Things that piss me off!

As it matches the last posts (a bit):

Combining the elements in the video, I guess it’s a metrosexual thing to drink grog out of a woman’s shoe? :smiley:

I think this is rather sort of …fetishism:)

Several things but lately is this:

Our goverment paying for yellow fever vaccines to the people who travel to vacationate in Brazil…:rolleyes:

If that people had enough money to go at a foreigh country, should pay their own medicines. But of course with our mad goverment that is hardly a surprize.

Well at the moment there is a idiot with no experience wanting to close down gitmo thats what is pissing me off this week

I’d prefer that idiot to an idiot who invaded Iraq for no good reason and caused vastly more deaths to no good purpose than 9/11 and authorised crimes against humanity which offend everything his office was supposed to protect and support.

That, however, ranks low on my scale compared with what is pissing me off mightily tonight which, having been reduced to Boredom Factor Ten with Crisis Alert, has seen me watching the tennis and being seriously pissed of with grunters and squealers. I mean, FFS, can’t these pricks hit a frigging ball with their big empty round bat without sounding like someone has stuck a finger up their bum every time?


That, however, ranks low on my scale compared with what is pissing me off mightily tonight which, having been reduced to Boredom Factor Ten with Crisis Alert, has seen me watching the tennis and being seriously pissed of with grunters and squealers. I mean, FFS, can’t these pricks hit a frigging ball with their big empty round bat without sounding like someone has stuck a finger up their bum every time?

It’s Upper-Class Porn :smiley:

Those aussies now how to get it on :lol:

I’m pissed off by the mindless idiots lighting bushfires in the murderous heatwave conditions in Victoria and South Australia. Tougher, rougher penalties are long overdue.

Good thread by the way RS.


What pisses me off, (along diggers lines), is people throwing their cigarette butts out the windows of their cars. Knowing…KNOWING… that Texas is in a horrible drought with water restrictions in place. Yet they would rather start grass/brush fires than smell up their car by putting them in the ashtray. There…I feel a little better now.



Good to see you back.

You’ve been missed.

As for lighting fires, yeah, slam them, and slam them about a hundred times as hard if it’s intentional.

Strange thing is that, in many instances, the firebugs are members of the local fire brigades getting their rocks off in some way.

But there’s no shortage of random dickheads like several I followed today out in the flat grass western suburbs flicking their cigarette butts out of their hoon Holdens and Fords. (Okay, I was in my XR6, but I don’t smoke and I’m not a hoon. Mostly. :wink: :smiley: )

I was writing while you were posting, but we’re singing from the same page.

Although I have to confess that it had never occurred to me that bushfires were a big issue in Texas,

The area around where I live (San Antonio) has a lot of “scrub land” with undergrowth and trees that grow I dunno like 6-12 feet high. So, the grass and undergrowth, and trees for that matter, have been dry and krinkly(?) for several months now. Just ripe for fires to take place. Last I heard, we in San Antonio area were 16 inches below normal rain fall for 2008. And haven’t had any rain worth speaking of in January this year.

That’s because some twat with a clipboard sent it in the wrong direction - it all fell on my garden! :evil:

Perhaps not too different to us.

Our water resources are down to buggery under the pressure of declining rainfalls.

We have unnecessary fire risks caused by ‘environmentalist’ idiots in and out of the government departments which are supposed to manage our fire risks, but the dumb shits insist on preserving the scrub under the tree canopy which will ensure a glorious fire.

As happens every year. :frowning:

And then they wonder why it happens! :evil:

I wish I had a garden, my yard is either dirt or dried up grass.:frowning:

One of the things that pisses me off is people in a long line at a store or market that can’t read nor comprehend the stipulations listed in a coupon or rebate, or intentionally try to con their way to getting more or something better than promised when I just want to grab the proverbial quart of milk. So they argue or pretend to be dumber than they actually are and as the line increases, they hope that they can get their way by holding things up or causing a scene until a manager comes and tells them is a nice way what complete, cheap assholes they are and they need to GTFO…

P.S.: that is not to say that a lot of stores make things intentionally confusing and there are a lot of incompetents working at these places. But still!

Too little rain? I wish. Last summer was the rainiest in 30 years where I live, and we have to fight with constant freezing rain and snowfall around here, too.

I, too, can’t see my garden, but that’s because of a 5 inch ice layer topped with snow :frowning:

That actually pisses me off quite a bit…

You know what grinds my gears: When people think there right and always think there right and never admit that they are wrong when they are wrong


I hate when people act all different when they are around “cool” people.

Thats what pisses me off.

Construction in the bathroom pisses me off… =(