theamericanenterprise and IRONMANs brainfarts

The following is in IRONMANs signature block.

It makes interesting reading and certainly attempts to inform Americans who have probably never left their fine shores all about Europeans. If you are European or you are a Yank with a good grasp of the Europeans please feel free to pick out a bit and rip it apart.


What picture of American society is likely to be imprinted on the consciousness of average Europeans? Given what they read or hear every day from intellectuals and politicians, they can hardly have any choice in the unpleasant particulars, especially if they happen to be French.

I like the bit at the end, just because a few countries (although typified by the french) said “no” to America “we do not think you are right” they have to be villified at all times. Most of the world didn’t want the 2nd Gulf, but some Americans will always drag up France, maybe Germany.

Actually watching and reading a variety of sources, and of course having been there and having American friends and haveing served with Yanks on more than a few occaisions my picture of American society is not this.

American society is entirely ruled by money. No other value, whether familial, moral, religious, civic, cultural, professional, or ethical has any potency in itself. Everything in America is a commodity, regarded and used exclusively for its material value. A person is judged solely by the worth of his bank account.

I know it is not ruled by money, although like in many countries around the world America has it’s worshipers of this particular idol.

I wouldn’t say a Black church meeting was ruled by money would you? The Yanks put a great deal more pomp and ceremoney into passing their HSE’s than we do our GCSEs and A levels, so surely in some parts professional values are held dear.

Ethics and morals from America are often debated in our better papers. As part of the global village we all affect each other. Stem cell research, abortions and the various other things that we all argue about.

Basically this entire page is dedicated to misinforming misinformed idiots that America is hated. It is strange that a country that is so large and successful can have people within that have such massive inferioriry complexs in its people.

If you can, please find TINWALT some nice websites, where he may exericise the muscle in his head and learn what Europe really thinks of America, it doesn’t have to be all good, he can learn that critism of America isn’t a sin.

Let us educate this special person within our midst.

He is in the midst of a paranoid fantasy! Just look out for his faical tic!

We’ve tried before - myself, our friendly future crustacean and Stoaty all tried to explain at length the operating principles of a jet engine (we’ve all got MEng degrees in some aspect of turbomachinery). He just dismissed it as “blather” and posted some misquoted NASA/GE websites which he claimed showed we were all wrong. Expect the same sort of thing here - assumptions of superiority, an attitude that nobody else can possibly know as much has he does (even when his ideas violate some really simple laws of physics), and so on. He will then bang on at length that he is “educating” us!

We tried for about three weeks to persuade him that assault rilfes could be used at 600 metres for section fire. Even though most of us had done it, either in training or for real he knew better.

No point educatin him - if it doesn’t agree with what he thinks, it’s ‘anti-American blather’

Not to forget that he then “educated” Erwin by telling him that norml rifles were effective at 600 yards, and that, surprise surprise, Rifles are effective at their maximum effective range!

Brickwall meet headbutt! You will be getting quite well aquainted!

The phrase ‘Hiding to nothing’ comes to mind when thinking or interacting with iron-bob.

I have still to decide whether he TROLLS on purpose or is actually serious, and I dont know which of the 2 is worse.

we need a tinwalt detector.

i suggest to penalize (correct word) him by putting this on his avatar:

Is that troll ment to be IRONMAN Erwin mate ? :lol:
Did he get that machete off his dad maybe from the Korean jungles?

Erwin, well done that man.

thank you sir,tea and medals around!

Whack it in there Erwin, but scrub the sword first.

Guys you are making this whole site around IRONMAN making the site a messed up angry place against one big troll…
If you just leave it to the Mods/admins and ignore him from now on we will take care of things ok ? :slight_smile:

I’m happy to give it a try.
Hopefully it won’t be a case of, “…and if you then step over this line then we’ll be really peeved !”
That’s been tried before with obvious effect.

I’ll watch this from the sidelines for the time being.
Your time starts, now.

I have already stated my position in my own thread. Bottom line is, if nothing is done about it, Im out of here.

I too will ignore the pillock.

Yes mates!,i don’t want GIRONPAN to be banned.

Reading his posts is funnier than having an orgasm! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Erwin wrote

Yes mates!,i don’t want GIRONPAN to be banned.

Reading his posts is funnier than having an orgasm!

I really worry about you sometimes Erwin!!! :wink:

:oops: :lol: ,you do?

at least congrat me for my capacity of reading “jokes” in a foreign languague! :smiley:

Has the metallic one been banned, or has he just found another bridge to hide under?

I reckon he’s gone off to spread his idiocy to another forum… Will be back here when they get sick of him.