To End All Wars

Well since there was a post about Brigde over the river Kwai…I thought I would post this one. This is a much more accurate movie about the horrible events that went on in Japanese POW camps. I thought this was a really good movie. Based on true events.

I think our British friends would really be interested in seeing this one. Coz they are the majority of the camp. Plus one American.

I enjoyed the film I got it from my friend he copied it for me but that messed up the movie in parts since he didn’t do it properly. I though did enjoy it. The part when they miscounted the shovels and whatnot really showed what it was like. I would recommend it I mean it isn’t action packed but it is good. 8)

I thought it was a great movie.

I don’t watch this movie yet.

Neither have i :cry:
Is it new?

No I think that’s is a old movie.

Made in 2001, not old in my opinion.

Upssssss Sorry I don’t watch this movie and I didn’t know. :roll:

This is an excellent movie and Bobbie Carlyle steals the show as the Mad Jock!