This is a revelation

How deadly is the American military?

It is difficult to measure how many enemy deaths American armed forces have inflicted. Americans and their allies typically cause 10 to 20 times more combat casualties than American forces suffer. … The lowest figure would still be 10 times the number of Americans killed in the war. Approximately 850,000 Vietcong died in the Vietnam War, 18 times the 47,000 U.S. dead. More than 600,000 North Korean and 1 million Chinese fighters died in the Korean War, almost 50 times the 33,000 American dead. In World War II, 3,250,000 German and 1,507,000 Japanese soldiers, sailors, and pilots were killed, 16 times the 291,000 American servicemen who were killed.

And here’s the book and part of the review of it.

What Every Person Should Know about War
by … Acclaimed New York Times journalist and author Chris Hedges … Utterly lacking in rhetoric or dogma, this manual relies instead on bare fact

ROFLMAO :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Anybody want to take a stab at just one tiny little thing that might be wrong with the kill ratio for American troops in WWII (never mind the other wars) by this acclaimed journalist and author who relies on bare (Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!) fact?

Go USA…I never new that it was we who killed all the Germans/Japanese during WW2 and VC/NVA in Vietnam. Man we did really good in Korea. Blllaaaaahhhh!

Just about every one of those numbers are off. This man is playing with numbers he knows nothing about. Now there is no doubt that the US has an effective military. Thats coz we kill just about everything even our allies.

This stuff seems to be like the cropped stories you tell 3 year olds. Might as well just say John Wayne landed on D-day by alone and killled the german army and stormed into Berlin and shot him all by himself.

Oh dont forget it was the US the won WW1. :mrgreen: LOL

What is a war?
War is defined as an active conflict that has claimed more than 1,000 lives.

Interesting didnt know there was a limit. :confused:

BTW im not worried about the US when we have Major Kong.


Congratulations! You get 101 out of 100. This entitles you to a prize of your choice, which will be notified to you when we work out what it is. :smiley:

The acclaimed idiot - sorry acclaimed journalist and author - has simply divided total German and Japanese deaths by American deaths. He wouldn’t have done this if he realised that there were some other nations involved, even if just peripherally. Let alone if he had the slighest idea about just how much this is going to piss off Egorka and Chevan about how many Germans the Soviets killed! :slight_smile:

Thats coz we kill just about everything even our allies.

Yeah, but Downunder we always take our revenge

This stuff seems to be like the cropped stories you tell 3 year olds. Might as well just say John Wayne landed on D-day by alone and killled the german army and stormed into Berlin and shot him all by himself.

Sheeit! You mean he wasn’t there? Probably too busy getting ready to fight with the Green Berets in Vietnam. A man his age takes a time to warm up.

Oh dont forget it was the US the won WW1.

Seriously, for a change, Germany would not have folded without the US coming in, regardless of it coming in quite late. Although it’s always fun for those of us in the British Commonwealth who were in from the start to the finish to comment on the Americans arriving fashionably late for both wars. :slight_smile:

Interesting didnt know there was a limit.

Me neither. 1,000 seems a bit low. Wouldn’t this qualify Los Angeles or Detroit in most years? :smiley:

You should be worried. Major Kong was sort of evaporated at the end of his last flight.

I put this to you as gently as I can, but your YouTube video (which I saw in context in Dr Stranglove when it came out at the time at the height of the Cold War and which had a rather different and greater impact than it does now) demonstrates why America is no longer great.

You disparage Major Kong, a resolutely patriotic American who willingly rides a nuclear bomb into the enemy’s heart.

Clearly he knew that the guidance system was less than perfect, so heroically he rode the bomb to its target with unerring accuracy.

When have you seen an American do that, in film or reality, since the mid-1960’s?

In fact, when was the last time you saw or heard of an American riding a bomb anywhere?


Nowadays it’s all laser guided bombs from miles away, with nobody riding anything.

Major Kong may have been misguided, but the bomb he guided was not. :mrgreen: