Erwin, the only thing this site can award is the symbol in the left side of the post, under hte user name. the signature of IRONMAN is what he himself put in so has no linkk to the site. Why was Bluff banned anyway?
No,it was the rank,just see some of IRONMAN’s posts,he has that picture and the rank “disonhorably discharged”
also his signature says:
"Sorry for trolling the forum, but i wouldn’t be back, so please do not miss me "
As an admin of my own forum i would say that the pannel gives you the possibility to modify the entire profile of an user (and see all the data except the password),and it’s easy to modify signs.
Obviously,there is some hands of an admin in that sign!,the same happened to other posters from australia related to… brocoli?.
Bluffcove was banned because he is a fucking retard.
For your Information, If he has been banned for the same thing (inmaturity),and more(usernames)
he would have the same penalty.
Im not an admin,im not dictating what the admins would do, just that if there is unequality on the rules and the admin, FW190 is being unfair,that’s very bad.
Im not giving the admin order,im telling him what would be correct to do.
Erwin your throwing stones inside your glass house again.
That is totally wrong my friend,i see my ww2incolor world like it was before,nothing changed,did it?.
also i don’t fear banning,your psycological comments,and dani’s knowledge, i just fear the injustice ahead in this place,im not talking of gen sandworm of course.
Well,i hope there is no mafia or a ww2incolor’s secret police here!
Please get off of your soap box. One more time then, you are not a Mod or an Admin or anything else but a whinger right now. Stop trying to tell everyone what to do.
The truth is with me, you didn’t give words,just locked,you don’t even know how to reply,firefly,you cannot censurate the truth,it is not an insult,it’s unequality,just because he’s britcon and Ironman is your enemy this injustice happens.
Get off your fart cloud,this is the real world and you are not a dictator,im really sorry but you will have to listen.