U-Boat Type IXc

Are German naval topics allowed?

I’m planning a painting of a U-Boat of the above mentioned class/type. I’ve collected quite a horde of reference materials, but if anyone can point me in the direction of a very good quality schematic and some colour profiles, I’d be extremely grateful.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Obviously those are allowed, unfortunately we have no many naval “expertes” here. :rolleyes:

seems to be widely regarded as the top reference concerning german subs in the web. You might find the stuff you need there.

Thanks guys.

Yes, already been on this great U-Boat site you mention.

As a side note, I’ve just finished a commission for a Pearl Harbor Veteran, and have depicted his S-Boat, thus my inspiration for naval subjects of WW2.

Anyway, back to the books…:smiley: