Trip to the Saumur Tank Musuem

I actually got around to doing all this! So much for me being lazy…

If you want to view the photos in the order of the visit, start at the bottom.

Also, all of the links have 100 photos except the last one, which has 10…

Please excuse the bad quality of the photos, as well as the repeats.

Upon close inspection it also seems that they are out of order, in theory the name and information of each vehicle(that I could find, anyway) was supposed to come before the picture of the vehicle… Sorry about that. mumbles about ImageShack’s uploading…

One more thing… What is the tank that is outside(should be the last one)?

Grand pics, enjoyed them all, you may go back to being lazy… :slight_smile:

Aye aye, skipper!

A lot of nice pictures there Churchill, thanks for sharing them. Now you can go and get over the jet lag. :slight_smile:
As for the last picture, it looks like US self propelled artillery, maybe an older version of the Paladin?

Hmm… Maybe… Don’t know for sure though…

Very impressive pics…it must have been great visiting.

It was. I spent a bit over 5 hours there, which included a guided tour.

I was really surprised that they had a Merkava.