
Я предлагаю в этом разделе всем кто говорит по русски, говорите на родном языке. И вначале пусть каждый расскажит о себе.
Я воронцов Виктор живу в городе Измаил, учусь в 9-м классе, с 1-го класса интересуюсь войной и всем, что с ней связано!
И все не стесняйтесь, рассказывайте!!!:slight_smile:

Sorry Victor…
i see you good young guy that interesting of the WW2 history.
But you have to understand this is not inner russian forum and the moderators of this forum does not speak russian.:smiley:
Moreover there a lot of peoples from a whole world who wish would like to read your posts in here and information that could be interesing for them.
So we have a common rules in here that just help us to communicate.
just imagine the everybody of different countries would write the post in its native languages …:slight_smile: Could you imagine this situation ?
Who will read this forum how do yo think.
So i can to recommend you one ONLY way - improve your english, search the new friend and enjoy.
I have to say you there are a lot of “young historians” from other states ( for instance USA) like a GermanSoldier and ets. who had a simular age like you 12-16 years.
You would surprising the of the new possibility in here.
So good luck Victor .
BTW if you has a strong necessity of communication with russian member on native language nobody forbid you to use your personal mail-box in here;)

ill be your friend man and ill ask my friend germansoilder if he might be your friend too so pm me if interrested

It seems to work alright for those of us whose native (and only) language is English. :smiley:

Sorry, I was actually not rights, so give simply to recognize each other and to become acquainted, indeed interesting to have friends abroad!

Вообще-то “по русски” по-русски будет “по-русски”.