Time for some new mods (again)

Members proposed (or proposing themselves) so far, with my comments.

Panzerknacker - no way. I heaved a major sigh of relief when he left, and if he came back he would be a total loose cannon. The very fact that he is saying he wants to be a mod in the forums is enough to prevent him from being one as far as I’m concerned.
Rising Sun - bit nervous about whether he’d take it seriously enough
Egorka - I’m quite keen on him, and he would broaden the base among the mods quite a bit - right now it’s overwhelmingly anglo-saxon and military.
Tankgeezer - probably OK
Namvet - not too sure about, he’s got on the wrong side of me a couple of times but nothing serious enough to disqualify him. Not someone I’d vote for but not someone I’d try to veto either.
32Bravo - same problem as Rising Sun, would he take it seriously enough?
Old RSM - never about, after all he’s only made 23 posts FFS!
Flamethrowerguy - got his head screwed on right and the stuff he posts is good too.
Librarian - I’d love to have him as a mod, but I’m pretty sure he hasn’t got the time.

I’d say the way forward is to appoint 3 new mods, and add moderating the photo section to our powers as well (assuming it is done through the forums - trawling through the gallery isn’t on).
Of these, I’d suggest Egorka and Flamethrowerguy as first choices along with either Rising Sun or Tankgeezer. 32Bravo and Librarian are possibles but I suspect aren’t on, and I’m not keen on any of the rest.

RS is a first choice for me. Ill tell you why.

Despite his often over the top criticisms of others and occasional attacks he has the site and its general wellbeing in his heart. Making him a Mod would obviously be controversial but I think he can do it. All Mods would as usual be appointed on probation, if they go mad, then they are removed.

Another thing is as this is an English speaking site we should really have Mods that are fully understanding of this language. Weve had the Argentinian Mods who just dont get the nuances of English and both have gotten into trouble over it.

Id go


IIRC we offered RS the chance to be a mod before but he was not for it. I really like the guy…a bit off track time to time but who isnt. Ill go for it but just want to point out the PK blowback we are surely going to get from this.

From my perspective PK can blow it where he likes, he had his chance and he BLEW it big style. If he doesnt like it RS can break his duck on him… Wouldnt that be ironic!