Trouble adding a friend

Hello everyone, it has been a long time.

And immediately with my return, I have a technical question. I have received a friend request, which I would like to accept, but I can’t. I click the button “Save Changes”, but after that, nothing happens. Does not matter whether I use Internet Explorer or Forefox.

Does anyone have an idea?


There should be an icon or thumbnail image of the new friend in the friends page with a tickable box in the top left, tick the box then press accept.

Sadly, right that is the problem :frowning:
I click on the button, the circular loading icon appears, and it runs and it runs and it runs and it runs…

Did anyone experience a similar problem?

Evil, I tried to friend you. See if you can confirm the request…

Sadly not :frowning:

Ah right, Nickdfresh sent me a friend request and I have the same issue.

Once an incoming friend is selected and saved the “Save Changes” button has a constant load/update icon next to it.

Yup, everytime I try to “Reply to thread”, I got to “Quick reply” instead.

Noticed that too yesterday. Was something changed lately in the software?

Just figured it out.

Go into the profile of the person that sent you the friend request then add them as a friend from there, they will now appear on your friends list.

Works, thank you! :slight_smile:

But still, this is just a work-around, the problem is still persistent :confused: