
Anyone interested in watching the Fleet Review taking place in the Solent can do so here at There is also an article from BBC News at the above address. The Fleet Review contains lots of ships from many nations, including a disappointingly small number from the Royal Navy. Expect the next fleet review to contain two RNLI lifeboats and nothing else, because that will be the full Naval power available to the UK.

It’s rather unclear from the coverage, but the Royal Navy defeated the combined French and Spanish Navies in this decisive engagement. This point appears to have been overlooked in all the excitement about a fireworks show and a ‘red v. blue’ battle. To find out more about the battle itself, I direct your attention to the Wikipedia. Don’t tell me you don’t know where it is!

You can guarantee that if the frogs had won, there’s be no doubt who had done it at the 200th anniversary - there’d be none of this “red” vs “blue” cräp.

This PC bollox is runing our country! :evil:

Actually this whole PC thing seems to me to be more on the British side. I think most French either don’t care, or are actually happy to see old French ships.

Also, their Barracks in Berlin were called Quartier Napoleon! :wink:


Most of them, perhaps, Walther, but not all :
Quoted from BBC back in '98:

[i]"A French politician has written to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair demanding that he changes the name of Waterloo Station.
Florent Longuepée says it is upsetting for the French to be reminded of Napoleon’s defeat when they arrive in London by Eurostar.

Waterloo station, which celebrates the Duke of Wellington’s victory in 1815 over the French Emperor Napoleon, is the gateway to London for Eurostar passengers arriving from Paris.

No welcome at the end of the tunnel
And Mr Longuepée, whose name means “long sword” in English, thinks it insensitive for the station to still bear the name of the old battle at a time when Europe is meant to be fostering closer ties with its neighbours.

“You will understand, I am sure, the discomfort which the French might feel … coming to Waterloo Station, having crossed the Channel tunnel, which is a symbol of the co-ordination and co-operation between our two nations,” wrote the conservative Mr Longuepée to Mr Blair.

“At a time of European integration, which I know you support, it seems to me opportune that England should give this station another name,” he added in an open letter.

Mr Longuepée concluded that if nothing is done he will campaign to have the Gare Du Nord in Paris renamed Fontenoy, after a little-known battle in which the French beat the English two centuries ago."[/i]

You’ll notice there was no reciprocal offer to rename the Gare D’Austerlitz :slight_smile:

Then I want them to change the name of the “Gare d’Austerlitz” in Paris :twisted:


Ok, we keep Austerlitz and you keep Waterloo, it seems a good deal !

Given the choice Id say lsing austerlitz wasnt as damaging for us as losing Waterloo for you guys!

Im jsut amused that they think the Red Vs Blue thing will actually hide the fact we destroyed the fleet! unless in a surprise twist, we just call it a draw! and you guys burn some veal crates whilst we go and sit outside a blockaded port. :lol:

Napoleon was a bit crasy at the time of Waterloo, he came back from exil, and wanted to make a new overthrown: he did it during only 100 days, and then, Waterloo, with all Europe soilders against him ! It was sure that his end was really near !