Tiptoeing - US Army | Gallery


US infantryman advances thru a German minefield in Normandy 1944.US helmet and walkietalkie lying nearby(perhaps from a mine casualty ) This photo and the previous come from a series I found on : http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/seen-35-mind-blowing-images-d-day.html greetz,brummbar

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army/53086/tiptoeing

Been bugging me about these AT mines so had a little search and found them in TM 9-1985-6 Italian and French Explosive Ordnance.

Mine Allongee Lourde M1935 (steel) or M1936 (Aluminium)

Also known as

Mine Legere Mle 1935/1936

Thanks leccy,interesting info :slight_smile: