Thread tangents

I find time and time again on this forum that there are far to many members straying very far from poster initial requests when somone is asking help on something specific I think that there strayinf off topic issue needs to be adressed big time as there are far to many BS comments on posts by new members that are taken way off the orignal intent of the posts.

I urge some wise minded Adminstrator to take notice and do something about this.As a Military Researcher and Historian I find this behavior rude and a waste of people’s time as there are sons and daughters if nont Grand sons and daughters who come here for sincere help in discovering their family histories.

So I once again when it comes to sdpecific requests by people who do not have a broad knowledge of the subject or the means to find what they are looking for be helped and not blasted with a bunch of useless information that has zero to do with what the poster was asking about…Not to mention the occasional stupid post you cant blame people for their mental abilities.
(make note I have batteled with writing dyslexia my whole life,yet I was reading college level at age 9)

I will site this thread as an example note I was the only one to give the person what they were looking for (why did Grandpas weapon jam?) including the weapons manual, where as other floated off into tangents having little if anything to do with the individuals inital request.

I understand your frustration, is annoying but very usual in here. Sometimes I think could be good, sometimes definately not.

I don’t understand your point.

The thread started with a request for info about the BAR. It said nothing about his grandfather’s weapon jamming, which was raised later. The thread was on topic, which was a general request for information about the BAR and its squad use.

More importantly, the OP was happy with the information provided.

what does siting information about copies of the BAR have anthing to do with the BAR in use by the americans NOTHING they are a different machine I know I have handeled both.

I don’t understand your point. = why site information about german weapons in the american forum! he was obviously not asking about. He was asking for information on the american BAR nont the check polish swedish german varients, or are you not able to see the obvious?

"The thread started with a request for info about the BAR. It said nothing about his grandfather’s weapon jamming, which was raised later. The thread was on topic, which was a general request for information about the BAR and its squad use.

More importantly, the OP was happy with the information provided."
rising sun, sure after he weeded through 10 buckets of bullshit.

Making claims about the weapon being used against americans another point it didnt happen why? because enemy troops caught using american equiptment were shot directly by the Americans when captured and also soldiers are taught to recognise the sound of enemy weapons as to call in arty on those said weapons etc… the use of enemy weapons was extremely frowned upon by Americans and germans alike on thhe front line as it caused far to many FriendlyFire incidents. I’m not saying the Germans didnt use captured weapons and equiptment this is clearly observed during the bulge and it had an adverse effect for the germans it caused the americans to lose the boy scout attitude and start being more brutal toward their SS counterparts.

If you can’t Understand why this is annoying to me when it is a new poster asking about the BROWNING AUTOMATIC RIFEL not its varients copied by forign lands in use in WW II. he got what he was asking for and didnt post he got his question solved by people who werent trying to flex their intelictual EGO.

so if you guys think that contstantly straying off topic is cool great! but it crtradicts some forum regulations here and in my opinion the duty of the admin.

I quoted his first point to prove you wrong. what do 10 posts about the germans using the copy of the BAR against the americans in europe have anything to do with this mans question?-

This is a discussion forum, not an online encyclopedia. If you want pure facts with no unrelated discussion, naff off to Wikipedia.

Exactly what I was going to say…

The questions are a means to start discussion, not just a means to frame them or solely to get direct answers. The thread starter seemed perfectly happy with this. I have no idea what the thread starters main objection is here, but this is not

Wow thats nice rude nice that people make comments demeaning other people when you dont even read the post or what it’s orignal content is.Then make shit ass bullshit egoistic comments to hide the fact that you are wrong.
yeah great discuss but going off topic is a rule here follow it!

What a bunch of blow hards so full of yourselves that all your doing is turning this place into your personal ego playground.

Sure discuss but stay on TOPIC!

If you don’t like it, then the usual rule applies - take it up with the Chief Moderator Firefly via PM. Otherwise, feel free to bore off.

If moderators dont follow the rules they are supposed to enforce then there is no moderation. and telling me to blow off only strengthens my argument. Not to mention the wiki comment it’s out of line just proves me more right.

PM sent.

Sorry for the “shit ass bullshit,” but by all means my little troll, don’t let the door hit you on the arse’ on the way out…

Feel free to then start your own site where you rigorously “enforce” what people can and cannot post in a thread. I doubt you’ll have much work to do…

Yes, I am able to see the obvious.

An aside was made about foreign BARs by Carl Scwhamberger and you chose to discuss it in subsequent posts.

Now you’re complaining about your own conduct.

The OP expressed satisfaction with the information provided before, but not after, your diversion into foreign BARs.

Most of that foreign BAR ‘bullshit’ (or ‘information’ as the rest of us see it) was yours, so you’ve shot yourself in the foot again by complaining about your own conduct.

What does this have to do with a thread on thread tangents? Apart from being a thread tangent and further undermining your own argument by your own hypocritical conduct?

You must be reading a different thread to the one in the link, because your comment, to the extent that any of it makes sense, is absurd in relation to that thread.

If we enforced relevance as stringently as you want, a good part of your posts in the linked thread and in this thread would be deleted and you’d have infraction points as well. That’s not the way we operate here. If you don’t like it, find a forum run by dictators where you’ll be happy, at least for a short while until you get banned for tangents in threads.

So much love exchange here…:rolleyes:

You should see what’s happening in PM’s!

Nobody ever PM’s me…sometimes I feel so Lonely…