Tortorella Airfield - US Army Air Force | Gallery

Tortorella Airfield

From “Thunder from the South - The 99th Bomb Group in World War II” written by 99th Bombardment Group Association: “Living conditions at Tortorella were very harsh. The summers were hot and dusty, the winters cold and wet. Buildings were few, and airplane maintenance crews worked out in the open. The men lived in tents using homemade gasoline stoves for heat. The men constantly had to struggle through mud and water, snow and ice, or choking dust, depending on the season”. The planes of USAAF’s 99th Bomb Group, 5th Bomb Wing, 15th Air Force, Boeing B-17 “Flying Fortress”, arrived in Italy from North Africa at Tortorella Airfield, Foggia Airfield Complex, in December of 1943. Victor Sierra

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Hello! I would like to potentially use this image in a book I am publishing this year. Who owns this image and how may I obtain permissions to use this photo?