U-123 - German Navy | Gallery


U-123 firing its main deck gun during Operation Drumbeat, Jan/Feb 1942

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-navy/40555/u-123

U123 was a Type IXB Commissioned 30th May 1940, Taken out of service at Lorient, France 17 Jun 1944. Scuttled there 19 Aug 1944. Surrendered to France in 1945 and became the French submarine Blaison. Stricken 18 Aug 1959 as Q165.

12 War patrols, 44 ships sunk (223,816 tons).

The first U Boat to be attacked and damaged by a Mosquito armed with the 57mm cannon (TseTse Mossie).

Only Patrol recorded for U12 in this period was departing 23 Dec 1941 Lorient returning 9 Feb 1942 Lorient duration 49 days. 8 ships sunk (49,421 tons) and 1 ship damaged (8,206 tons). It was one of 6 Boats to participate in Operation Drumbeat.