There is nothing like a Dame (3) ... - British Forces | Gallery

There is nothing like a Dame (3) ...

Vera Lynn visiting a military hospital in Burma, 1944. Vera was no mere behind-the-lines entertainer of the troops. She toured Egypt, India and Burma in the latter part of the war - none of them exactly soft or safe theatres. In Burma, in particular, she ended up close to the action during the Battle of Kohima and, at times, was entertaining troops who, effectively, were fighting to survive behind Japanese lines. The Brits, Indians, Aussies and Kiwis may have felt themselves in many ways the "Forgotten Army" - but not by Vera Lynn. In 1985, she was awarded the Burma Star for her services to the troops in the Burma theatre. Quite a gal ... Best regards, JR.

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I listen to her nearly every day via U Tube. And yes, there ,is nothing like Vera Lynn.