
My apologies if a thread has already been opened for this.
Have just watched a movie that came out in 2000 called U-571 for the third time.
Good movie and recommended.


absolutely right !! brilliant movie !! watched it many times

It’s somewhat Hollywood-ish, but I really enjoyed it! It felt as though I was gripping my couch arm as the film went on! :smiley: (I probably was, hehe)

The Flintstones TV cartoon was more historically accurate than this movie.:stuck_out_tongue:

I’d have to agree with you :smiley:


The Flintstones TV cartoon was more historically accurate than this movie.

I agree, this film (movie) is only stupid propaganda. Enigma wasn´t captured, but deciphered.

so so true again the yanks the cred BUT i know there was more than one cought.

The deciphering process of the naval codes had run into real difficulties - which had an extra cog from the three-cog standard machine. The first machine was captured in May 1941 from U110. This assisted greatly in breaking this deadlock.


The Americans didn’t capture one (and only one, whereas the British captured 13 in total) until June 1944 from U505.

So the film maybe a great “boys own” story but historically way off.

It’s a movie! Nothing but entertainment…if you expect more only disappointment will follow.

One of the most historically inaccurate movies I have ever seen. An entertaining movie but I do not reccomend anyone seeing it for fear that they may not realise the truth. U-571 is more like an American propaganda film than a war movie.

The truth of the matter is that America played only a very small part in the capture and deciphering of the enigma. By the time they captured an enigma machine (and they only captured one) it was june 1944 and the British had already captured 13 and “cracked” it. U-571 naturally caused much anger in the United Kingdom.

Just imagine what would happen if a movie was made about Iwo Jima and the allied soldiers were all Brits?

To my mind Das Boat is still the best movie ever made on submarine warfare. U-571 was a Boys Own fanatasy movie in comparison.

Regards digger.

I agree 100%…If anyone thinks the studios make movies to teach the public about history are crazy…they do them to make money. When I watch movies about Fire Fighters there so fake they are funny but hey that’s entertainment.

I agree that movies are mainly for entertainment. However, and to me it’s a big however, I take issue with films that purport to be based on some historical event or events. The advertising and hype for this film, especially in the United States, focussed on the idea that this was a real event that had been “dramatised”.

The fact that those of us who are interested in military history are able to dismiss these so-called “historical events” as nonsense doesn’t mean that the majority of the movie going public can or did.

Just look at the way that Saving Private Ryan has been perceived - it received critical acclaim within the entertainment industry, and is continually voted the best war film by the public. Due to the rather idiosyncratic way that history is taught in Britain, the US etc, most peoples’ knowledge of DDay will be solely based on that film. But for those with military, historical or veterans’ interests, events portrayed in the film are known to be only ONE “story” within the whole DDay episode.

At least the original “Longest Day” tried to cover most of the protaginists involved and give them equal credit.

I hear that…don’t even get me going on cop movies!

Unfortunately, this is the extent of many peoples history lessons. It’s sad.

I agree! this is one of my favourite film!

good entertainment but not a good WWII movie

with some minor changes you can watch this as a coldwar-movie or such…

i agree . Very good movie . Shows the danger that could happened to the sub-crew . I can’t say anything else . I think is the best world war 2 submarine movie


U-571 better as Das Boot?

Good film for entertainment value only , you want truth and history READ !
plenty of good books out there tellin it how it was ,

The only thing i will say in defence of the yanks in the extras it gives a interview with the 1st man to capture one intact and it was a RN officer ! so doesnt try to claim other wise in the extras