U-Boote Typ XX1

Hey fellas just askin the question dose any1 know who designed the XXI uboat, and what the dive time for it was

here this should help


i have read something on u boats that some surrenderd in 1946 in south america, now is this true if so i wouls like to get more info as im expieriencing that this info i hard to find

also sorry for the spelling as it was suposed to be U-Boote (thanks walther)
Mustard pie

Nah, it’s rubbish.

Some surrendered en route to Japan. But a U-Boat of the time could not have operated too long after the surrender of Germany. Certainly not until 1946.

One of the best sites on the internet for U-boots


Also correct your spelling:

It is “U-Boote” (plural of U-Boot) and not “U-Boten” a “Bote” is a male messenger (male plural: " die Boten", female singular " die Botin", female plural: " die Botinnen")


ah i thought so and thanks for that link to that should keep me bizzy for a while.

I have no facts but did hear of atleast one Uboat that was outfitted with the new snorkle fleeing to south america spending the whole trip underwater but being turned over once they got to south america but not in 1946. Again no facts to support it, sorry. I hope it helps.

i have read something on u boats that some surrenderd in 1946 in south america, now is this true if so i wouls like to get more info as im expieriencing that this info i hard to find

Two submarines come to the Argentinian shore in late 1945 but no in 1946. Those were U-977 and U-530.

On 10 May, 1945 U-977, in Norwegian waters when Germany surrendered, put ashore those men who did not wish to accompany the rest of the crew on a desperate voyage to Argentina.

Surrender in Argentina in August, 1945

The boat left Kristiansand, Norway on 2 May, 1945 for a combat patrol in the English Channel. When Germany surrendered a few days later the boat was outbound in Norwegian waters. After deciding to head for Argentina Schäffer gave the married men on board the chance to go to shore. Roughly a third of the crew, 16 men, opted for the shore and were put on land on 10 May near Holsenöy in dinghies. They all ended up in British hands. U-977 then sailed for Argentina; from May 10 to July 14 the voyage was a 66-day continuous submerged Schnorchel run, the second longest in the war (after U-978’s 68 days).

The journey was extremely difficult for the crew and many were apparently on the edge of a nervous breakdown. The boat stopped in Cape Verde Islands for a short swim break and then headed south on the surface using one diesel. Crossing the equator on July 23 she arrived in Mar del Plata, Argentina on 17 August for a total patrol length of 108 days. The commander, Heinz Schäffer, published a book in 1952 called U-boat 977 about his journey.

And that bring the histeria, some guys saw Hitler and Eva landing after this :neutral:

I have a copy of the book U-boat 977 it is very good as for 977 it ended the war on or about August 17th 1945. It took them 3.5 months to get there after they decided to head to Argentina from Norway on the 2ed of May 1945…

Also for people really interested please read “Submarines Of World War Two” by ERMINIO BAGNASCO


“U-977 The Boat That Escaped To Argentina” by HEINZ SCHAEFFER

As to the type XXI DEVELOPEMENT Here it is…

U-Boot Type XXI in Detail

The Boat That Changed the Submarine Warfare

In the spring of 1943, Germany was clearly losing the battle of the Atlantic. Improvements in Allied escort material and tactics, combined with cracking the German military code dramatically increased the U-Boats´ losses, rendering them near useless. The German high command saw its best reaction in the speedy development of improved submarines. These were meant to overcome the shortcomings of the current types VII and IX, especially their low speed and little underwater endurance. A future submarine would have to be fast, silent and able to operate submerged for any given time to evade enemy aircraft.

In the long run, the Germans saw their biggest potential in a propulsion independent from surface air, made possible by the Walter turbine (we aircraft modellers know Mr. Walter for his RATO pods used to bolster the thrust of German aircraft on take-off). It utilised Hydrogen peroxide as fuel; this system would give the boat a hitherto impossible underwater speed of more than 20 knots, yet only limited range.

Two submarine hulls were in the developing stage that would make use of the system. The larger one, the Type XVIII, was designed for long-range operations. It combined a diesel-electric powerplant for long-range duty (getting into the operations area and back) with a Walter turbine (for underwater attack use only). Thus, the hull grew rather large, yet was designed with a streamlined perfection hitherto unknown. The smaller craft, the Type XXII, would be used near the shore and was much smaller.

The project was delayed by the complicated and largely untested power plant: It was felt that it would take several years for it to achieve sufficient reliability for combat use. Moreover, the current production of Hydrogen peroxide was much too small for the projected needs of a large submarine fleet; so adequate capacities would have to be built up beforehand.

The Advent of the Elektroboot

In this situation in the spring of 1943, with dozens of boats lost to Allied forces, as an interim solution it was decided to mate the hulls of the projected Walter boats with conventional powerplants, although with three times the battery capacity than hitherto. This were the types XXI and XXIII which should help turn the tide of the war. Until their deployment, the current types, successively equipped with snorkels, had to soldier on despite staggering losses and somehow bind Allied forces.

The Type XXI was a bigger boat than the Type VII; it was well designed and resembled in no way a stopgap construction. The new boat’s hull was designed for high underwater speeds; its shape reflected a change in design: All earlier submarines had essentially been surface vessels that submerged for short spells - this would be a real submarine for the first time. The streamlined shape of the hull and the conning tower produced less noise and made detection by acoustics harder. Moreover, the engines´ efficiency was nearly doubled, giving the Type XXI a top submerged speed of nearly 18 knots for short periods of time.

The vessel’s detectability by Sonar or ASDIC could not be altogether eliminated, but in the event it turned out that the new boats were much harder to detect than their predecessors on account of their optimised shape and silent engines. They were also able to sail much faster in silent mode than hitherto.

Six bow torpedo tubes were installed, none at the stern. The boat carried ample spare torpedoes - sufficient for two rechargings in a very short time (20 minutes). Only two twin 20 mm AA guns were mounted in streamlined fairings on the sail, otherwise the boat carried no guns. The sail in its final configuration had only a very small open “bridge”, rather hatches only, a total change in design in comparison with the earlier types. It just was not meant to sail on the surface any more. A snorkel system allowed for virtually unlimited operations below the surface, recharging batteries and sailing submerged under diesel power.

An improved passive and active sonar system, called Gruppenhorchgerät and Unterwasser-Ortungsgerät NIBELUNG respectively, enabled detection and attack of enemy shipping without optical contact - another revolutionary feature introduced with the type. Theoretically, the bow-mounted passive sonar would detect enemy shipping and enable the boat to close in near enough for the use of the active sonar. Only a few of its impulses should suffice to compute the distance, speed and bearing of the target with more than sufficient precision for use with the improved LUT-torpedoes. LUT, standing for Lageunabhängiger Torpedo was a new type of guided torpedo to be fired regardless of the target’s bearing that would steer an interception course programmed by the torpedo computer. The probability of hits on targets longer than 60 meters was calculated at 95 %.

Crew facilities - though still spartan - were better compared to earlier types. Most crew members had their own bunks (51 for 58 hands); the boat was air-conditioned and equipped with freezers for supplies, thus markedly improving the crew’s situation. There were three toilets and a fresh water distiller that increased personal hygiene and crew comfort vastly.

Production and Operations

This design was completed and executed under conditions typical for the second half of the war - the Allied strategic bombing campaign. To evade it, the construction office was housed in a remote location in the Hartz mountains; the boats were built decentralized in modules, which were ferried by barge to a main site only towards the end of construction. Here they were assembled to complete hulls, reducing the period of vulnerability towards air attacks in the shipyard. This system was of course vulnerable, too: Raids on a certain manufacturer could halt progress on all three yards that did the final assembly.

Total construction time compared to former methods was reduced from 22 months to only 9, and that was all that counted in the given situation.
In the end, the overly optimistic schedules weren’t met due to the deteriorating war situation and the teething troubles inevitable in such a complex design; but a full 119 Type XXI were completed and delivered in less than a year (28 June 1944 until May 1945).

Only a single(Other sources say two or three made sorties which is possible) Type XXI boat was operationally deployed towards the end of the war. It did not fire a single shot in anger, yet the few encounters made by U 2511 on its raid from Norway between 30 April and 4 May, 1945 showed the Allies´ inability to track the boat with their equipment.

22 Type XXIs were destroyed by the Allies in the yards, 84 were scuttled by their crews following Admiral Doenitz’s orders from May 4th, 1945.

However, 12 vessels fell into Allied hands intact and gave valuable impulses towards post-war submarine development, both on the eastern and the western side. Major post-war submarine constructions in the Soviet Union, the UK, France and the USA were visibly influenced by the Type XXI.

Technical information for type XXI

Displacement: (tons) 1621 (sf) 1819 (sm) 2100 (total)
Length: (m) 76,70 oa 60,50 ph
Beam: (m) 8,00 oa 5,30 ph
Draught: (draft) 6,32 m
Height: 11,30 m
Power: (hp) 4000 (sf) 4400 (sm)

Speed: (knots) 15,6 (sf) 17,2 (sm)
Range: (miles / knots) 15500/10 (sf)
340/5 (sm)
Torpedoes: 23 6/0 (bow / stern tubes)
Mines: 12 TMC stored in torpedo tubes
Deck gun: No deck gun
Crew: 57-60 men
Max depth: ca. 280 m
(919 feet)

sm = submerged, sf = surfaced, ph = pressure hull,
oa = overall, hp = horsepower.

I thought i might include a list (though not after over a year) is not fully complete or details filled in.

(Type Of Boat)
(Note) (Description Here)
Notes: “Never Built” Means this boat was just a plan and was never started. “Never Completed” Means were either given production numbers and or were started and then scraped and canceled/ Never completed before end of war. “Not Delivered” Means was ordered by another country but not delivered.

The U-boat projects of Marineamt (MA) and K-Amt (As far as I was able to discover them) 1933– 1945

(1936) Hochsee-Tauchboot (Highsea Diveboat)

Ocean going boat (based on the Turkish “Gür”) which had been constructed by German U-boat development bureau at Cadiz.

Only two were built and both were almost uncontrollable - even in calm seas.

The crews of U 25 and U 26 had to be extremely careful and alert!
When making crach dives, the I A had the habit of going unstable, wobbling sideways. And it had to be carefully levelled off to make sure it would stay at required depth. Another dangerous problem was to stay at periscope depth. The type I A had severe trouble with keeping bow or stern from breaking surface!

Even running surfaced meant trouble as the design of the conning tower allowed large quantities of water to wash over.

Both type I A boats were banished to use in U-boat school (if the trainees would learn to control a I A they would easily learn to manage other types of U-boats).

Later on, during the war, these boats were put into active war duty - no matter their bad reputation.

2 were built: U 25 and U 26.

II-A (1935) Hochsee-Tauchboot (Highsea Diveboat) “Dugout canoe”

This coastal U-boat type was based on German wwI UB II, UF and the Finnish “Vesikko”. It had been pre-fabricated in Finland, The Netherlands and Spain as, at the time, Germany weren’t allowed to build or have any submarines according to the Versailles treaty.
The first type II boats launched showed to be extremely seaworthy and of good, trustworthy design. Exactly what German Navy needed and hoped for. However, the boat was a small coastal type with a limited maximum range.
6 were built: U 1 - U 6.

(1935) Korvettenkapitän Thedsen, a WW I veteran, now flotilla engineer of 1st Flotilla “Weddigen” (the only flotilla at that time) without changing any structure or design, modified the interior of type II A. Through that the type II B was born.
With room for about nine more tons of diesel, maximum range almost doubled!
Six II B’s were transferred over land to the Black Sea and the 30th Flotilla at Constanza, Romania.
There were two odd versions of the type II B, unofficially called the “China Boats” as they originally were built for export to China.

However because of the different conning tower they proved to be not seaworthy and were adopted no further.
20 were built: U 7 - U 24
plus U 120 and U 121 (the two “China Boats”).

(1938) The C version of type II was the result of further development of the II A and II B. The type II C carried even more diesel fuel - further improving the operational radius. It had faster diving time, improved electrical motors, etc.
8 were built: U 56 - U 63.

(1938) The D version of type II were of course based on the earlier A, B and C boats. Added external fuel bunkers to further increase the operational length, was the basic difference. These extra tanks more than trippled the operational radius compared to type II A.
16 were built: U 137 - U 152.

“Never Built” Ocean going / Conventional Mine Carrier “Never Built”
The type III was improved in a 1934 project to take 48 mines.
It was similar to the type III but was to have a larger hull to be able to do that.
Because of its expected limited operational value it was halted.

Similar to type IA but with more additional storage space aft of the torpedo tubes for a total of 21 torpedoes or 42 TMA mines. 5 torpedo tubes (4 at the bow below the CWL and one at the stern), two 105mm/45 deck guns aft and fore of the conning tower. No contracts were granted for these boats

“Never Built” Ocean going / Conventional Boat Carrier “Never Built”
This extraordinary 1933 type (a modification of the Turkish Gür) never were built. It was designed to carry two motor torpedo boats in quite a large section, a “hangar”, right behind the conning tower(!)

An interesting idea being that the U-boat would level allowing the boats to depart and return afloat.

But as this only could be performed in very calm sea, the main idea didn’t work. Therefore the type III never was put into production.

Originally known as the type VII, again similar to the type IA but with larger outer hull which could house 48 TMA mines. The design called for a large pressure-tight hangar for two 10-ton LS-boats. The project was abandoned due to its great expense and limited operational value.

“Never Built” Workshop type Milk cows “Never Built”
An exciting idea of making a supply and workshop type resulted in the plans for type IV. It was to, like the later “Milk cows”, hide and serve the front line U-boats.

Project for a supply and workshop boat for front line U-boats (similar concept to the Milk cows). No contracts granted for these boats.

“Never Built” Project for a Professor Walter-technology based U-boat. “Never Built”

“Never Built” Experimenting with steam propulsion this was another redesign of / based upon the type I A. Redesign of the type IA but with a steam propulsion, based on a suggestion by Schmidt-Hartmann. “Never Built” LOOK AT XV

VII-A (1936) The infamous type VII boats were definitely the backbone of the Kriegsmarine. The type VII A, sea and ocean going U-boat, based on WWI UB III and Finnish “Vetehinen”, was first launched in June 1936. Just about a year after the type II A, U 1 - the first German submarine since the end of ww I.
Pretty much because of its origin the type VII boat was exceptionally seaworthy and easy to handle, no matter type of sea.
10 were built: U 27 - U 36.

(1938) In 1938 the VII B was launched. A completely modified and improved version of the VII A.
At that time the new design was considered the best to be made and German authorities thought it to become THE boat of the Unterseebootwaffe…
24 were built: U 45 - U 55, U 73 - U 76, U 83 - 87 and
U 99 - U 102…

(1940) The VII B served well but soon war conditions and a few unforeseen problems demanded further improvement.

The type VII C was born, based on the earlier type VII’s, earned knowledge, skill and facts of war duty.

The VII C really proved to be an outstanding multi-purpouse boat.
Therefore it became the most produced type and used for a variety of missions throughout WW II.
The VII C received a large number of individual modifications to gain even further improvement - for war operations and experimetal use.
568 were built: U 69 - U 72, U 77 - U 82, U 88 - U 98, U 132 - U 136,
U 201 - U 212, U 221 - U 232, U 235 - U 329, U 331 - U 458, U 465 - U 486,
U 551 - U 683, U 701 - U 722, U 731 - U 779, U 821 - U 822, U 825 - U 828,
U 901 - 908, U 921 - U 930, U 951 - U 1032, U 1051 - U 1058, U 1063 - U 1065,
U 1101 - U 1110, U 1131 - U 1132, U 1161-1162 , U 1191 - U1210,

(1941) An improved version of VII C with better armored conning tower, stronger pressure hull (which allowed dives to some 250 m) and several other, minor modifications.
The changes were so small that there was no major mechanical difference between the VII C and the VII C / 41.

The museum ship U 995 in Laboe, Kiel, Germany is a type VII C / 41

Number of boats built 91.

U292 - U300, U317 - U328, U827 - U828, U929 - U930, U995, U997 - U1010, U1013 - U1025, U1063 - U1065, U1103 - U1110 U1163- U 1172,U 1271 - U 1279 and U 1301 - U 1308.

“Never Built” C/42 Hochsee-Tauchboote (Highsea Diveboat)
Planned to replace the VII standard boats.
Was to take two more torpedoes and to have an even more improved pressure hull than the VII C / 41. The improvement of the pressure hull were to give this type 100% improved depth capabilities like diving depth: 200 and crush depth: 400 !!!
Fascinating but as the new type XXI was to be developed and produced none of the type VII C / 42 were built.

(1941) Minen-Uboot (Mine sub)
The type VII D was entirely based on the VII C but had an additional section addad behind the conning tower. This extra section held 15 mines.
6 were built: U 213 - U 218.

“Never Built” The VII E was the same as VII C but with a smaller engine to save space and weight. The VII E-project came no further than the drawing board. “Never Built”

(1943) Transport-Uboot (transport sub)Loads of torpedoes(21 max)
Similar to type VII D with an extra section added - but the added section for the VII F was located after the forward torpedo room. The additional section was for carrying extra mines or cargo. 4 were built: U 1059 - U 1062.

(1938) Tauchboot für ozeanische Verwendung (Ocean Diveboat)
Developed from WW I, U 81, the type IX was a German attempt for a large, long distance U-boat. Due to its size and look, the IX’s were soon nick-named “Seekuh” (Sea Cow).
The interior was not as cramped as in earlier types but as it was a long distance boat it often carried more provisions, filling the gained space
The design showed not to be as successful as the VII’s though.
This was a large boat in need of more time and space to manouver, dive, etc. Ad in rough sea or at high speed, the tower took more water, giving anyone there frequent, salty showers.
8 were built: U 37 - U 44.

(1939) Improved version of IX A. ie more fuel.
14 were built: U 64 - U 65, U 103 - U 111 and U 122 - U 124.

(1940) A further improved version of the IX A and IX B. ie more fuel.
The largest number of produced boats of the type IX’s.
143 were built: U 66 - U 68, U 125 - U 131, U 153 - U 176,
U 183 - U 194, U 501 - U 550, U 801 - U 806, U 841 - U 846,
U 853 - U 858, U 865 - U 870, U 877 - U 881, U 889 - U 891
and U 1221 - U 1235.

(1942) Sightly modified version of IX C
According to “U-boats under the Swastika” 85 were built:
U 167 - U 170, U 183 - U 194, U 525 - U 550, U 801 - U 806,
U 841 - U 846, U 853 - U 858, U 865 - U 870, U 877 - U 881
and U 1221 - U 1235.

(1941) A hard to manouver, modified version, based on earlier versions of type IX’s. This was an even larger boat and was nick-named “überseekuh”. Originally designed and built for cargo transports the IX D1 had no torpedo tubes!
2 were built: U 180 and U 195 (but after refit, same as IX D2)

(1941) As large and clumsy as IX D1-freighter, the IX D2 was the fighting version. Because of their size, their need for extra time to maneuver and dive, these boats were defenately unsuitable for action in the Atlantic and meant for service in the Indian Ocean, The Pacific and other distant waters.
8 were built: U 177 - U 182, U 196 - U 200, U 847 - U 852,
U 859 - U 864, U 871 - U 876 and U 883 - U 884.

“Never Built” Minen-Uschiff für ozeanische Verwendung (Ocean Mine U-boat)
A large double hulled U-cruiser designed in 1938.
Project was abandoned and switched to X B. A 1937 design for a ocean-going minelayer U-boats. 4 mine-shafts like the XB with additional dry storage for mines and two mine launching tubes in the stern for SMA mines. 4 torpedo tubes at the bow below the CWL. One 105mm/45 deck gun. No contracts granted for these boats. “Never Built”

(1941) Minen-Uschiff für ozeanische Verwendung (Ocean Mine U-boat)
This large mine-layer was developed from type I A and plans for type X A. It was quite easy to identify as it had a raised section on front deck.
The X B could carry over sixty mines! Eighteen in six bow shafts and the rest in side shafts.
Besides laying mines, this type also were used as supply vessel.
8 were built: U 116 - U 119, U 219 - U 220 and U 233 - U 234.

“Never Built” U-Kreuzer (Tauchkreuzer) (Sub-Cruiser) A huge, double hull submarine cruiser designed before the war (1937-1938) but halted and cancelled in fall/autumn of 1939. Huge U-boats, designed in 1937-1938, with 4 127mm deck guns in two gun-towers (one fore and aft of the conning tower).

6 torpedo tubes (4 in the bow and two at the stern, all below the CWL). One Ar 231 small aircraft in a watertight 2.6m in diameter container shaft. These boats were to have a crew of about 110 men almost double that of any constructed German U-boat. 4 contracts (U-112 thru U-115) were awarded to the AG Weser yard in Bremen on Jan 17, 1939 but wisely cancelled at the outbreak of war in September that year and none of the boats had been laid down at the time (some sources mention U-112 as being laid down but that does not make sense).

These boats are often claimed to not only have been completed but sailed, usually on very clandestine missions and for good measure words like SS, Hitler, Bormann and the like are thrown into the mix. None of this is true and they very certainly not black as some suggest as it is somewhat hard to paint something that does not exist black. “Never Built”

“Never Built” U-Schiff-Projekt (Flotten-Uboot) (Fleet sub)
A fleet U-boat design from 1938. 8 torpedo tubes, 6 at the bow and 2 at the stern, all below the CWL. This boat was to carry 20 torpedoes and no mines. The gun armament was to be the same as for the type IX boats. No contracts granted for these boats. The type XII was to be able to carry twenty torpedoes! “Never Built”

“Never Built” Kleines Uboot, nur Projekt (small U-boat only project)
Designed in 1939, this was a further development of the type II coastal U-boat types, with 4 torpedo tubes, all at the bow and below the CWL, one 2cm AA gun. No contracts granted for these boats. “Never Built”

(1941) Versorgungs-Uschiffe für ozeanische Öltransporte (Maintenance ocean subship)
Early nick-named “Milchkuh” (Milk Cow) these large and thick boats were designed to depart for the Atlantic, get in position, and serve as supply ships for fighting U-boats.
The XIV’s carried fuel, ammunition, torpedoes and provisions to enable the operative boats operate for longer periods and/or further away from their home bases.
All of these boats were found and sunk by the allies! The type XIV was an easy prey as spotted by an aircraft they had no ability to dive and escape fast enough.
10 were built: U 459 - U 464 and U 487 - U 490.

“Never Built” Project for another, larger Milk Cow.
“Never Built”

“Never Built” A preliminary design for very large (5000-ton and 3000-ton respectively) for transport and repair boats who would carry torpedoes, food and oil as cargo. The engine layout was to be the same as for the VIIC. No contracts granted for these boats.
The XVs was to be equipped with a workshop to repair operational U-boats!

“Never Built” Another large design for a transport and repair boat type that was to carry supplies to the front boats in distant parts of the ocean.
The XVI’s was to be equipped with a workshop to repair operational U-boats! “Never Built”

(V 300)
“Never Built” Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)
Contracted to be built during 1942 by Germania Werft.
Cancelled in 1944 before the boat (U 791) was completed.
“Never Built”

(V 300 II)
“Never Built” Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)
A further developed version of the XVII A (v 300). “Never Built”

(V 300 III)
“Never Built” Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)
The final version of the XVII A (v 300).
Production halted in favour of XVII A (wa 201).

(Wa 201)
Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub) 2 Built U792 & U793
Experimental boat. Designed by Professor Walter, Germania- and Blohm und Voss Werft.

U-792. Type XVIIA. Launched on 28 Sep, 1943 and commissioned on 16 Nov, 1943. Fate: Used for trials. Scuttled at 0130hrs on 4 May, 1945 in position 54.19N, 09.43E in the Audorfer See, near Rendsburg.

U-793. Type XVIIA. Launched on 4 Mar, 1944 and commissioned on 24 Apr, 1944. Fate: Scuttled at 0130hrs on 4 May, 1945 in position 54.19N, 09.43E in the Audorfer See, near Rendsburg.

(Wa 202)
(1943) Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub) 2 Built: U 794 and U 795.
Experimental boat. Designed by Professor Walter, Germania- and Blohm und Voss Werft.

U-794. Type XVIIA. Launched on 7 Oct, 1943 and commissioned on 14 Nov, 1943. Fate: Used for trials and scuttled on May 5, 1945 in Gelting Bay. Later raised and broken up.

U-795. Type XVIIA. Launched on 21 Mar, 1944 and commissioned on 22 Apr, 1944. Fate: Used for trials and scuttled on May 3, 1945 at Germaniawerft in Kiel. Later broken up.

(1944) Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub) Small Coastal Research vessels
Double hull experiment designed by Ingenieurbüro Glückauf 1941-1942.
Totally 12 were contracted (U 1405 - U 1416) 3 were built: (U 1405 - U 1407).

U-1405. Type XVIIB. Launched on 1 Dec, 1944 and commissioned on 21 Dec, 1944. Fate: Scuttled on 5 May, 1945 in Eckernfjörde Bay. Later broken up.

U-1406. Type XVIIB. Launched on 2 Jan, 1945 and commissioned on 8 Feb, 1945. Fate: Scuttled on 5 May, 1945 at Cuxhaven. Later raised and transported to the USA on the deck of the US transport vessel Shoemaker on 15 Sep, 1945. She was used for trials by the US Navy and broken up in New York harbor sometime after 18 May, 1948.

U-1407. Type XVIIB. Launched on , 0000 and commissioned on 13 Mar, 1945. Fate: Scuttled 5 May, 1945 at Cuxhaven.

U-1408 through U-1410 (3 boats) were under construction at Blohm & Voss in Hamburg from 1943 but were not complete when the war ended.
U-1411 through U-1416 (6 boats) Under construction at Blohm & Voss in Hamburg (Werk # 260-266) but were cancelled on 20 Sept, 1943 in favour of the XXI.

“Never Built” Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)
Projected improvements of the XVII B. “Never Built”

“Never Built” Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)
Projected improvements of the XVII B.

“Never Built” Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)
Designed by Ingenieurbüro Glückauf 1941-1942.
Cancelled. “Never Built”

“Never Built” Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)
Projected improvements of the XVII G.
“Never Built”

“Never Completed” Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)
Launched in February 1945 (but not completed), this experimental boat (U 798) obtained its oxygen from the water(!)(Ingolin)

Laid down 23 Apr, 1944
Ordered 15 Feb, 1944
Shipyard Germaniawerft, Kiel

Werk 787
Construction not completed in May 1945.

“Never Built” Walter-Uschiff (Walter sub)
On 4 Jan, 1943 contracts were granted to Deutshce Werke in Kiel for 2 XVIII Walter submarines (werk # 330 and 331). These boats (U-796 & U-797) were intended to be the first real combat Atlantic submarines based on the Walter design and they had incredible potential on the drawing board.
These boats were transferred to Germaniawerft in Kiel on 14 Dec, 1943 for completion but were cancelled in favour of the XXI on 28 March 1944. The XXI electro boat was extremely similar in appearance and size but used massive amount of batteries (3 times the power of the VIIC) to reach submerged speed of 17 knots.
U-796 and U-797 were broken up on the slips at Germaniawerft in 1944. “Never Built”

“Never Built” U-(transport)-Frachtschiffe (merchant subs)
Designed by the OKM from the XB plans in late 1942. Those large vessels were nor armed with any offensive armament, only AA guns, as they were only for transportation of material. Those plans were preliminary for the type larger XX U-boats and no contracts were awarded. A design for a large freighter submarine based on the late 1942 type X B boat. Supposed to carry important material to and from Germany.

“Never Built” U-(transport)-Frachtschiffe (merchant subs)
Designed in 1943 by AG Weser and the OKM (German Navy High Command) as transport U-boats to carry material from the Far East. They were based on the type XB mine layers. They could carry 800 tons of material and they had no torpedo tubes and no deck gun, only AA armament. They were to have a crew of 6 officers and 52 men. 30 contracts granted, 15 to Deutsche Werft in Hamburg (U-1601 thru U-1615) and 15 more (U-1701 thru U-1715) to Vegesacker Werft in Bremen-Vegesack. Of those 30 contracts only 3 (U-1701 thru U-1703) were continued after 15 Aug 1944, but none was completed and their construction was halted in early 1945.
Developed for possible voyages to the Far East…
Thirty were planned. “Never Built”

“Never Built” U-(transport)-Frachtschiffe (merchant subs)
Yet another late war project for a large freighter sub.

(1944) Unterseeschiffe (subships)
The most important submarine based on new technology which stayed unsurpassed for a decade! The XXI came to late but the plan was to halt all other U-boat production and make some 1500 of this new type.

118 boats commissioned.
U-2501 - U-2531, U-2533 - U-2536, U-2538 - U-2546, U-2548, U-2551 - U-2552,
U-3001 - U-3035, U-3037 - U-3041, U-3044, and, U-3501 - U-3530.

“Never Built” A planned electro-type like the XXI.

“Never Built” A planned electro type like the XXI. Among other improvements, this boat would have a larger amount of torpedo tubes to gain better firepower.

“Never Built” A planned electro type on the base of a XXI. This boat however would have been a brand new submarine tanker.

“Never Built” A planned electro type on the base of a XXI. This boat was to be a new large submarine freighter.

“Never Built” A planned electro type on the base of a XXI. This boat was to be a new large submarine freighter.

“Never Completed” Unterseeboote für Mittelmeer und küstennahe Verwendung (subs for the Mediterranean Sea and coastal areas)
A small coastal boat (for Mediterranean purposes?) from which type XXIII later was developed.
Of the 72 contracts only two got far enough in production line to receive numbers (U-1153, U-1154).

(1944) Unterseeboote für Mittelmeer und küstennahe Verwendung (subs for the Mediterranean Sea and coastal areas)
Type XXIII, the coastal counterpart of the full sized XXI.
New, late war tactics played a role in the making of this boat.

“Never Built” Walter-Uschiff Projekt (Walter subship project)
A 1943 design to a ocean-going U-boat using the Walter turbine. It was to have 14 torpedo tubes below the CWL, six at the bow and 4 each side trailed aft (The Schnee Organ). 14 torpedoes, AA guns the same as for the XXI. No contracts were granted. Based on Type XVII and similar in appearence to Type XXI.

“Never Built” Elektro-Unterseeboot Projekt für Küsteneinsatz (Coastal E-sub project)
These vessels were to be a pure U-boats with electric-only propulsion and to operate as coastal U-boats. Roughly 160-tons with a similar hull to the of type XXIII. With a crew of about 58 men the would have 2 torpedo tubes fitted at the bow below CWL, 2 torpedoes only, no other armament. No contracts granted for these boats.
A U-boat able to run submerged and silent for long periods, propulsed by electric only.

“Never Completed/ Never Built” Hochsee-Walter-Uboot (highsea Walter sub)
Laid down as high-seas U-boats propelled by the Walter turbine, they were to have a crew of 3 officers and 30 men. They were to have 10 torpedo tubes, 4 at the bow and 6 in a so-called Schnee organ, no AA guns. 100 contracts were awarded to the Blohm & Voss yard in Hamburg (U-4501 thru U-4600) and sections were under construction for U-4501 thru U-4504 when the war ended, the other contracts had been cancelled at the time.
A large sub that was to take up the fight in the front zones.
“Never Built”

XXVI-E1 Alternativ-Projekte zu XXVI (alternatives to XXVI)

XXVI-E2 Alternativ-Projekte zu XXVI (alternatives to XXVI)

“Never Built” Alternativ-Projekte zu XXVI (alternatives to XXVI)
A Walter engine equipped boat with stunning speed abilities, submerged.

(1944) Kleinst-Uboot “Hecht” (mini-sub)
Type XXVII A - also known as “Hecht” (Eng: Pike).
A small coastal mini U-boat equipped with only one torpedo and propulsed with a torpedo motor this was really a midget sub.
Original design from Midget U-boat “Molch”.(U-2111 - U-2113 and U-2251 - U-2300)
Minly used for training and testing. About 53 were built. 3 man crew

“Type 127”
(1944) Kleinst-Uboot “Seehund” (mini-sub)
Type XXVII B - also known as “Seehund” (Eng: Seal).
A small boat operated by two men known as “Germanys
most successful type of the mini subs”.
Original design from (improved) Midget U-boat “Hecht”.
There were to be 1000 of this late war type.
Over 138 were were commissioned into the Kriegsmarine. But 285 were built. (U-5001 - U-5118 and U-5251 - 5269) About 50 Seehund boats had an additional fuel storage that gave them a range of 300 miles at 7 knots surfaced and 63 miles at 3 knots submerged. These saw limited action at Dungenees.

Projekt, Reines Unterseeboot für Mittelmeereinsatz (indirekter Walterantrieb) (Walter sub for Mediterranean Sea).

(1944/1945?) Projekt, “Schwertwal” (project)
“Schwertwal I” (Eng: ?), This vessel, also known as SW 1, was built only as a prototype. It was designed to use a Walter-turbine in a midget-boat. It was built to reach a maximum speed of 30 knots while submerged.
The prototype was scuttled in May 1945 in the Plöner See. Two months later the SW 1 was raised by English Royal Marine Engineers, which had searched for the boat. Later they scrapped it in Kiel.
It was supposed to be an underwater fighting craft with functions similar to fighter aircrafts. Equipped with Dräger ventilation and air purification system, auto pilot and automatic direction finder. Only prototype was made.
1 were built.

(1944/1945?) “Schwertwal II” (Eng: ?), another small sub built at the end of the war. It was supposed to be an underwater fighting craft with functions similar to fighter aircrafts. Equipped with Dräger ventilation and air purification system, auto pilot and automatic direction finder. Only prototype was made.
1 were built

“Never Built” Studienprojekte zur SKL-Forderung “halbe XXI-Maschinenanlage” (project-study)
A larger coastal boat (?)

“Never Built” Studienprojekte zur SKL-Forderung “halbe XXI-Maschinenanlage” (project-study)
A larger coastal boat (?)

“Never Built” Studienprojekte zur SKL-Forderung “halbe XXI-Maschinenanlage” (project-study)
A larger coastal boat (?)

“Never Built” Studienprojekte zur SKL-Forderung “halbe XXI-Maschinenanlage” (project-study)
A larger coastal boat (?)

“Never Built”
Studienprojekte zur SKL-Forderung “halbe XXI-Maschinenanlage” (project-study)
Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built” Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built”
Studienprojekte zur SKL-Forderung “halbe XXI-Maschinenanlage” (project-study) Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built” Studienprojekte zur SKL-Forderung “halbe XXI-Maschinenanlage” (project-study) Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built” Studienprojekte zur SKL-Forderung “halbe XXI-Maschinenanlage” (project-study) Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built” Vergleichsentwurf zu XXIX A – D (comparative design to XXIX A-D) Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built” Vergleichsentwurf zu XXIX A – D (comparative design to XXIX A-D) Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built” Vergleichsentwurf zu XXIX A – D (comparative design to XXIX A-D) Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built” Vergleichsentwurf zu XXIX A – D (comparative design to XXIX A-D) Ocean going project boat (?)

“Never Built” A late 1944 project for an ocean going boat w. v. (as above)

“Never Built” A late 1944 project for an ocean going boat close related to the Type XXX A. The B-version was shorter and lighter with less firepower. Eight torpedo tubes.

“Never Built” A late 1944 project for an ocean going boat.
Planned to have 8 + 4 torpedo tubes.

“Never Built” Projekt, Kleinst-Uboot nur Batterie (minisub project, battery only)
A late 1944 project for an ocean going boat (?)

“Never Built” Projekt, Küsten-Uboot mit Dieselkreislaufantrieb (minisub project, diesel recirculation) A late 1944 project for an ocean going boat.
Planned to have 4 bow torpedo tubes.

“Never Built” Projekt, wie XXXIII jedoch ohne Turm (project similar to XXXIII but without sail) A late project for a small coastal boat with great speed submerged.

“Never Built” Projekt, Uboot für reine Sauerstoffverwendung (project, sub for Oxygen use)
A late project for an ocean going boat, smaller than the XX-, the VII- and IX-types but stll with a pretty good speed both above and below surface.

“Never Built” A late project for an ocean going boat. w. v. (as above)

  Listed As Other Or Not Sure Where To Put It In The List. ( Note most other foreign subs in German hands are not included here but i could add those...) Mini Subs On Next Post...

“Not Delivered” Built by Germania Werft for export to Turkey, as the “Batiray”.
Not delivered - kept in Germany for the Kriegsmarine. 1 were built: UA. 45 men

Projekt K Kleines Tauchboot für Naheinsatz (Diesel-Kreislaufantrieb) (small sub for close combat, diesel recirculation)
VB 60
(1939) Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub) another test sub similar to the V 80
V 80 Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub) Walter 28k
V 300 Versuchs-Uboot (Test sub)


VS 5
Details found! VS 5 was an experimental semi-submersible torpedo boat (Versuchs Schnellboot) completed in 1941. Designed in 1939 and based on a 1938 patent by a Berlin dentist. The intended armament included two 21in torpedo tubes and two 2cm cannon. Its fate after 1941 is unknown. It was considered highly dangerous! No record of its fate. 17 crew men were carried.

Last But Not Least…

Mini Subs

Midget U-boat “Biber” (Eng: Beaver), another small, one man sub built at the end of the war. Click here and click here for colour images of Biber 90 (in new window), today at Imperial War Museum. About 325 were built. 2 torpedoes slung underside. No reloads.

Midget U-boat “Molch” (Eng: Newt/Salamander), another small, one man sub built at the end of the war.
All electric to operate mainly below surface. Approximately 363 were built. 2 torpedoes slung underside. No reloads.

Midget U-boat “Marder” (Eng: Marten), another small sub built at the end of the war. This actually was a manned torpedo with a war-head torpedo underneath. About 300 were built. 1 torpedoes slung underside. No reloads.

Midget U-boat “Neger” (Eng: Negro), another small, one man sub built at the end of the war. Reliable, detailed data missing. All info below therefore, more or less, are estimated. About 200 were built.

Midget U-boat “Delphin” (Eng: Dolphin), another small sub built at the end of the war. Only the prototype of this fast, new tech, midget sub was made - the Experimental apparatus 205. 1 were built.

Midget U-boat
“Seeteufel, or Elefant” (Eng: Sea-devil or Elephant), another small sub built at the end of the war. (Also known as Project Lödinge). The Seeteufel could move on land like a tank to make its own way to water, it was fitted with Dräger ventilation and air purification system. ? were built. 2 men 2 torpedoes slung underside or 2 mines. No reloads

Midget U-boat
“Grundhai” (Eng: ?), a project for a deep sea rescue craft designed to dive to 1000 meters. It was to have tracks to be able to crawl on the sea bed. 1 were built. Deep sea rescue U-boat.

Infomation is hard to come by so if you can fill in the gray areas it would be helpful… Thanks.