Trouble banning spammer

I banned this member for being a spammer, infraction is listed, but the member has not been banned. Re-entered the infraction, still not banned.

Done. Sometimes you have to go via the Mod Control Panel at

If TG, the spammer banner extraordinaire, has much more trouble banning a spammer, the board will be in deep trouble!

I dont know if I can ban from the mod control panel, There is no button to click for that at least for me, so I have had to use the clunky way from their profile page. I was going to ask Procyon about that once the holidays were past. In the side bar of functions I have only the boxes for checking threads, posts etc. and for users, I can only check their I.P. addresses. Some parts I have no access to at all. It seems to be just this one toady that gave trouble.

Go into the mod control panel, and use the username search function. You should have the option to ban a user from the list of names there. If not, Procyon needs to allow you to.

Did it ever work for you at one point?

It hasnt, I can look up I.P. addresses, and search members using their IP addresses, but no button for banning shows itself. I have no access to the quick user finder. Can you fix that?

should work now.

Indeed it does. Now, should the hordes of the great unwashed return,:slight_smile: