
Just recently went for a trip to Kiel, Germany. Had a nice trip the the U-boot memorial at Laboe and right next to it is U-995. Type VIIC/41. If you get the chance to go the trip is really worth it.

More on U-995

Even more on it:



why didnt you take some photos inside the boat?

Super! I’m sure it was an interesting time. I’ve been opn a couple WW 2-era American subs and no doubt you got the same impression as I did- “small inside isn’t it?!” :smiley:

Has anyone here been to tenerife?

That’s for kids !

My mate Johnny Two-sheds went to Elevenerife. 8)

Yes…no place for a person 6 foot 4. :cry: Great if you want to knock yourself out.

Yes…no place for a person 6 foot 4. :cry: Great if you want to knock yourself out.[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol:

6"4’ General? Ever thought of playing College Basketball by chance? :wink:

If anyone is near UK as has been mentioned on this site, we have a U boat next to a “modern” Onyx class sub. Interesting to compare the two.

U534 displayed at Birkenhead:

Extensive history of U534 (sunk while sailing in Kattegat - Denmark):

After finding the wreck of U534 (Danish divers in mid 1970’s) rumours started that the U-boat was carrying gold and valuables, even materials for producing advanced weapons…
It was known that U534 was modified to give her greater distance so she had the ability to sail for Argentina and support fled Nazi’s.
After her salvage it appeared that all she was carrying were stores and ammunition for another warpatrol.

My emboldment. (Why are so many rumors on u-boats carrying advanced weapons?)
Rised in 1993 afterall.

U-boats were used for carrying all sorts of stuff through both world wars.

One even went all the way to America in WW1 (prior to their entry to the war) to pick up supplies, and were treated as heros by the ex-pat German people there.

I think something like 1 in 5 subs were “Milch-Cows” or milk cows which were submarine tenders for other submarines.

The Germans did use them as VIP transport esp as the allies gained air and sea supperiorty. I think this is where the myths come from.

At the end of the war there were numourous stories of U-boats that hadn’t been accounted for. These were all seen to be on some kind of secret mission which would account for their disappearence, an early conspiracy theory if you like, in truth I would assume they had been destroyed, sunk or just suffered accidents that sent them to the bottom of the big blue.

One “myth” that is now thought to be largely fact, is the transportation of “artifacts” for the Nazi cult. The part in “Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark” where the ark is transported by U-boat is based on these stories.

Any mystery about U-boats is in the mind since U-530 and U-977 went to Argentina for reasons they believed were good at the time. Heinz Schaeffer’s U-977 was the last boat accounted for when it arrived on August 17, 1945. Otto Wehrmut’s U-530 arrived before the end of hostilities. All the hyperbole surrounding them and their contents was reasonable realtive to the times. The conjecture had nothing to do with fictional movie scripts but more so with persons and cargo that they could have landed elsewhere before surrendering.

The Indianna Jones stories are loosely based (well apart from temple of doom i suppose) on the stories of the Nazi Cult.

The Nazis were big on the Occult and even built a sort of lodge in an area of Germany. They did send scientists out to search for artifacts, esp of the aryan race.

Th lodge was where the top 12 SS would meet at a sort of round table. All top SS men were to be given a gold SS signet rings (with ss symbols and deaths heads etc) on their death the ring was tobe returned to the lodge in some sort of hokus pokus ritual.

It has been on History channel and here is a small cut from a website.

Himmler devised new festivals to take the place of such Christian events as Christmas and Easter, he wrote out baptism and marriage ceremonies - though he believed (harem) polygamy would best serve the interests of the SS elite - and he even issued instructions on the correct manner of committing suicide. The center of the SS cult became the castle of Wewelsburg in Westphalia, which Himmler bought as a ruin in 1934 and rebuilt over the next 11 years at a cost of 13 million marks. The central banqueting hall contained a vast round table with 13 throne-like seats to accommodate Himmler and 12 of his closest “apostles” - making, as some occult writers have pointed out, a coven of 13. Beneath this hall was a “Hall of the Dead”, where plinths stood around a stone table. As each member of the inner circle of the SS died, his coat of arms would be burned and, together with his ashes, placed in an urn on one of these plinths for veneration.

It does get a bit crazy, but also bear in mind that many Churches in Germany at the time had a sword and a copy of Mein Kampf added to their alters!!!

The Nazis wanted Nazism to become a State Religion and wanted the Church to have no influence in the country. They sent teams of people all over the world looking for the Aryans, even to Tibet of all places.

The Germans were highly interested in establishing friendly relations with Tibet. Their agenda, however, was slightly different from that of the Tibetans. One of the members of the Schäffer expedition was the anthropologist Bruno Beger, who was responsible for racial research. Having worked with H. F. K. Günther on Die nordische Rasse bei den Indogermanen Asiens (The Northern Race among the Indo-Germans of Asia), Beger subscribed to Günther’s theory of a “northern race” in Central Asia and Tibet. In 1937, he had proposed a research project for Eastern Tibet and, with the Schäffer expedition, planned to investigate scientifically the racial characteristics of the Tibetan people. While in Tibet and Sikkim on the way, Beger measured the skulls of three hundred Tibetans and Sikkimese and examined some of their other physical features and bodily marks. He concluded that the Tibetans occupied an intermediary position between the Mongol and European races, with the European racial element showing itself most pronouncedly among the aristocracy.


Of course, this is way off topic now!

There were legitimate German stations in Antartica in the 1930s too but that doesn’t prove boats like U-530 and U-977 off loaded Nazis to run the 4th Reich their either. :slight_smile: Hitler had a mystic belief in lots of crap beyond the biblical artifacts too. Part of that came from influence of the Thule Society…

In this particular thread course we are not trying to prove that things happened, just that the myths surrounding U-boats full of golf, Nazis, the holy grail, etc… came from such activities.

Jussus !

A full eighteen-hole links on board ?
That’s one moerse groot U-boat !

Apparently Goering and Hitler used to play all the time. Hitler especially enjoyed playing inside the U-boats as he always lost his balls on normal greens.

He took up Unterwasser-golf (or U-Golf) when he had only one ball left.

The crew were less impressed as the balls bounced of the walls with tremedous force. :smiley: