Tote that Bomb - German Air Force | Gallery

Tote that Bomb

At a muddy forward airfield that is still lacking basic equipment with which to service it's aircraft, burly Luftwaffe Crew Members haul bombs on their shoulders, forward to a waiting bomber. (scanned by HOS Bandit)

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a little too big to be 30 kg bombs…

I’m not a bomb expert,are these 50 kg bombs?It cannot be much more the way they are carrying them.If I’m right what is then the actual weight of the explosive inside?Greetz,Brummbar

I did mention that they were "Burly" Luftwaffe Crew Members, They could very easily carry 200-250 lbs. like that. When I was much, much younger, I worked summers with my Uncle, doing residential roofing. He used to make us climb ladders with 3 bundles of shingles on our shoulders at once! A bundle of shingles weighs about 70 lbs. more or less, depending on the tab. Granted, we had help getting them on our shoulders, as Im sure these guys did also. And these guys are a lot beefier then I was as a teenager!.lol