
Good poster, nice articles, however he doesnt seem to like any critical feedback at all.

I hate to mention our old friend, but he seems like a more learned version of IRONBOY.

Maybe he just rubs me the wrong way with his dismissive attitude, but I’m just taking this opportunity to vex my frustration with him.

He has several good points to make though…

I will not Mod him as I have got into a head to head with him and it would be unfair. Sorry about that but I do have a differing view of the world from him!

well, we will indeed keep a close eye on him and see if this continue, we will give him a warning if nessasary.

On what grounds has he qualified for a warning FW? Just because he is showing the early symptoms of Frionpan Syndrome doesnt mean that he cant turn around.

I’m sorry, I was just voicing my opinion on him, he hasnt done anything wrong in any way or form other than be a bit stubborn with point of views that he does not agree with.

I like his posts, they are well written. I hope he stays around as well. But he is arguing bollocks weapons handling tactics with professionally trained soldiers. I can just see what lies ahead thats all.

Firefly, I caught correctly your messge! :smiley:

We’ll soon have you talking like a True Brit Dani!

anyways, i dont think its a big deal for now unless he starts to insult at other members

:lol: Thanks Firefly! Really appreciated!

Twitch is at it again…

This time I have pointed him in the direction that I hope we want to take.

What is the point of debate if its only going to be his side of events? I’m sure he’s doing it on purpose now.

I will try not to post PMs here so often, but this one received from Twitch needs a reading:

I may have cut a blurb about the Flugelrad in a post for a quick description but then someone attached a cut and paste image to it. ?? The first book I saw that craft in is a book called Hitler’s Secrets Revealed published in 1954. Does anyone have this book? Probably not on this site. I have a couple hundred books of that age. Must I prove these publications exist simply because someone here has never read them? Again, why? Documents I have obtained from Washington DC through the freedom of information acts cover several wartime events and can run in hundreds of thousands of words as research tools. Because no one on the site knows of them are they no good as references? Are my massive Kreigesmarine documentation copies collection obtained from an organization in Germany considered unworthy simply because they have no ISBN # to quote? Why do articles that I have been paid to research and write for reputable sites that were published on the internet not count? The process as the ones I’ve done in print for non-militaria subjects. I don’t understand. Why do I have to prove where my articles have been published and give list of sources? For people that simply wish to argue that my source is not valid in their opinion? That’s what continually happens around here.

If you go back and see the way people are continuously cross-examined about what they say on a subject you might agree that it gets old very fast. Some people here want the last word always and even when they acknowledge someone is right they make it seem as though they were more right.

Take the Go 229 thread. Here’s a plane someone posted pics of and some info. It flew in WW2 and was accepted into service and put into production. It’s basic fact. Yet several people took exception to that fact that it the historical facts were wrong and then whined and lamented how its design was flawed and this was wrong and that was wrong and how the original poster drew improper conclusions and so on, and so on, and so on. Then it became sport to make fun of any German plane anyone posted about. Is this adult behavior?

It becomes that way with nearly every topic. Certain people just love to jump on a poster and correct them or question them. Even when folks have presented information sources some still say “I just don’t believe that.” If I mention just a a few 30 mm shell would bring down a heavy bomber no one believes it and I have to argue with ignorant people on a simple subject. I just don’t need to do that. If they don’t want to believe what the aces of the Luftwaffe told me I am supposed to be a liar? Bull! How do I “prove” that I interviewed the top Luftwaffe, Red AF, RAF and USAF aces and many lower ranking aces? More over, why do I have to? If I wrote out some of the transcripts of my tapes what good would that do? For the most part that is not how articles are put together anyway. A writer listens to the answers and used the quotes in context of the article’s topic.

It is obvious that several individuals have banded together and communicated to unanimously attack when I and some other people post anything. I’m perturbed but far from angry. I’m disappointed that a moderator joins in with derogatory remarks towards others along with the rabble trying to stir things up. I’m disappointed that other people email me with the same feelings as I have.

I am a paid writer/editor of historical combat aviation subjects as well as other non-militaria ones. Why do I have to prove that and why do you think I should NOT defend myself from these attacks simply because that if I really was a historical writer I wouldn’t have to? I really didn’t reply with anything angry. I simply pointed out the relentless harassment that a few have been party to. I’m not accustomed to repeatedly having my integretary questioned on an ongoing basis? Are you?

As I’ve said I don’t want to argue with people. I want to be left alone to ignore the perpetrators of the harassment and no longer answer their posts since they question my answers anyway. There are other people to interact with on the site who are not constantly causing friction.

I don’t know what or who an Ironman is or was that you allude. I have mentioned several times that I just don’t want to communicate with negative people but I am continually goaded and prodded with post by them. Enough! Me and the others involved in futuristic airplane designs were not bothering anyone but the continued “prove it, I don’t believe you” atmosphere is really sickening to say the least.

Finally, I have no hard feeling against anyone at all. I and several other discussion participants simply desire to be left alone.

What we have to do?

Well, he annoys me thats for sure. If he does not want others to discuss his posts he can communicate by email.

Does he expect to give no references and continually state things like ‘well Ive talked to all the pilots’. Anyone can say that.

If he does not want to debate but merely post, thats fine with me, but I’m not taking any of his information as set in stone. I dont care what his pilot friends have said, he is dismissive of at least 3 aero engineers with his I know best attitude.

I think he need to change, not the other way around.
Rant over!

Editted to add

Does he simply want us to believe anything anyone says? That is acting like IRONMAN, if we believed all he said what would have happened.

I came here to debate stuff, not to be called a bad Mod for expressing an opinion. I already explained that my Nazi worship statement was wrong and I agreed with him about the 30mm Cannon being able to down a bomber with 3 rounds.

I’m in agreement with Danni, I dont think he is a real historian, they would debate endlessly.

Anyway its my Birthday today and I have vowed not to get annoyed :lol: :lol: :lol:

Happy birthday, Firefly! :smiley:

1.Dont worry about posting PM’s here if you feel that we need to read them

  1. I suggest … Firefly you should try to work out your problems with him on you on. If you havent already. Bottom line your a mod he isnt so try and be fair but you cant spend all day dealing with people that are annoyed by you. You have other things to do.

Lastly Happy B-day Firefly. :slight_smile:

I know and you are absolutely right.

Thanks, I may send him a polite PM, you know me, I hate foul and abusive language.

Tomorrow though as I’m having Birthday drinks today. I dont like to post drunk! But if I do, please delete them all!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: Have a few for me and hope you have a good one!

I had a good one thanks…

I give up with Twitch. I have come to the conclusion that he is an idiot and is a subtle TROLL.

Of course that is unless you disagree with his posts. If you agree then he is your friend.

I will be watching him very closely from now on.

Well be fair…and remember your a mod coz we have confidence in you. But he may just be a fucking moron and that happens. :? So be fair but dont take NO shit. :wink:

Dont worry general ‘fair’ is my middle name!

Henk just give it a rest. You didn’t start this thread for arguments, just to show designs of airplanes so just don’t get sucked in to this counterproductive drivel. It’s not worth the effort. I don’t even read certain people’s posts anymore. Some people here want to fight for the sake of fighting. Just scroll on by, dude. What a sad situation.

The above, quoted by him here:

I have read through a few pages of posts and do not understand why others are somehow according to Twitch not allowed to join this thread. I have replied to him stating this (in as many words).

Id be gratefull if Dani and Tiger can perhaps see what he is on about is valid as I cant see whats wrong with answering a post?


Id be gratefull if Dani and Tiger can perhaps see what he is on about is valid as I cant see whats wrong with answering a post?

Neither can I :?