They don't make 'em like they used to...

Having look at some of the, er, “classic” aircraft in the Latin American aircraft thread, I was thinking something that oft crosses my mind - they don’t make them like they used to! The late 40’s, 50’s and 60’s were, for me, the era that aircraft design had that extra something… flair… class… style…

So let this be the official “They don’t make 'em like they used to” thread. Not restricted to aeroplanes. Could be helicopters, tanks, rifles, uniforms - whatever makes you think things were done with so much more style before your time! First of the resident Army people to post lamenting the passing of the SLR gets a cookie. :wink:

Post the things you think put modern day replacements to shame!

I’ll start with some Best of British winged-things. :slight_smile:

Hawker Hunter - some say the prettiest jet fighters ever made. I might just agree.

CERTAINLY the best looking bomber ever conceived… the Avro Vulcan.

Marvel at the Buccaneers, the Hunters, the Lightnings (mmmmm, Lightnings) and the Vulcans at the link below.

Aircraft never had so much class.

here’s hoping that when I start my new job on Monday, I find they still have a Raspberry Ripple Hunter somewhere…

i knew before that this post was going to be good,because you’ve done it festamus :wink: .


Wot no Canberra or Lightning :?:

Ultimate classic '50s Western military hardware must be the FN/FAL rifle - a pity the US forced it to eat 7.62x51 rather than .280 :cry:

The lightning is mentioned and Festamus did warrant it an “MMMMMMMM” a shame not to have pictures I would agree though,

The link is excellent!

Id personally have to go for the old Pinkies

Comparison? What comparison!

(Im a borderline anorak for Land rovers Apolgies to those that actually have to work with the bastard things!)

Cristmas 1974( I think) that pink panther was my favorite present, bugger that was 31yrs back. I loved those 1/35 scale Tamiya kits.
Thanks Bluff

Good post. I remember the Lightning when it was still in service at RAF Binbrook in the early 80’s. There was nothing so impressive as watching one of these babies take-off.

Its amazing how recently a lot have gone out of service, as Iv clambered about a fair few of those on the site. In 1994 we still had Hunters on our Bucc squadron, 2 seat Hunters…

Anyway nice trip down memory lane. I pass this one on the way to work:

Editted for unimaginable numptiness with pictures.

I’m pretty sure the Fleet Air Arm have still got a 2 seat Hunter fitted with Blue Vixen lying around - they don’t have any 2 seat Sea Harriers, so bodged that together to use as a radar trainer. All the rest of the 2-seat work is done in standard RAF Harrier trainers from memory.

Feeling more and more envious of the guys who flew those things as I read through this thread - anyone got a big shedload of cash they’re willing to give me so I can go down to Thunder City and have a play with them? From memory Mike Beachyhead has got half a dozen or so Lightnings and 3 or 4 Buccaneers/Hunters for people to come and play with :twisted: .

Will be passing this on the way to work from Monday onwards. Can’t wait. :slight_smile:

Apologies for not putting more than two pictures on lads - was eager to make you browse the excellent “Thunder and Lightnings” to see for yourself - to put a load of pictures in here would have slowed the page loading down and made you all lazy. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I start and have been there a while, I will have to see if I can get a look at the museum there sometime… see if there’s anything interesting knocking around (there will be).

EDIT: Even our American cousins don’t make em like they used to.

New “Shelby Cobra” (not even close to being one but nevermind)

Old Shelby Cobra (and yes, before you say it, I know it’s based on an AC, and hence the base Cobra’s look was British)

What is the trend these days with making “remakes” of cars that are fatter and uglier than the original? So many things these days look all function and no form. Things look designed by committee.

What is that thing under teh Pinkie Bluff?

It looks like a HUMVEE but the runt of the family.

ah the sherman…my one and only love

Unfortunately the photo quiz on thunder-and-lightnings is no longer active. That was properly hard (small bits of often quite obscure aircraft) - the rest of them out there are just too easy :frowning:

Yes but its good enough for those Action Men!

I’m sorry to say that she hasn’t made an appearance yet, so here the baby is in all her glory:

L1A1 with SUIT bracket topcover, Sight Unit, Infantry, Trilux mounted and pouch for said sight.

(The pic has been posted on this site before, but misidentified as a Fusil Automatique Léger- this is better.)

Now where’s that damn biscuit ?

Hope it’s not soggy…

Argentine-made airplanes…

Argentina have a vast aircraft factory in Córdoba. In several times, this factory was recognized as the best factory all over the world. The FABRICA MILITAR DE AVIONES (FMA) Military Factory of Planes.

Here the most known airplanes which the factory did

FMA IA-27 “Pulqui”. The Pulqui (arrow in native language) was the first jet manufactured by a country in peace. The fifth jet in all over the world.

FMA IA-33 “Pulqui II”. The first plane with arrow-wings all over the world. Several aircraft factories qualified the Pulqui II as the best aircraft in all over the world. Unfortunately, the “revolution” and the expulsion of Perón of the power.

FMA IA-58 “Pucará” COIN (COunter INsurgence) missions light airplane.

FMA IA-63 “Pampa”. Light attack and trainer aircraft, based on the Alpha Jet. Is the latest design of the FMA.

Old argentine aircrafts. Not used anymore!

Dassault Mirage IIIC and Mc Donnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk

Mc Donnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk

North American F-86 Sabre

British Aerospace Mk.62 Canberra

I’m sorry to say that she hasn’t made an appearance yet, so here the baby is in all her glory:

L1A1 with SUIT bracket topcover, Sight Unit, Infantry, Trilux mounted and pouch for said sight.

(The pic has been posted on this site before, but misidentified as a Fusil Automatique Léger- this is better.)

Now where’s that damn biscuit ?

Hope it’s not soggy…[/quote]

Too late Cuts matey - I mentioned the FN/FAL in post #3 & I already ate the biscuit (Gwarnut dunked in tea - tasted of stale wee & twiglets :wink: )

MG34, a innovative concept thats now been adopted around the world (universal machine gun) and a fine piece of engineering:

(of course there is a reason why they don’t make them like this anymore :wink: )

25 pdr


Glad I didn’t get the bikkie.

Errr, you realise exactly why it was soggy…?


Glad I didn’t get the bikkie.

Errr, you realise exactly why it was soggy…?[/quote]

You surely don’t mean… :shock: :lol: