Troll goes to gaol (jail)

The thick end of the wedge.

Stupid stupid people. And the idiot still has a smirk on his face in the news picture.:evil:

I think that his smirk will change quickly enough, dont know about Oz prisons, but in the U.S. those convicted of crimes against kids are dealt with in a way that will make the 1-3 yrs seem like 10, or 20. (assuming he survives)

Moral confusion #101.

Prisons are much the same around the world. The strong and brutal and merciless and greedy prey upon the conformist and reasonable and polite and weak, as they did outside the walls.

In Australia, and perhaps in much of the Western world, apart from the usual contests for supremacy in prisons it’s mostly about the drug trade, given that it’s often easier to get drugs inside than outside. A rich paedophile with a drug habit, or without a drug habit but willing to pay for drugs or protection, will do a lot better in prison than some impecunious and friendless prisoner who’s incarcerated for belting the **** out of someone who supplied his 12 year old sister with drugs.

And the prison staff are quite happy for the drugs to come into the prison (even apart from the ones the corrupt prison staff bring in) because it helps to keep the prisoners manageable. And, if I was a prison officer (being one of the ill-trained zombies recruited at minimum wage by the private companies running our prisons), I’d take exactly the same view. Why should I get beaten up when I’m paid about the same as a parking officer, and held in about the same public regard?

One difference between those in and out of gaol is that if the prisoners did it at a higher level and without violence, such as in the stockmarket, they’d be be in the rich list. As, indeed, are people who have done exactly that and luckily avoided gaol.

I’ve dealt with a wide range of people who ended up in gaol, but mostly with a lot more people who didn’t, on all sorts of offences but including a lot of vile sexual offences against children, and adults.

I also have very good personal reasons for wanting to see harsher penalties against sexual offenders (no, I wasn’t the victim) and, given a choice, for allowing people in my position to pull the trigger. Or, preferably, just beat the cunt to a fucking pulp. There is a lot more moral justification for that then, say, the hordes of Einsatzgruppen who were never brought to account for their morally appalling conduct.

But, in my dispassionate state, I don’t agree that we should derive satisfaction from or expect as part of the punishment the probably worse treatment of sex, or any other, offenders in prison at the hands of morally equivalent or worse offenders.

For example: Assume your sister is raped by Ape A, who then goes to goal (the chances of which on a rape complaint are **** all, but that’s a different issue).

Ape A is then ****ed up the arse by Ape B, who is in gaol for raping and killing someone else’s grandmother.

Does Ape B really qualify as a moral champion?

Ape B is no champion, nor Ape A. The only champion of any kind in prison is the person who pays their debt, and changes their life, working in each day to earn the second chance. I was only pointing out that the child abusing, molesting, pervs are for that reason a particular target of the regular Apes, outside the usual predatory prison behavior. The reason given is that children are off limits presumably because even the worst rapists, murderers, etc. may have kids, or have them in their extended families. I have had conversations with several former occupants of the U.S. prison system, and they all said pretty much the same things about it. Kill cops, thats commendable, (to them,) pillage rape, and murder, are part of the daily criminal world, and for them no surprise. But (to quote one ex-convict) “freaking off on kids is sick, like rabies” while making the finger pistol gesture. Wealth may at times have some impact on the security of a Pedophile,as in a well connected, or made criminal, but In the U.S. system it would be more the exception than the rule.While some inmates would act out of their own odd sense of morality, others would be motivated by their gangs, or the desire to clique up with a gang. You have by far much more experience in dealing with crims than I have, but I thought this little vignette might be of interest.

Hi guys,
i don’t really know about the prisons in your Countries, but here in Italy those convicted for crimes against kids have to face very hard times to the point that they have to be secluded from the other prisoners. That sticky invertebrate would deserve ten years only for his gratified smirk and for the maniac hairdress… :evil:

Agree 110%.

Unfortunately, our prisons are pretty poor at rehabilitation. If anything, most people come out worse than they went in.

The people who turn themselves around are more a testament to their own character and fortitude than to anything the prison system offers.

It’s debatable whether a prison, or any other, system is capable of changing people who have willingly embarked upon and intend to continue a criminal career.

In my noble philosophical moments I like to believe that nobody is beyond redemption, but from the viewpoint of life experience it’s not hard to identify a lot of people we should at the very least stop from breeding, if not breathing, because that very small proportion of the population occupies most of the attention of the police on crime and causes damage to the community out of all proportion to their number in it.


What I was getting at is that for some of the self-appointed moral punishers their moral outrage is selective and hypocritical. For example, some of the same people who’d punish a paedophile in prison are in gaol for supplying drugs directly or indirectly to children of the same age as sex abuse victims. If I was determining who got punished extra in gaol for harming children, I wouldn’t make much of a distinction between someone who sexually abuses a 14 year old child and a drug dealer who supplies a 14 year old child. But in gaol the drug dealer will hold himself morally superior to the sex abuser, as will a lot of prisoners who are wife-bashers and who abuse their own children in various ways, but just not sexually.

It is of interest, partly because while we have gangs, usually organised on ethnic lines, in our prisons they’re not as powerful as I understand to be the case in America.

From what you’ve said above, I wouldn’t bet on it. :wink: :smiley:

I’d like to think that it’s a testament to my stunning legal ability that few of my clients have gone to gaol, but the reality is that it’s because most of the work I’ve done is at the lower end of the scale where gaol isn’t usually a serious risk. Which is also what the vast bulk of our police and courts deal with, and which in some respects is a spectacular waste of time and resources for all involved.

I agree.

Add a few decades and he could end up looking like this , who is on on worrying track to be our next Prime Minister.

And you think you have problems with Berlusconi!

I’m sorry for the delay, but i didn’t see this post. ****! The resemblance is impressive! They look father & son… :shock:
We don’t think we have problems with Berlusconi, we have problems with Berlusconi… ;):slight_smile: