The war in Iran

Is it a good idea to start the war in Iran?

The US says it wants a diplomatic solution, but has not ruled out a military strike. Reports by Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker magazine that the US has been carrying secret reconnaissance missions to learn about nuclear, chemical and missile sites in Iran as a prelude for possible air strikes only pile on the jitters on an already uneasy oil market.

I think the Bush administration should announce its intention to hold direct talks with Iran.

What do you mean?

Going into Iran would be like going to school, finding the kid with the most friends, and punching him in the face really hard. Sure you’ll knock him out, but the next day his friends’ll start confronting you one by one. Maybe you can take care of the first few, but you’re bound to lose sooner or later.

It would be absolutely imbecilic to go into Iran after Iraq and Afghanistan. As a country we don’t have the economy or public opinion to start another war.

I would just let Israel strike Iran’s reactors like they did in the 80s I believe.

Well it would not surprise me if the US were carrying out intell operations in Iran. We’ve been doing stuff like that for years.

However I seriously doubt that the US would use military action against Iran without major international support. We have just simply spread ourselves to thin.

If Iran wants nuclear power im all for it. But there is no way in hell a goverment that denies the holocaust ever happened and calls for Isreal to be wiped off the face of the earth … should ever have nuclear weapons.

I see you really like your WW2 history, so, do you think that the UK and USSR were right to occupy Iran during WW2?

Israel has a good military i think they can handle it them selves instead of us sending more men and women to die

Think the best solution at the moment is diplomacy! Trying to improve our relations with the middle east. Both sides should attempt to look at each other in a different light. Of course this will happen about the same time as pigs fly and hookers give sex for free. :lol: But its a hope. Personally weather its Iran or some other country I think we will see more conflict in the middle east as long as there is tension. Which doesnt seem to be leaving any time soon.

An air strike is very problematic to do (both for the US and Israel) beacause the Iranian nuclear sites are spread on hundreds of sites (probably not all of them is known to us) and even if we destroy them all it’s still wouldn’t destroy the nuclear knowlege the Iranian have.

Just let them have their bloody nuclear missle. As long as they don’t threathen to use nuclear weapons as pre-emptive strike weapons, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be allowed to have them. If anything they’ll help keep peace because no one would want to invade in fear of nuclear retaliation (much like the Cold War).

The only way I will support a possible war like this is if it were undertaken completely by the UN, none of this “You’re either with us or with the terrorists” bollocks.

Please learn a little Iranian politics first. Mr Ahmadinejad belongs to a sect of Shi’ite Islam which belives that the Mahdi (Messiah) will return when armageddon comes. What is rather worrying about this sect is that they believe that this armageddon can be precipitated - for example a large nuclear war. It is unclear whether Mr Ahmadinejad specifically believes this personally, but it is suspected that he does. Funnily enough nobody wants him anywhere near firecrackers, let alone nuclear weapons.
Thankfully the Iranian command structure is Byzantine enough that he is unlikely to be able to launch a nuclear strike even if Iran develops nuclear weapons, but nobody dares take the chance.

You sure your from Texas? Bollocks??? :lol: Whats that about. :?: