Trying to find a movie for my uncle

I am trying to find a movie for my uncle.its a ww2 movie and in it soldiers are marching past a building and part of it has been blown off, and on one of the floors you can see a tub and plumbing work. that is all I know of it. my Grandfather served and my uncle has fond memories of watching that movie a few times it came on because my Grandfather had some sort of experience, I dont know what, just that it was the same spot, right outside that same building. my uncle cannot seem to remember anything else about the movie as he was pretty young at the time, but he remembers sharing it with his dad,and it made him happy.
I want to find it to surprise my uncle. not having any luck…I know it is probably going to be impossible with such a ridiculously small amount of info, but I am gonna try anyway.

Is it a documentary or fiction?


my mother just told me it was a tub showing not a toilet.

Since your uncle was young at the time it might be possible to get a general date for the movie, might help.

early 50s my mom said she thought it would be