
Извените, но у меня сейчас нет переводчика, я предлагаю помещать фотографии своих родственников, кто участвовал во Второй Мировой Войне. Как только у меня заработает сканер сразу выложу свои. Заранее извените если такая тема есть!

Babel translates as:

You izvenite, but i now do not have translator, I propose to place the photographs of its relatives, who participated in World War II. As soon as in me will earn scanner I will immediately lay out its. Previously you izvenite if this theme is!

Thanks! Can you say me site of this translatour




Welkome one board лейтенант Воронцов.
We’ll await your photos with the impatience;)

Chevan could not you leave some photos?

Sorry comrade Воронцов
I have no photo of my relatives on the front.
One of my grandfather perished of front in 1942 but my gramma could not saved the photo after the her house had burned in 1953.
So i 've never see my grendfather even in photo.

It is pity. You know their name, patronymic or something more?

So this is my grandfather


?????? 2.jpg

?????? 3.jpg

?????? 4.jpg

?????? 5.jpg

Were is another foto? Please show!

I know not a much.
My пrandfather - Ivan Janov 1922 y. born. was mobilized in jule of 1941.
He perished in the Kuban ( not far form place where i live) near the Novorossijsk in summer of 1942 during the Germans offensive to the Kavkaz.
BTW excellent photos comrade Vorontsov.

Here is a bit about my folks: http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?p=93086&highlight=Odessa#post93086

I will add to the photographs that Irvantsev Nikolai Petrovich, Colonel, participation in the defense of stalengrada, well and further into the taking there is no Koenigsberg or Berlin, precise information as yet on them.