Things that piss me off!

American (male) cops with no hair.

Why are men with hair on their heads excluded from police service in America?

Women who are surprised by the novel concept of paying at supermarket checkouts.

After the checkout chick has put through a couple of hundred dollars of groceries and announces the total, THEN the customer, usually fat and stupid, starts searching for her wallet / purse / a passing stranger who might give her the price of a trolley of groceries for a toothless head job in the car park.

After finally locating her purse or other receptacle for her funds, such as the bottomless depths of her freckled, weathered cleavage, she becomes obsessed with finding the five cent piece for the exact money. This is accompanied by endless protestations of “The lining in my purse is torn, but I know there’s a five cent piece in there.”

The lining of her brain is also torn, but there ain’t no money in there.

How often have you felt like saying “Here’s the five cents, fatso, now piss off!” ?

Things that piss me off, is when I have to struggle to start the car in the snow, get salt all over the car, wash it, get salted again, freeze my ass off walking from the parking lot to work, sweating in the car and freezing when I get out………………when them dam peoples In Ozzie Land get to live in beautiful weather year round and never ever have to worry about the frigin Snow!..It just ain’t human I tell ya! Dem bastarrds!


Well, it ain’t all beer and skittles down here. :rolleyes: :smiley:

When we go surfing we have to wash off the salt, and the sunblock, after we’ve finished.

How’d you like to have your bikini clad girlfriend smear sunblock cream all over you before you could risk your life in shark infested waters? :smiley:

Having to break the ice on the Serpentine before I can swim! :frowning:

Ok, Now this really pisses me off. I planned a vacation for 5 weeks and now my boss is telling me I only have 4 weeks. Now that REALLY pisses me off, cause I already bought the airline tickets for 5 week period. Dam! …hard to beleive I could be so stupid!
( No comment is required thank you!)

It posses me off that there are no bold policewomen around. I would not mind getting caught by one. I would even commit a moderate crime for that sake.

What bothers the crap out of me…

  1. The naivety of many people.

  2. How Americans(in the USA, mostly) think that everyone in the world is interested/centred around (in) The States.

  3. The lack of leg room in economy class on trans-Atlantic flights(Houston to Paris)

  4. Stars who think they are the centre of the universe.

  5. People who complain that it is cold when its 10 degrees Celcius(it really isn’t, I promise). People who wear the cloths you are supposed to wear at -20 degrees Celcuis at 10 degrees Celcius.

More to come later!!!

Something that pisses me off (well not really-sorta more like a curiosity thing);;Why does Mr.Churchill always use Cuts phrase at the end of his posts: Quote:
Originally Posted by Cuts
Like it or lump it.

Cyber Nations - A fun game, join my alliance and have fun!
…and when you click on the quote it reverts back to an old post i had with cuts.
Wazz up with that??.. Iam dying to know and it pisses me off that I don’t know
Why not just say Like it or Lump it?..why say CUTS-Like it or Lump it
…it doesn’t make sense to me??
…and what is with Cyber nations promo thing?
Aughhh…i’m confused??

I have “Like it or lump it” because when I first saw it after Cuts posted it, I thought it was one of the more humorous things posted on this forum.

As for the Cyber Nations link, you can chalk that up to shameless advertising. I’m trying to get people to join the game, and then join my alliance. It has worked halfway so far: MoreHeadDriller joined the game, but he joined a different alliance. So… Join please! :slight_smile:

Hope that floats your boat Herman!

Ok Churchill, thanks for that input, I like it.
…Ok so now another thing that pisses me off. I go to the bank to exchange some money for my Big trip and they tell me that they can only change me $200 American. They say unless I have a bank acct that’s all they can change for me. It’s bad enough the dam Green back is like 27 % higher than my dollar, but waz up with the limit?. I mean there making interest in service charge so whats it to them if I change $1000 or $200. Oh, and another thing, they copy down my drivers license number, name and dob on a log sheet, as if it is such a crime to exchange for American Money. And one last thing. They never have any small bills. They give me these dam 100 bills that nobody wants or cash’s…this pisses me off!

Money laundering regulations. People shifting large amounts of cash around who don’t want to be identified (and in an era when bank accounts are pretty much universal, anyone trying to change large amounts of cash without a bank account most likely is doing so to remain anonymous) are very often doing it for nefarious purposes, frequently linked to organised crime or terrorism. To make life difficult for them, these regulations got introduced.

Money laundering regulations again - if they want to build a case against you, they can use these log sheets to prove you have been shifting cash about.

Economy - it essentially costs the same to move any type of banknote from one place to another, so the cost per dollar is lowest with the highest denomination notes. Hence the incentive to give you $100 notes rather than say $20 - it’s 5 times cheaper for the bank.

[QUOTE=pdf27;146524]Money laundering regulations. People shifting large amounts of cash around who don’t want to be identified
Money laundering regulations again - if they want to build a case against you, they can use these log sheets to prove you have been shifting cash about.

Shit PDF, Your not going to tell anyone are you? I don’t want them catching on to my ploy!

Things that piss me off:
People who think the nuclear bombs are completely justified and is stupid to argue that they were bad

People who say that Japan killed every POW
(there is a guy that does the last two and he happens to be one of my best friends :D)

Not having tea in the morning

Not being on the internet

People who proved to be useless and hopeless at work. After they were told to improve or their mistakes were pointed out, their only and the deadly answer is accusing the others of being the racists. It reminds me the Soviet courts: after you were accused, you got to prove that you are innocent.

First pet hate - People who knowingly turn posted threads into flame wars then threaten to leave the forum when the shit hits the fan. Second pet hate - people who ask people who threaten to leave the forum to stay. This is not aimed here guys just another site that I visit that has this crap going on all the time.


The ‘racism’ - or rather bigotry - call can be annoying. While there are undoubtedly people who have a general dislike for others of a different skin hue, nationality, culture or even accent, it has taken on a life of it’s own.

People make decisions because, consciously or not, they are frightened of attracting a non-pc label so things get actioned for the weirdest reasons. That said, it can have it’s amusing side. For example, at present all British troops are issued a fleece mid-layer for use in the cold, There is also an excellent ‘Softie’-type suit, (jacket and trs,) which is presently on issue mainly to those deploying to Afghanistan or Iraq.

A recent intake at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, (RMAS,) consisted as usual of British and foreign students. These latter are almost exclusively from warmer climes and have obviously different skin tones so they receive the ‘Softie.’

This intake was no different, amongst the attendees were two men from Kenya. The first, had already been in the UK for about five years and was no stranger to the vagaries of UK weather,* the second had been in-country for less than twelve months and had yet to experience a British January.

The first received the newer suit and was toasty, the second was issued the fleece. An odd decision you might rightly think until one looks at the two gentlemen.
The acclimatised student who received the suit was at the other, (darker,) end of the reflective scale to he that received the fleece.
It’s not where you’re from, but how you’re perceived !
This might have been due to the Norman guessing or perhaps higher authority was testing the students.

As a post script to those who have not served, yes, the second student could have asked for the situation to be remedied but then he’d have brought attention upon himself and might possibly be seen as a whinger. By uncomplainingly cracking on with the kit he had been issued he showed himself in a far better light to the Academy Staff.
Summed up in the phrase, “It’s all character building stuff !” :smiley:

  • In Britain there is no climate, just ‘weather’ ! :wink:

Frequently for the purpose of enforcing conformity with the views of arrogant arseholes who are the self-appointed guardians of the public conscience and morals, who have levered themselves into positions with ‘equal opportunity’ and ‘anti-discrimination’ titles in government and corporate offices where they work remorselessly to ensure that everyone is free to agree with their dogma.

Sling about terms such as ‘racist’ and ‘chauvinist’ (which has altered its original jingoistic meaning to be now a derogatory term referring to a ‘male chauvinist’ while ‘feminist’ has been elevated to a level of unimpeachable sainthood several degrees above Mother Teresa, who was a bit of a bitch in her own right like a lot of feminists but we’re not allowed to say that :rolleyes:) and most of the accused back off because they know they’re on a hiding to nothing.

Well, among the vast constellation of things that piss me off is people who allow themselves to cowed by such bullshit.

What pisses me off even more is when I allow myself to be cowed by it because I know I’m on a hiding to nothing in certain situations where the fight just isn’t worth the candle.

Quite seriously, I think it’s the same sort of enforced conformity which, in a more extreme form, allowed the likes of the Nazis to come to power and to consolidate their power because nobody is willing to challenge the lie because it is just easier not to do so.

For example, who now challenges the endlessly repeated bullshit that, for example, women are still oppressed because they are paid less than men for the same work? Really? Not in any graded position in the public service, teaching service, military and so on here, which are all bastions of lesbians producing such ‘research’ when not moaning about how badly women are treated while, as in my wife’s case a couple of decades ago when the big arsed, dangly earring, carpenter’s overall brigade were in the ascendant, berating women who (a) conceived a child without a turkey baster and then (b) dared, while supported by a chauvanist male (being in my wife’s case, and this will come as a shock, me :smiley: ), to stay at home for six or seven years to care full time for the child they willingly brought into the world with love instead of handing it over five days a week to an overworked, unqualified sixteen year old in a profit-making child care centre which couldn’t give a stuff about the kid as long as the exorbitant fees are paid on time. And all this vitriol came my wife’s, and other women’s, way from their feminist sisters because women who don’t hand the kid over to uninterested strangers at six weeks and return to work were letting the (dominated by lesbians) feminist side down. :rolleyes:

But try saying any of that, as I (and, even worse, my rather more annoyed if more diplomatic but less forgiving wife) unwisely have even when sober in hostile company, and after a while you just learn to let it go because you won’t change anyone’s opinion and it upsets social occasions. And we live in a free society with none of the issues that applied in Nazi Germany, yet we’ve been cowed into silence by the strident advocates of what has become the dominant social and political view, even if it offends experience and common sense and has no reliable independent research to support it.

The big problem with feminism is that no guy dares to tell feminists when they go to far out of the fear of a social stigma as chauvinist/macho - and not less important, if they oppose the escapades of some feminists, they aren’t going to get laid anymore.:mrgreen: