The Wizard:

Well informed poster passionate about his beliefs? or “internet fight club” troll using Wiki & Google-books? I’m beginning to suspect more of the latter as he:

-Mostly brings up sources I’ve mentioned, and stops to mention them when I actually have them in hand. :slight_smile:

-Or include quotes sparingly and selectively, while ignoring others

-Keeps repeating simplistic ad hominem one liners

-seems to have an interesting family with connections as in a father who shot down three Japanese fighters (despite the fact he flew a dive-bomber, which seems highly unlikely to me). And his wife happens to be Chinese after I mentioned the book “Flyboys.”

Rising Sun* and I have corresponded about this, but he seems to be devolving into the redundant, ad hominem troll lifting out-of-context quotes to “prove” his point.

I dunno, what does everyone else think? He seems to have the “America won the whole war” attitude though, which sort of pisses me off. *RS might not be here for a bit, but he mentioned that this guy likes to seemingly “step on everyone’s dick,” especially mine and seems to get intentionally belligerent…

Incidentally, his IP reads to a different part of the country than his User profile says (he’s in Oregon, not Phoenix, Arizona)…

Well, I have resorted to that on occasion, but I dunno why you’re accusing me of it now.

I thought Wizard was behaving like that. :wink: :smiley:

He’s a prick anyways. But then, so am I. :slight_smile: He’s knowledgeable, and slightly idiotic at the same time. And I do have a feeling he came here with the aim at “stepping on dicks”…

Thank you, Captain Obvious. :smiley:

I don’t think he’s so much a troll as an argumentative intellectual show-off who likes to air his knowledge before lesser mortals. Such as you. I, of course, am his intellectual superior, but I don’t like to show it publicly. :wink: :smiley:

I don’t have a problem with his facts or sources, but I share your impression that he’s a jingoistic knob when it comes to deprecating the Japanese and extolling the Americans, and he fashions his arguments to those ends.

His obsession with the “We won so the Japs were crap.” line irritates me as it fails to give the Japanese fair credit for their skills and achievements.

His inability to distinguish between Allied luck and military skill stands in stark contrast to his willingness to treat every instance of bad luck on Japan’s part as evidence of inferior military skill.

Still, it’s good to have someone around who’s deeply interested in and knowledgeable about the war with Japan, even if he is irritating at times.