They also served ... - French Forces | Gallery

They also served ...

French African colonial soldiers hold a position at Boucle du Doubs, near Besancon, France, Winter 1944. This would have been a pretty quiet position (and a bit of a contrast to operations in North Africa, in which these men would have been engaged not long before). Nonetheless, the played their part "pour la Patrie", and perhaps deserved to be better remembered than they generally are. Best regards, JR.

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Interesting mix of weapons. The rifle looks like a Springfield, but I wonder is it’s a surplus .30-06, M1917 Enfield rifle originally produced in WWI for the U.S. forces…

The rifle does not appear to have the foresight blade protectors that were fitted to the P14/P17 but does look like one of them with the shape of the metalwork at the end of the woodwork.
It would make sense if they are using a Bren to have a rifle in the same calibre, so possibly a P14 Enfield (original .303 version of the later P17/M1917 Enfield).