The warsaw Rising Of 1944

Yesterday marked the 64th anniversary of the start of the Warsaw Rising of 1944, the biggest operation organised and executed by a partisan organisation in WWII.

In the Uprising, lasting 63 days, 18,000 insurgents were killed and 25,000 wounded. Losses among the civilians amounted to 180,000 people. Much of the capital was razed to the ground and left in ruins.

The battle began on August 1, 1944, as part of a nation-wide rebellion, Operation Tempest. and was intended to last for only a few days until the Soviet Army reached the city and assisted in liberating it. But while the Soviet advance stopped short on the eastern side of the Vistula River, the Polish resistance against Nazi forces continued for over two months, only to finish in defeat on October 2.

For 63 days the insurgents conducted an uneven and heroic battle, the aim of which was an independent Poland, free from both Nazi occupation and Soviet domination. The huge losses borne by the Poles in the uprising make, even today, the events of the Warsaw Rising of 1944 a hotly debated event.

Many involved in the uprising felt it important to liberate Warsaw before the Red Army arrived, so as to stress Polish sovereignty. On August 1, 1944 some 40 to 50,000 insurgents started their heroic struggle, poorly armed with only one in four carrying a gun. By mid-September 1944 Soviet forces had reached a point a few hundred metres from the city, across the Vistula River, but they made no further headway during the Uprising. Many historians accuse Stalin of letting the Nazis crush the Polish forces before entering Warsaw, so making the domination of Poland easier for the Soviets.

Hearing about the outbreak of the insurrection in Warsaw SS chief Heinrich Himmler gave instructions “that every inhabitant should be killed” and that Warsaw should “be razed to the ground” as an example to the rest of Europe under German occupation. And so tens of thousands of defenceless civilians were slaughtered week after week. One by one, the city’s districts were destroyed as Soviet troops watched from across the river. Poland’s Western allies expressed regret, but decided that they cannot do anything.

After eventual capitulation of the uprising 500,000 people were expelled from the city, which itself was reduced to a pile of rubble.The Warsaw Uprising was probably the largest single operation organised and executed by any partisan organisation in WWII. As an attempt to achieve its goals, the uprising was a terrible failure, but it was also a remarkable success in showing the courage and the dedication of the Polish nation. (jm)

This is a very interesting issue and it’s important to recall these incidents over and over again on the anniversaries.
Unfortunately the previous report comes across as a little lopsided to me. The “uneven and heroic battle” started with the killing of “nazi forces” -which seems to mean “regular german troops”- in their leisure time. Another highlight of the heroic struggle was the massacre of wounded occupants of the german main casualty station in Warsaw and its azerbaijanian voluntary helpers during the first hours of the uprising
No misunderstanding, it was the natural right of the poles to uprise and the horrifying consequences for the civil population of Warsaw are well-known to me and deeply condemned, but let’s see both sides of the coin.
Somehow it’s a personal matter to me for my granduncle Willi E. -high decorated sergeant of the cavalry platoon of Infantry-Regiment 464- was killed during the Warsaw uprising on September 1st 1944.

From the official war grave-register:
Zum Gedenken

Nachname: E.
Vorname: Willi
Dienstgrad: Unteroffizier
Geburtsdatum: 19.05.1914
Geburtsort: Mariadorf
Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 01.09.1944
Todes-/Vermisstenort: Warschau
Willi Esser konnte im Rahmen unserer Umbettungsarbeiten nicht geborgen werden.

As i know from other your post your granduncle Arnold E have sinked in 1941.

The inquiry office of the Wehrmacht regrets to confirm to you that Oberschütze Arnold E., born 1920 in M., member of the Heer, after his capture on November 23rd 1941 in Sghifet en Nbeidat (Africa) drowned on a sea transport operated by the English from Tobruk (Libya, the author) to Egypt

How many granduncles with name Arnold E have you sir?

Sorry, Chevan, typo of mine. It was not my grand-uncle Arnold in Warsaw but his brother Willi. I’ll edit the post, sorry about that.
Please look here for further information (if interested):

no problems mate.

I had the pleasure to be in Warsaw on the anniversary day in 1992. I saw the vets parades and the commerations very moving.

Cool, ptimms. I have been to Warsaw in 1993 and 1994. It’s a great town, by then it was already like any other western major city talking of fast food restaurants and all. I have been to the ghetto memorial and watched the changing of the guards. Very impressive, I could still punch myself for not making photos!!!

I’ve some non digital photo’s somewhere. We did the ghetto, the old town and other sites then when down to Krakow and out to Auschwitz and Birkenau. Very sobering. I looked up about the 253rd Infantry and your relative must have been through some pretty horrible stuff.

Unfortunately we didn’t go so far to the south in Poland, we stayed up north in Masuria, the Allenstein (Olsztyn) area griefing about this wonderful landscaspe “we” lost due to WW2.
I have to check on 253rd infantry as well since it was a division from my home area, the Rhineland.

You asked for it, mate :wink:
Maybe if your ancestors didn’t vote for Hitler, it would be a German land now. But they preferred a dream of “Nordic Race” :slight_smile:

This is relevant why ?

Right, my ancestors did. So I didn’t ask for it. I wouldn’t want to have it back either. Integration of the GDR made Germany almost bankrupt!:shock:

But if Stalin did not persist , this land never be Polish mate, even if the flamethrowerguy’s ancestors voted for Hitler.
Becouse someone in post-war Poland dreamed about “Great Communistic future”:slight_smile:

Um, Hitler wasn’t “elected.” So please do not sustain mythology…

His relatives no more “voted for Hitler” than yours voted for that bloody prick Stalin…

Becouse someone in post-war Poland dreamed about “Great Communistic future”:slight_smile:

Yes, it was so nice of Stalin to help Hitler invade Poland, massacre 40,000 of her officers, then hoist an unpopular minority political movement on the Poles as a government…

Me does sustain mythology?
Have you read the original posts of Kovalski and flamethrowerguy?
So why do you pick me?

His relatives no more “voted for Hitler” than yours voted for that bloody prick Stalin…

mr flamethrowerguy , can you enlighten our common friend Nickdfresh - what did you mean when wrote the “Right, my ancestors did” please?
Was the election of 1933 in GErmany legal?
Or Hitler has just cuptured the Reichstag just like the Bolshevics captured the power in Russia via the civil war?

Yes, it was so nice of Stalin to help Hitler invade Poland, massacre 40,000 of her officers, then hoist an unpopular minority political movement on the Poles as a government…

But this unpopular movenment started very popular poll - do you wish to join the some former German territories to Poland in 1946?
So called “Three Yes poll”. Kovalski know what i mean.
And most of the Poles said Yes to this “Unpopular movenment”.

Do you seriously think you would not join your closest Kins?

Well, in german historiography January 30th 1933 is known as the “day of the national socialists’ seizure of power” and it can not be described as an election in a democratic sense.
If my ancestors voted for the NSDAP or supported the nazis? I don’t know actually. Since even my grandparents have still been kids when the nazis took over I had to ask my great-grandparents who of course are long gone.
Maybe they did, maybe not. The Rhineland -the part of Germany we’re living- was not really known as nazi-friendly, that’s a fact. People here were strict Catholic what made them decline nazi ideologies for the major part.

Did somebody deny the resault of “non-democratic” election or at least dispute it in Germany or outside?

Then attack his stupidity, not his nationality…

mr flamethrowerguy , can you enlighten our common friend Nickdfresh - what did you mean when wrote the “Right, my ancestors did” please?
Was the election of 1933 in GErmany legal?
Or Hitler has just cuptured the Reichstag just like the Bolshevics captured the power in Russia via the civil war?..

Hitler was appointed chancellor in complex deal. The Nazis never even had the majority.

Unfortunately, your ancestors also failed at creating a viable poltrical opposition to the Nazis when Hitler started transforming Germany into a totalitarian state…