Time for a new Mod

I have experienced a time constraignt recently and I have also noticed that the site is also experienceing much more traffic.

Is it time to recruit a few new Mods, I think so, but I think we should recruit under-Mods, to Mod specific areas.

We have our core mods already, but we can have new ones to police certain sections only. They can be Lieutenant Mods and have responsibility over a section.

Im sure you guys must think as I do lately that the topics and posts come far too fast for the 4 of us to handle.

i envisage the new Mods to work under the current ones and to have no infraction powers, but they can take the problem to us.

I think we need 3.

Any thoughts on this?

Time for a new Mod

Added by Dani: I tried to correct the typo in thr title but I hadn’t any chance

Im open to the idea…who do you suggest? SStiger would be a good choice but dont see him around alot. Need his spirt but someone that is on!

Ill go with a test phase of 1 new mod. Lets see what they can do. But I need someone that is here almost everyday. That limits it to a few. And gulp on those.

Also to test their resolve I would like to put them in other wars and/or off-topic…if they can handle that they can handle just about anything. Baptism by fire IMO.

Agreed on SS Tiger and his responsibility. None of the Russians, maybe 1 of the Australians?

But for now SS Tiger. Give him the Mod area and see how he does, let him come to us for infractions and disputes. Make him a Lt Mod and see how it goes. If it goes OK, then we can look at some more.

If you considering some of the new ones I like Amrit stile. SS tiger would be fine.

Russians ? are you kidding…right ?

i dont have a problem with SS tiger

Fine by me with the proposal (SS Tiger).
Russians? Too early and too sided.
Aussies? Might be a choice.

My bold.

Speaking of infraction powers, I already discussed with GS the necessity to have our own rules concerning the infraction points, warnings and so on. At the time when we had our old system, things were very clearly concerning the warnings because we already have been discussed some guiding rules at the time. Now things are a bit messy and unclear concerning infraction points.

Bottom line, shortly (a couple or several days) GS will come forth with a set of rules and a guideline on how, when, who should be warned with infraction points.

Edited: Do not forget the main reason for which you are allowed to see this side of the forum: you are here because you are moderators. Warning is (I’d say) the ultimate tool of a moderator because it starts the way for banning a certain user. It’s a tool of great responsability. Anybody could edit, move, delete, whatever posts, threads and so on with several minutes of training. Warning it’s a different thing. To make clear this side of moderation rules will be enforced.

I only hope that GS will not be bothered with unveiling the story 1 minute earlier. :slight_smile:

Noooo!!! Oh wait…no thats okay! :smiley:

Well everyone seems ok with SS Tiger and he seems to want help the site. Maybe we can put him in the other wars section for starters. Plus he will continue his duties as combat photographer.

Ill send him a pm and see what he thinks.

Cool, and I agree very much that its too early for any Russians.

I pm’ed SS Tiger! Just in case anyone have a second choice!

I have a brother…(joke)

I will said lancer44 but he share the same problem as Tiger.

:smiley: FF says we need 3 but seems we are having trouble finding 1. Oh BTW dont even mention the idea of the members voting someone in…tried that before and was awful. If the staff cant find a mod I suggest we go without one.

Another guy not on alot Kovalski. Still a good guy. Maybe 3 mods not on alot would equal on good mod!!! … probably not.

I sent the pm to SS Tiger a couple days ago and he still hasnt responed. :confused:

Unfortunately the who are in the forum more often seems not good Moderator material.

If the staff cant find a mod I suggest we go without one


Would anyone have a problem with 32bravo in a couple of months…seems like a good guy that is on alot?? Only joined this year so would like to wait awhile on that but would put him the possible catagory.

SS Tiger says he is in…so we give him a try! Ill sort things out soon things and he should be around in here the next couple of days.

And also I will give him full mod powers but he will be limited to Other Wars for a while. He can ban a spammer but all other infractions will go thru us.

Is nice to know that Tiger is with us. :wink:

I saw him connected yesterday and I figure that some news come about this issue.

Tiger …where are you ? :rolleyes:

Curious about that myself!

Well we ARE NOT going to rush into this one…however we should be thinking about it. I am going to PM the following members soon to see if they would even be interested.

Rising Sun*

These are the only members that would even come close. I will explain to them what will be expected. Very clearly. I know some of you are going to have objections please note them.

Out of the above group I hope to get one. So we will see who is interested and watch how they conduct themselves. Also consider their background. I dont want another SS Tiger. To be modded and then demodded has to be kind of a bummer even thou im sure he wont take it to hard. Whatever it aint a morale booster thats for sure. Lets take it slow and think it thru properly. Ill post here what they say.