Tiger I - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Tiger I


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/colorizations/49260/tiger-i

I am not against the posting of good colorizations, as long as they show some degree of concern for historical accuracy and a certain effort to respect what are, after all, historical documents, and as long as they are accompanied by a link to the original document or at least some relevant information. This way even those who don’t care much about colorizations might learn something from this posts.
I believe the main purpose of this site is to be a hub of discussion revolving around the complex subject that is WW2, this purpose being achieved by using photos as the catalyzing element. Posting photos, colorized or not, without a proper description serves no purpose.
While it is within your rights to post this colorizations with non-existing descriptions, I fail to see what you expect to achieve with these mass-produced 3 hours’ wonders and the attached ‘smiley faces’. Am I suppose to be amused by this? Is this website the ideal platform for yours and others colorizing ‘Blitzkriegs’?

The last phrase at the end of the main page clearly states the following:

"Our upload feature allows website visitors to add related WW2 images and other historic documents for educational purposes."

Where is the ‘educational’ part on this endless batch of seemingly pointless colorizations, I wonder?

If all you and other ‘colorizers’ want is to collect upvotes and ‘pats on the back’ for your photoshop prowess then allow me to suggest the sub-reddit ‘r/colorizations’. There you will find thousands of amateur enthusiasts more then willing to upvote every single one of your color works, and the best part is that they couldn’t care less if you post info or not. Other hypothesis are Facebook, deviantart, pinterest, etc.

Best regards