This should shut his mouth (refer to iran's president)

“Those people who said the Holocaust didn’t happen, like the president of Iran, if they have any questions about it, please come to Bad Arolsen and check it out for themselves.”

… the stories of 17 million victims – not only Jews, but slave laborers, political prisoners and homosexuals

So what’s the figure of Holocoust victims i.e. personaly jews? 17 millions at all is less then official number befor (25-30 millions).
I was more wondered not the article but the next comments:

whitman2001 way to spell white man correctly . Let’s see you got white spelled wrong and man cause your boy. Suck my *** you motherfuckin nazi ***. The Holocast didn’t wipe us out and either will you because your garbage. Guess what I’m going to be doing your sister. Anyway the Holocaust did happen and you got to be a pile of dog *** to deny it. So anymore comments against the Jews or the that the Holocaust didn’t happen is over. The Jews wil be here forever!
Posted by jewman2006

Im not going to debate whether the holocaust happened…Im just going to say that I think the jews deserved it…and at the rate their going their likely to create more holocausts not just for jews but arabs and americans and europeans too

The so called Islamo fascists more than likely were created when american jews and Israelis managed to destroy americas image as a fair and object peace broker to arab and jew. When will americans come to the conclusion that americans problems come from jews…
Posted by whitman2001

P.S. Why did you FW-190 Pilot made this thread in the Germany Military.
I think it’s rather for General part.


Agree. Topic moved.

Hello good people!

The Holocaust was a terrible thing. And it is, I think, very bad to get polictical benefit out of it… It is equally bad to deminish as to overestimate on purpose the number of victims.

The number of 6 million of Jewish victims (there were named numbers up to 10mil!) is a simbolic number. 6 points of the David’s star - 6 millions. People like symbols.

From what I know (and I am not 100% sure yet as I have not dug dipper) the number of jewish victims is somewhere around 4 millions. The main reason is the the Jews in Poland were actually counted twice. It is because majority of the Polish jews lived on in the area that was retaked by USSR in 1939.
And these people were counted twice. First as European Jews and then as Soviet Jews.

The Iranian president has, of course, his own egoistic goal in this matter. But I think it is equally ill to prossecute people for deniel of Holocaust. You can deny anything you want, but not this one. One can argue how many Russians, Germans of Gipsies were killed but not Jews. Why?

Best regards
Igor Korenev