Thread Ranking System

Other boards have and I want to know if you would like to see one? Ranking system allows members to vote on threads on a 1 - 5 star basis. Allowing them to be averaged and you get the basic feeling for the thread. This will help the staff and members get an idea of what most people are interested in.

Please vote in the poll.

Would be nice to have some feedback here guys!!! Besides just the staff.

[i]I voted “Yes, but only if the majority of people will use it”.

I does seem a good idea, whether or not people will use it is another matter. Though what is the harm in putting it in place even if nobody used it, just so the option is there?

I am for it, I guess that I going to get several 5s, one is sure… for my “Argetine Top model” thread :mrgreen:

Since there seems to be general interest I have made the thread Ranking/(the word i should have used) Rating system possible. You will find at the top of most threads something that looks like this

 		"Thread Tools"       "Search this Thread"        "Rate Thread"            "Display Modes" 		 

However anouncements, awards this is not possible. Please let me know if you have any problems.

edited for clarity and to add once you vote you cant reverse it.

i think that is an amazing idea but you would have to make it so only people whoare sergeants or something can vote… if the person is a mod or admin ofcourse they can vote no matter what “rank” they are… but you should only let people who you trust to make the right vote or decision to vote so once they hit like Sergeant

Surely some threads can start well but end up in a morass of triviality and dullness; while others have a very poor beginning but later enliven to become both popular and enlightening. Therefore any poll would only be germane to the time when the vote was cast, much like voting in General Elections.

If we go by frequency of posts on the thread then we have the possibility of be two posters on a particular subject who keep ‘ping-ponging’ their remarks.
Perhaps if there were some way of noting how often different members visit the thread after each new post just to read it, it might give a better indication of it’s popularity ?

Just noticed it doesnt seem like alot of people are using this! Does everyone know how to rate the threads? Or is it just lack of interest?

If a ranking system is not practical, why not add a ‘Thanks’ button, so if you feel a member has made a valuable thread/post you just hit the ‘Thanks’ button.

At the bottom of the posting it will then display the word"Thanks’ and the name of the members who have thanked the poster.

This system is used on a few sites and seems to be appreciated and also eliminates a lot of very short replies, like ‘thanks. I agree, yes, etc.’

Regards digger.