется нить.

Но милостив ко мне был добрый Бог.
Он выскользнуть из западни помог.
Заход к нам в тыл бездарно прогорел.
Жаль, пулемет остался на горе.

Наш четовой за это не ругал.
И даже буркнул: “Мал хоть, но удал”.
Один мой подвиг был на той войне.
Но страшный склон годами снится мне.

И я не знаю как его прогнать,
восстановить спокойной жизни гладь.
Ведь я себя за Родину губил.
Не на себя я тратил бездну сил.
Пускай моя фамилия на “ов”,
но я услышал Украины зов.

“the UPA was not as good soldiers as cruel bandits.” Chevan

Yeah… They managed to wage war against Germans without any foreign support, defeat Polish and Soviet partisans in Western Ukraine, resist NKVD troops till late 1950s refusing to lay down arms in spite of all amnesties declared for UPA fighters by the Soviet authorities. In fact the armed struggle was over only due to the fact that all the arseanls of weapons in the 1950s were exhausted the majority of UPA fighers killed and all the civilians suspected in sympathy for OUN-UPA deported to Siberia or Kazahstan. Very bad soldiers.

Well Kato
I/m ready to hear your point inspite i could not listen your “jastification” of the atrocities above the children.
So what the Polish atrocities do you mean that was made by AK?
Actually i/m read about polish plans of the “Great Poland from Baltic sea till the Black one” i.e the capturing of whole Ukraine.
But i have to say i heared noting about what the the poles did simular like UPA did.

If there hadn’t been OUN-UPA Polish armed groups would have just massacred all Ukrainians in Western Ukraine as they were indulged to do so by German authorities and instigated by Soviet communists. Nowadays even Poles admit the fact that
cruelties were committed by both sides of the conflict and it was a small wonder considering the history of Ukrainian-Polish relations.

And could you please tell us the any details about polish “atrocities” toward the Ukraine population.

Polish presidents and high-ranked officials apologised to Ukrainians for brutalities and crimes commited by Poles then many times.
People shown on snapshots you posted could be Ukrainains killed by Poles as well.

Oh yea…
So may be you wish to say the polish historian Alexander Korman is liing :wink:

And in general your posts about OUN-UPA copies the official version of Stalin’s propaganda designed to slander them and justify in the eyes of Soviet citizerns the horrifying Soviet suppression of this movement

Oh really… sory i did not know the picture of murdered polish women and children were the “Stalin’s propoganda” in the 1943 when the Red Army was still far from the Western Ukraine.
BTW all the photos were goes from the polish personals archives.Do you wish to say the poles “works for comrade Stalin”?

This is a perversion again. Your words “attacked some of germans groups of soldiers for the getting the wearpon and food i.e simply grabed them” can be applied to Soviet partisan as well.

This is bullshit ,the soviet partisan was the ideological enemy of the Nazy. thus the Nazy fought with them by the most cruel way. If the soviet partisan ( BTW they included also the ukrainians , russians and other) attacked the germans they hever leave them.

Actually it was always one of the main activities of all the partisans in the world. “After that all the germans soldier were free and come back to its units.” is a blatant lie. Perhaps there were such cases but it was done to avoid German retaliation against the civillian population of the areas.

So THUS this is the true;)Thanks kato.

Of course as soviet partisans didn’t value much the lives of their fellow-citizerns they killed Germans without captivating anyone.

Wrong there were a lot of native ukrainians among the soviet partisan who aslo fought agains the Germans.
And the soviet partisans did NEVER lead the brutal ethnic murdering of the woman and children.

To measure the extent of the OUN-UPA struggle against Germans one simply need to compare the main battles between Germans and partisans in different countries. For instance the biggest clash between French partisans “maquis” and German troops took place at Vercors plateau. About 8000 German and foreign soldiers and policemen under general Karl Pflaum assaulted the positions of maquisards and quickly gained a complete victory over them. 600 maquisards were killed many more injured.
By comparison in June 1943 German SS and police forces under the command of General von dem Bach-Zalewski, seen as an expert in fighting against guerrillas, attempted to destroy UPA-North in Volyn during Operation “BB” (Bandenbekampfung). He was chosen specifically by Himmler to destroy UPA in this operation. [3] During Operation “BB” Bach-Zalewski had under his command 10 battalions of motorized SS troops, 10,000 German and Polish police, 2 regiments of the Hungarian army, and three battalions of Cossacks organized from among Soviet POWs.( approximately 35000 troops)[4] By August, this operation proved to be a military failure. During this struggle, on August 19-20 UPA captured the military center of Kamin Koshyrsky, defeating several German battalions and capturing large quantities of arms and ammunition.[4] General Bach-Zaleski was relieved of his command and replaced by General Prutzmann. Ultimately the German forces failed to destroy UPA or to establish control over the Volyn countryside.
And according to Chevan “nazy simply slosed the eyes at the UPA”

… this german forces r was directed by the Germans against the areas that was controlled by the soviet partisan in answer for the increase of the activity during the Kursk battle. In fact the Ukrainian partisan ( real partisans not the bandits) supported the Red Army offensive byt the attacking of the german supplies lines ( reilway stations , bridges and ets)
For the answer the Himmler ( with help of Bah-Zelewsky) had bagan the operation of supprestions of the partisans.
On 12 July 1943, von dem Bach received command of all anti-partisan actions in Belgium, Belarus, France, the General Government, the Netherlands, Norway, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and parts of the Białystok area. In practice, his activities remained confined to Belarus and contiguous Russia

So you please do not tell us about the goal to destroy the ONLY UPA.
Indeed the forces that used the Bach-zelewski was directed against whole partisan movenment in the Belorussia, Ukraine, and Russia.
The UPA just used the situation and captured the some of the areas simply due to the germans had no enougt strength in the Volun areas.

Right he declared the policy of the Ethnic clearsing in the Ukraine. So he was really Nazy in the its nature.

As to the Polish leaders who brutally supressed Ukrainians in past and pursue the goals of purging Ukrainians from Western Ukraine I suppose they deserved death.

Who did deserve the death - the polish woman and shildren in the Volun?
Men, are you sick ?

And I would like to disappoint you. The attitude to Russians were quite tolerable. What’s more there was a sufficient number of Russians who joined OUN-UPA and fought against all the enemies of Ukraine. Some of them even wrote poems:

Судьба причудлива и, думаю, слепа.
Фамилия на “ов”, но воевал в УПА.
Привел меня туда авантюризм.
Но подарил мне правильную жизнь.

Безумный случай - и потом леса.
Топор опасности угрюмо нависал.
Сначала любопытство, а потом
походы долгие. Сходило семь потов.

Навеки я запомнил голый склон
и серый камень. Защищал лишь он.
Тупая мысль стучала у виска –
не допустить гранатного броска.

Мой озверевший пулемет строчил,
а я терял остатки жалких сил –
ведь мне шестнадцать, хочется пожить.
Гранаты взрыв - и оборвется нить.

Но милостив ко мне был добрый Бог.
Он выскользнуть из западни помог.
Заход к нам в тыл бездарно прогорел.
Жаль, пулемет остался на горе.

Наш четовой за это не ругал.
И даже буркнул: “Мал хоть, но удал”.
Один мой подвиг был на той войне.
Но страшный склон годами снится мне.

И я не знаю как его прогнать,
восстановить спокойной жизни гладь.
Ведь я себя за Родину губил.
Не на себя я тратил бездну сил.
Пускай моя фамилия на “ов”,
но я услышал Украины зов.

Тоже мне пушкин нашелся:)
Oh it so touching Kato.
There were a lot of russian who prefered to be the traitor and prefered to kill the russian with Nazy. So what?
Must they be the hero now?

Oh really without foreign help they attacked the soviets int he 1945-53?
This is not true again.
The Jaroslav Stezco ( who was so damn lucky to run away to the Canada after the WW2) sponsored the UPA terrorists action.
And sure the UPA did refuse all the soviet amnisties who is doubt?
During the cruel therror in of the 1945-1953 they not only killed about 3 000 of the Moskaley ( NKVD members ) but and about 25 000 of native Ukrainians ( with members of its families) who was loyal to the soviets or simply did not wish to participate in the civil war in the side of UPA.
So i/m really doubt they were a such naive to believe that some amnisty could help them.

In fact the armed struggle was over only due to the fact that all the arseanls of weapons in the 1950s were exhausted the majority of UPA fighers killed and all the civilians suspected in sympathy for OUN-UPA deported to Siberia or Kazahstan. Very bad soldiers.

But they were a good bandits;)
It must be so romantic to kill own the ukrainians for the name of “Independent Ukraine” right?
