Third Reich view on the tobacco Industry

I found this article dam interesting and wanted to share!
I wonder if Hitler would have made meat eating verbotten since he was a vegetarian!! Hmmmm~

The anti-tobacco campaign of the Nazis: a little known aspect of public health in Germany, 1933-45
Robert N Proctor
Historians and epidemiologists have only recently begun to explore the Nazi anti-tobacco movement. Germany had the world’s strongest anti smoking movement in the 1930s and early 1940s,encompassing bans on smoking in public spaces, bans on advertising,restrictions on tobacco rations for women, and the world’s most refined tobacco epidemiology, linking tobacco use with the already evident epidemic of lung cancer. The anti-tobacco campaign must be understood against the backdrop of the Nazi quest for racial and bodily purity, which also motivated many other public health efforts of the era.
Medical historians in recent years have done a great deal to enlarge our understanding of medicine and public health in Nazi Germany. We know that about half of all doctors joined the Nazi party and that doctors played a major part in designing and administering the Nazi programmes of forcible sterilisation, “euthanasia,” and the industrial scale murder of Jews and gypsies.(1) (2) Much of our present day concern for the abuse of humans used in experiments stems from the extreme brutality many German doctors showed towards concentration camp prisoners exploited to advance the cause of German military medicine.(3)
Tobacco in the Reich
One topic that has only recently begun to attract attention is the Nazi anti-tobacco movement.(4-6) Germany had the world’s strongest anti smoking movement in the 1930s and early 1940s,supported by Nazi medical and military leaders worried that tobacco might prove a hazard to the race.(1) (4)Many Nazi leaders were vocal opponents of smoking. Anti-tobacco activists pointed out that whereas Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt were all fond of tobacco, the three major fascist leaders of Europe-Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco-were all non-smokers.(7) Hitler was the most adamant,characterising tobacco as “the wrath of the Red Man against the White Man for having been given hard liquor.” At one point the Fuhrer even suggested that Nazism might never have triumphed in Germany had he not given up smoking.(8)
German smoking rates rose dramatically in the first six years of Nazi rule, suggesting that the propaganda campaign launched during those early years was largely ineffective.(4) (5) German smoking rates rose faster even than those of France, which had a much weaker anti-tobacco campaign. German per capita tobacco use between 1932 and 1939 rose from 570 to 900 cigarettes a year, whereas French tobacco consumption grew from 570 to only 630 cigarettes over the same period.(9)
Smith et al suggested that smoking may have functioned as a kind of cultural resistance,(4) though it is also important to realise that German tobacco companies exercised a great deal of economic and political power, as they do today. German anti-tobacco activists frequently complained that their efforts were no match for the “American style” advertising campaigns waged by the tobacco industry.(10) German cigarette manufacturers neutralised early criticism-for example, from the SA(Sturm-Abteilung; stormtroops), which manufactured its own"Sturmzigaretten"-by portraying themselves as early and eager supporters of the regime.(11) The tobacco industry also launched several new journals aimed at countering anti-tobacco propaganda. In a pattern that would become familiar in the United States and elsewhere after the second world war, several of these journals tried to dismiss the anti-tobacco movement as "fanatic"and “unscientific.” One such journal featured the German word for science twice in its title (Der Tabak: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der International en Tabakwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, founded in 1940).
We should also realise that tobacco provided an important source of revenue for the national treasury. In 1937-8 German national income from tobacco taxes and tariffs exceeded 1 billion Reichsmarks.(12) By 1941, as a result of new taxes and the annexation of Austria and Bohemia, Germans were paying nearly twice that. According to Germany’s national accounting office, by 1941 tobacco taxes constituted about one twelfth of the government’s entire income.(13) Two hundred thousand Germans were said to owe their livelihood to tobacco-an argument that was reversed by those who pointed to Germany’s need for additional men in its labour force, men who could presumably be supplied from the tobacco industry.(14)
‘Tobacco capital’ raining down to spoil the people’s health.

Culmination of the campaign: 1939-41
German anti-tobacco policies accelerated towards the end of the 1930s,and by the early war years tobacco use had begun to decline. The Luftwaffe banned smoking in 1938 and the post office did likewise.Smoking was barred in many workplaces, government offices, hospitals,and rest homes. The NSDAP (National sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) announced a ban on smoking in its offices in 1939, at which time SS chief Heinrich Himmler announced a smoking ban for all uniformed police and SS officers while on duty.(15) The Journal of the American Medical Association that year reported Hermann Goering’s decree barring soldiers from smoking on the streets, on marches, and on brief off duty periods.(16) Sixty of Germany’s largest cities banned smoking on street cars in 1941.(17) Smoking was banned in air raid shelters-though some shelters reserved separate rooms for smokers.(18) During the war years tobacco rationing coupons were denied to pregnant women (and to all women below the age of 25) while restaurants and cafes were barred from selling cigarettes to female customers.(19) From July 1943 it was illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to smoke in public.(20) Smoking was banned on all German city trains and buses in 1944, the initiative coming from Hitler himself,who was worried about exposure of young female conductors to tobacco smoke.(21) Nazi policies were heralded as marking"the beginning of the end" of tobacco use in Germany.(14)
Cover page from Reine Luft, the main journal of the German anti-tobacco movement

Very interesting.

Never heard of that before.

Sort of fits with the ‘purity’ aspect of Nazi philosophy, which had elements of purity of body and mind which in turn have long been prominent in German attitudes to health before and after the Nazis.

I’m wondering if perhaps the Nazi history is now being selectively presented or overstated by current anti-tobacco campaigners?

Interesting. In the film Valkyrie basically all Hitlers generals are portrayed as smokers. Then maybe thats just Hollywood.

Or product placement.

Or it could be showing that they didn’t really respect or believe in him.

The last scene of Hitler: The Last Ten Days shows this as well…once Hitler is dead all of his generals begin smoking.

In Beevor’s book on the fall of Berlin, it is said that an SS officer with a pistol had to be sent to the up to quiet drunken revelry above Hitler’s room on the day of his and Eva’s impending suicide. Control was being lost and the Bunker was stocked with liquor and the German officers and NCOs were enticing girls with food and booze…

I may be confused, but the bunker complex was a bi-level structure,but not multi story. Thee should have been nothing but meters of concrete, and soil above Hitler’s room.

Beevor writes of that day, “The lower bunker was then cleared, but instead of sepulchral silence, a loud noise of partying came from upstairs in the Reich Chancellery canteen.” (p.359)

Gotcha…Alles klar ist.

Personally, I think they were drinking to the cunt shooting himself. :slight_smile:

I’ll drink to that.

Goebbels, Boorman and Goring were smokers as was Rommel.Galland always had a cigar in his mouth. Smoking restrictions in the military were lifted during the war. Hitler banned smoking at all of his headquarters, but Hugh-Trevor Roper reports and the Film ‘Downfall’ depicts many in The Bunker–especially Eva and Hitler’s secretaries having a crafty puff.
There’s something about ex-smokers (Adolf was a 30 a day man until he was 35) that makes them particularly Anal. ( Like Manto perhaps?)

Author of the article Robert Proctor, wrote a complete book on the subject in 1999. Try to find “The Nazi War On Cancer” (Princeton University Press). It reproduces quite a few press ads from the time, including “Storm Cigarettes” manufactured by the SA on the one hand, and another showing a devil-headed snake labelled ‘Angina’ and ‘Tobacco Addiction’ tempting its victims with cigarettes and cigars.


Photos of anybody smoking in the prescence of Hitler are extremely rare. This however, looks like Dietrich holding a cigarette while standing behind Hitler at a family gathering.

You’d think that such a propoganda machine like Hitler’s would have a right ripping poster or two depicting the evils of smoking and blaming Jewish tobacco magnates.