Ukraine Nazi Massacre Remembered

Ukraine Nazi Massacre Remembered
Ukrainian, Jewish Leaders Gather at Babi Yar Ravine to Mark 65th Anniversary of Nazi Massacre

The Associated Press

KIEV, Ukraine - Bells gently tolled as Ukrainian and foreign dignitaries on Wednesday commemorated the 65th anniversary of the Nazi massacre of Jews at the Babi Yar ravine, placing flower-encircled candles at the foot of a giant monument to the tens of thousands of victims.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and Israeli President Moshe Katsav led the solemn procession behind an honor guard of Ukrainian soldiers carrying a garland of white flowers.

Hundreds of mourners many Jews who had traveled from around the world watched, clutching their own offerings of red and white carnations. Some carried small stones, which Jews traditionally leave at grave sites as a sign of respect.

“For me, it is not just memories,” said Dina Maydanyk, 74, whose three brothers died in the Holocaust. “It’s a horror.”

The massacre began on Sept. 29, 1941, when Soviet Kiev’s Nazi occupiers ordered all Jews to report to a ravine on the outskirts of town.

The Jews thought they would be taken to a ghetto, and Kiev residents recalled their Jewish neighbors lugging their most valuable belongings out to the ravine.

But when they got there, the Jews were forced to undress and gather in lines along the ravine’s steep embankment. There, the Nazis machine-gunned down the crowd, killing at least 33,771 over 48 hours. In the ensuing months, the number of people killed at Babi Yar grew to more than 100,000.

“I saw how the Germans were laughing and joking when they looked at the people they were bringing to their death,” said Nina Isayeva, 82, who came to pay tribute to the victims. “What barbarians they were.”

Moshe Kantor, founder of the World Holocaust Forum that is organizing the events, said that the world’s silence after Babi Yar emboldened the Nazis to embark on their “final solution” of death camps that ultimately killed six million European Jews.

The exact death toll at Babi Yar remains unknown. The Nazi executioners recorded the number of Jews killed in the first two days, but there are no exact records of subsequent killings. In 1943, as the Red Army approached to free Ukraine, the Nazis ordered Jewish prisoners to dig up the corpses and burn them.

For decades, the Soviets maintained silence about what happened in Babi Yar. Only after Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko drew international attention to the massacre with his 1961 poem “Babi Yar,” did the Soviets put up a towering monument of twisted and tormented figures. It did not mention Jews, however. It wasn’t until 1991, as the Soviet Union began to crumble, that Jews were allowed to erect a menorah near another part of the ravine.

Today, the ravine is part of a popular park, and Jewish leaders say they are frustrated that children still play soccer and couples picnic where tens of thousands were massacred.

Wednesday’s commemorations were being held at the Soviet memorial, although the Jewish community held an earlier private ceremony at the menorah across the park.

Copyright © 2006 ABC News Internet Ventures

Lest we forget.

Hi Nick.
Nice to meet you again :wink:
All what you wrote is just tupical “Holocaust-industry propoganda”.

The exact death toll at Babi Yar remains unknown. The Nazi executioners recorded the number of Jews killed in the first two days, but there are no exact records of subsequent killings.

Thats just single true in all of this text. :frowning:
Modern “exact number” change from “tens of thousands” to the “150 000”.

In 1943, as the Red Army approached to free Ukraine, the Nazis ordered Jewish prisoners to dig up the corpses and burn them

Yea , just “dig up and bun” - too simple explanation where disappeared hundreds thousands of bodies. Look like Aushwitz-2.

For decades, the Soviets maintained silence about what happened in Babi Yar

Nick , this is bullshit .
My dad studied in soviet school in 1953-63 and from 3 class good knew the soviet version ( very magniful - about 300 000 or even 500 000 victims ) of Babi Yar. This was a “importaint part of soviet propoganda”. Like Aushwitz (Osvencim) - 4 millions “mythical” victims.
With single exception - the f…ng soviet propogandists never told about jews , they told about “soviet citizens”.
Do you feel the difference - they wish that all nations of USSR hated the germans like it did jews.

Certainly Babiy Yar is the devil place of murduring many’s peoples. And of couse it need a memorial.
But lie about Holocaust (“hundreds thousands” in Kiev or the “millions” in Aushwitz) this just the reason of hostinity to the jews (mostly normal and intelligent people) from the other nations.

This is tupical position of pro-jewish world mass-media.
Who do talk today about million’s really perished civil of East-european native peoples: Russians, Poles , Belorussian and Ukrains from the fasists hands( espesially SS-commands).
Just sometimes could hear about 2 millions soviets soldiers who died in terrible conditions in fashists camps (where did look this f…g Red Cross).
Thanks to our polish friends we learned the terrible details of henocide during Warsaw uprising , where were perished about 200 000 peoples ( much more then in Babi Yar).
Has the somebody day-remember of this tragedy except the poles?
But every year all the world listen the accusations from the jews

Moshe Kantor, … said that the world’s silence after Babi Yar emboldened the Nazis to embark on their “final solution” …

So Nick , your forefathers are guilty that “was silence about Babi Yar” and , consequently , in Holocaust.
It’s strange ,Moshe Kantor don’t worry about “world’s silence” of gipsys henocide in Ukrain , Moldavia and Russia. Because this is “low rase” not the jews (like poles, russians, ukrains and other.)
Therefore , dear Nick, somebody must be ready to pay money for the jews.
Switszaland , Germany now the Poland will has the court claims with demands of money compensation to the jews.
Amazing, Jews is single nation which could be capable to make money from its native tragedy in WW2.


On the case, if somebody would to name me as nazist or antisemite :
my grandfather was killed by fasists in 1942 and the family of my mom was on the face of hungry death during the Fascist occupation of my city Krasnodar(Northern Caucaus).
I haven’t any illusions about national- socialism.

And one my close friend-jew told me about his interesting version of Holocaust-Bisness , just little part of compensation money get the real victim’s familis. On his oppinion the lion’s share of these money settles in the Jewish public and political organizations.
He very dislike this situation.

I think that you all know me and my views a bit now and you remember and understand that I’m not too quick to agree with Chevan…

In this case I tend if not fully agree with Chevan then at least seriously think about what Chevan is saying. And discuss it.

  1. Babi Yar existed in school textbooks in Poland and Soviet Union before 1961. I don’t know and cannot say about other countries within soviet sphere of influence, but it is possible that there was similar situation.

  2. Reduction of Auschwitz victims from 4 mln to, (officially today), 1.2 mln is a proven fact.

  3. To burn one average human body about 200 kilograms of wood is needed.
    Proven, objective fact - anyone can ask Hindu people, which are experts in this open pyre kind of cremation.
    200 kg x 300,000 = please, take your calculator! DO IT YOURSELF!
    200 kg x 500,000 = please, take your calculator! DO IT YOURSELF!

So how many rail cars full of wood were needed?
Where are Deutsche Bahn records about those trains?
Or maybe someone can show how many acres of forests were cut, seasoned and then used for cremation? Where these forests were?

  1. Even after open pyre cremation most of the skeleton bones are still intact.
    Weight of human skeleton is about 20% of the weight of an average human body.
    Let’s say that average human in nearly starved Ukraine weighed 65 kg…
    and his skeleton 13 kg.

300,000 x 13 = Calculate, please weight of bones in tonnes. Where they are?
500,000 x 13 = Calculate, please weight of bones in tonnes. Where they are?

This are some questions which should be asked…




Just in case someone can say that I’m nazi , neo-nazi or antisemite:

  1. My father was in the army fighting nazis from Spring 1939 to Spring 1947.
    Yes , Polish army in Great Britain existed that long.
  2. My mother and her brother were in Polish Underground, survived Warsaw Uprising. My uncle died in November 1944 after Uprising.
  3. My best friend and boss is Jewish and his grand father died in Auschwitz.


Leave it to the Jews to criticize the very same government that LITERALLY SAVED THEM FROM EXTERMINATION! Jews ought to remember that many other people in the USSR were killed because of their alleged political allegiances or ethnicity as well.

The 4 million figure at Auschwitz was simply a mistake because the Soviets did not know exactly when the operation of the gas chambers began. This figure was never taken as a serious estimate.

Cheven, what’s your beef with “American” Nazis then, you seem to have much in common with them. It’s a pretty interesting contradiction…

It’s pretty funny that you started a thread indicting American Nazi organizations, yet you cite the same “Jews control the media” myths as most contemporary Nazi orgs., which have often cited David Irving as the “true” Holocaust historian and had him as a speaker.

Maybe the “Ukrainian leaders” that were there were just lying too, huh?

Thats just single true in all of this text. :frowning:
Modern “exact number” change from “tens of thousands” to the “150 000”.

“150,000?” That number is never given in the text of this article. The only one changing numbers here is you. It actually states 33,000+ deaths were recorded, and “over” 100K were later killed!

Where did you get the “150,000?” Your ass? And the simple truth is that the Jews adn Communists were often killed first, and the other nationalities followed.

Here is exactly what the article says:

The massacre began on Sept. 29, 1941, when Soviet Kiev’s Nazi occupiers ordered all Jews to report to a ravine on the outskirts of town…But when they got there, the Jews were forced to undress and gather in lines along the ravine’s steep embankment. There, the Nazis machine-gunned down the crowd, killing at least 33,771 over 48 hours. In the ensuing months, the number of people killed at Babi Yar grew to more than 100,000.

Yea , just “dig up and bun” - too simple explanation where disappeared hundreds thousands of bodies. Look like Aushwitz-2.

Again, where does it say the bodies “disappeared?” Nobody is insinuating that the crime was covered up by making the bodies “disappear” by burning. When the bodies were dug up, most must have been in an advanced state of decomposition, they were hiding identities as much as anything. All that is said is that nearly 34,000 (presumably) Jews were killed in 48 hours, then 100,000 “people” (no exact ethnicity given) were later killed.

At least keep your latently anti-semitic comments based on the text…

Joe Stalin was good at making the bodies “disappear” too. I’m sure you have a problem with the Ukrainian gov’t as well, since the dominant Soviet Russians wiped out a number of Ukrainian Nationalists in a pogrom that continued well after WWII. And by deliberately exascerbating a 1930s famine, to get rid of their Ukrainian enemies.

Nick , this is bullshit .
My dad studied in soviet school in 1953-63 and from 3 class good knew the soviet version ( very magniful - about 300 000 or even 500 000 victims ) of Babi Yar. This was a “importaint part of soviet propoganda”. Like Aushwitz (Osvencim) - 4 millions “mythical” victims.
With single exception - the f…ng soviet propogandists never told about jews , they told about “soviet citizens”.
Do you feel the difference - they wish that all nations of USSR hated the germans like it did jews.

And this has what bearing on the article? That there is no way to tell how many victims!

Excellent Inspector Clueso!

And what the fuck does “Aushwitz,” or the Holocaust in general, have to do with this massacre?

Certainly Babiy Yar is the devil place of murduring many’s peoples. And of couse it need a memorial.

But if they’re Jews, it either didn’t happen, or their lives didn’t mean as much I suppose. :rolleyes:

But lie about Holocaust (“hundreds thousands” in Kiev or the “millions” in Aushwitz) this just the reason of hostinity to the jews (mostly normal and intelligent people) from the other nations.

This is tupical position of pro-jewish world mass-media.

Thank you for encapsulating your Nazi-esque antisemitic paranoia and propaganda in one succinct paragraph about the typical “Jewish controlled media” bullshit. Goebbels would be proud. It’s the same shit he used to demonize and isolate Jews from German society. BTW, if there was not Holocaust, where did the German Jews all go (the first to be killed)? There are almost none left, and I’m pretty sure you an verify that with pre-War Weimar censuses.

Who do talk today about million’s really perished civil of East-european native peoples: Russians, Poles , Belorussian and Ukrains from the fasists hands( espesially SS-commands).

Then fucking talk about it!! Whoever said you couldn’t!! Do you have “atrocity envy” or something?

I post one article relevant to WWII about Jews massacred, and you turn it into some holocaust denier rant that goes far beyond anything in the article!

If you are upset over the loss of non-Jewish Slavic peoples to Nazi atrocities, then by all means post articles about massacres.

Just sometimes could hear about 2 millions soviets soldiers who died in terrible conditions in fashists camps (where did look this f…g Red Cross).

It didn’t happen. It’s all a communist myth. Only two dozen Soviet soldiers died. Then rest were killed upon return to the USSR for being cowards an surrendering. It’s just a myth spun by the Russian controlled media.

Yeah, what about the German soldiers that were illegally held for over ten years after the war ended and used a slaves by the Soviet gov’t?

Do they count as unrepresented “victims” too?

Thanks to our polish friends we learned the terrible details of henocide during Warsaw uprising , where were perished about 200 000 peoples ( much more then in Babi Yar).

Yeah, an uprising you apparently believe that the Soviet Red Army failed to assist and conveniently halted their advance. Maybe 200,000 wouldn’t have died if they hadn’t, right?

Has the somebody day-remember of this tragedy except the poles?
But every year all the world listen the accusations from the jews

There have been several programs I have viewed on it. So yes, people do remember apparently.

I’m sorry a fucking news article wasn’t posted on it today.

Here’s another article:,,1864691,00.html

Maybe you’re assisting the German’s attempt to “rewrite history,” no?

So Nick , your forefathers are guilty that “was silence about Babi Yar” and , consequently , in Holocaust.

Did I ever say they weren’t? Maybe you’re guilty of Holocaust denial?

And your “forefathers” killed far more unarmed civilians than mine ever did.

It’s strange ,Moshe Kantor don’t worry about “world’s silence” of gipsys henocide in Ukrain , Moldavia and Russia. Because this is “low rase” not the jews (like poles, russians, ukrains and other.)
Therefore , dear Nick, somebody must be ready to pay money for the jews.
Switszaland , Germany now the Poland will has the court claims with demands of money compensation to the jews.
Amazing, Jews is single nation which could be capable to make money from its native tragedy in WW2.

And the Soviet Union didn’t “profit” from it’s victory by installing puppet states throughout Eastern Europe?

Riiiight! It’s was an elaborate plan to sacrifice their people so they could make money.


Fuck you and your “cheers” troll.

On the case, if somebody would to name me as nazist or antisemite :
my grandfather was killed by fasists in 1942 and the family of my mom was on the face of hungry death during the Fascist occupation of my city Krasnodar(Northern Caucaus).
I haven’t any illusions about national- socialism.

No he wasn’t. You’re just making it up to get sympathy and money.

And one my close friend-jew told me about his interesting version of Holocaust-Bisness , just little part of compensation money get the real victim’s familis. On his oppinion the lion’s share of these money settles in the Jewish public and political organizations.
He very dislike this situation.

I have no idea what he means, but the actual payments are very small to individuals, and is mostly symbolic since German industry enjoyed and used victims as slave laborers.

It’s amazing. You start threads claiming Americans have a special penchant for being Nazis, and attack the bombing of Dresden as some special atrocity committed in a War full of them. Yet you have the gaul to claim that a simple article I posted as just a topical piece I saw in the news is some sort of a Jewish conspiracy.

You’re nothing but a troll… You’re agenda is pretty clear here.

No wonder why Jews have left Russia for Israel in droves. Tell your friend he might want to too, since in another situation, you might be just as likely to turn him in. If he exists at all.

And BTW. I’m not Jewish (as far as I know), and in fact I have had stupid people insinuate that I am anti-semitic at other message boards.

Because I have denounced the Israeli attack on Lebanon (which I thought was both counterproductive and a blatant butchering of Lebanese civilians masked as strikes against targets) and have decried the mindless “no strings attached” American support for Israel; a state that in my opinion engages in what is basically Apartheid against Palestinians. But this shit about quibbling over numbers of Holocaust victims is just nauseating.

I don’t remember any Jews saying that people weren’t killed for their ethnicity.

And I think you’ll excuse the Jews if they mind discrimination, even from a gov’t that fought the Nazis AFTER THEY WERE INVADED!

The 4 million figure at Auschwitz was simply a mistake because the Soviets did not know exactly when the operation of the gas chambers began. This figure was never taken as a serious estimate.

It was never taken as a serious estimate because it was too low!

By whom? What is your documentation for this?

  1. To burn one average human body about 200 kilograms of wood is needed.
    Proven, objective fact - anyone can ask Hindu people, which are experts in this open pyre kind of cremation.
    200 kg x 300,000 = please, take your calculator! DO IT YOURSELF!
    200 kg x 500,000 = please, take your calculator! DO IT YOURSELF!

Have you ever seen a crematorium first hand? They don’t use wood! They probably used coke fired ovens.

Here’ are some other articles to consider:

what’s your beef with “American” Nazis then, you seem to have much in common with them…

Everybody seen this , this is tupical jewish logic to blame opponent as nazi :wink:
He even don’t try to understand the something…
Just tribal jewish protective reaction :frowning:
What’s this slobbery hysterica means? Just one thing.
Nickdfrash , why do you try to lie that you are not the jew?

What’s bad to be the jew? My friend-jew has no any problems about this and we are openly talk about Holocaust. And he has excellent feeling of humor…
But you is difficult situation with…:frowning:

…Fuck you and your “cheers” troll.

you think if you are not intelligent jew that can to write simular words in forum … mudak
Where do look our dear moderators :wink:

Ok sparks are starting to fly…talk like adults or the mods will have to be mean. Trust me I alone have diffused more stressful situations than this one. So ill let it continue but act like you have sense.

When the hammer comes it comes hard. All I have to say.

I’m not lying, I’m not a Jew. I do have Jewish relatives through marriage though… But again, ask for the links, and I shall provide! I have in fact attacked the policies of Israel for discriminating against Palestinians by evicting them, and using “ethnic cleansing” techniques in 1948, and “terrorist tactics” against British troops in order to gain independence.

What’s bad to be the jew? My friend-jew has no any problems about this and we are openly talk about Holocaust. And he has excellent feeling of humor…
But you is difficult situation with…:frowning:

Because you’re denying the basic facts that have been corroborated through numerous sources! You repeat the arguments made by fascist sympathizers (Irving) unapologetically and deny that people were murdered wholesale because of their perceived ethnicity! It’s unforgivable and a sin in my beliefs.

And I have very few beliefs at this point…

you think if you are not intelligent jew that can to write simular words in forum … mudak
Where do look our dear moderators :wink:

LOL@the first sentence, agree with the second. Shouldn’t these fuckheaded trolls be banned? “Chevan” argues that Dresden was horrible ‘war crime’ and that idiot’s dressing up as Nazis are a threat; yet he adopts many of their points of view. Indeed, where are the moderators?

Really , Lancer-mate how can you prove the number of 1.2 million jewish victims of Aushwitz?
I think the real number of perished in Aushwitz was no more the 500 000 and at least half of this number were the poles, russians and ukrains -not the jews. :wink: :wink:

Have you ever seen a crematorium first hand? They don’t use wood! They probably used coke fired ovens.

They probably used the atomic energy…
…coke fired ovens in Babi Yar …:frowning:
You are the sick men, at first because you deny own nationality and in second - you reflexly try to support this bullshit without thinking.

Where did disappeare this ovens in 1943 when Red Army take back the Kiev? May be, it was dismantled and sent to the Auschwitz? :wink:

Here’ are some other articles to consider:

If you are not capable to think no articles will help you …

Chevan do you doubt the number of jews that were killed during the holocaust??? The number may shift slightly but i dont think to much…what is your estimate then?

Yeah, keep hanging yourself idiot. And why would you give a shit about Poles or Ukrainians troll? You certainly haven’t in any other response you made…

They probably used the atomic energy…
…coke fired ovens in Babi Yar …:frowning:
You are the sick men, at first because you deny own nationality and in second - you reflexly try to support this bullshit without thinking.

Who said anything about “ovens” at Babi Yar troll? And my nationality is American. I’m Catholic by birth actually if you must know! I’m denying what?

Again, I know you don’t speak English well, but the basic facts are that they were killed by the Einsatzgruppen using bullets…

Where did disappeare this ovens in 1943 when Red Army take back the Kiev? May be, it was dismantled and sent to the Auschwitz? :wink:

If you are not capable to think no articles will help you …

WTF are you talking about? Read preceding post.

You are much mistaken , certainly you has a great jewish potential ( except your “Fu…k” and same words). :wink: :wink:
Noway, don’t try to consider your critic of Israel politic as providence of you not jewis origin

Because you’re denying the basic facts that have been corroborated through numerous sources! You repeat the arguments made by fascist sympathizers (Irving) unapologetically and deny that people were murdered wholesale because of their perceived ethnicity! It’s unforgivable and a sin in my beliefs.

Because this shit “numerous sources” were invented after the WW2 in attemption to make the germany as “scapegoat” for all of war violence (real and virtual).
Actually, after the “myth of Holoucaust” the “burning of Dresden” and Hirosima could seem to be just childish play…

I have own mind and don’t repeat nobody. (F…k the Irving, i never knew about him till partisipation in the forum. There are numerous sources which are deny official version of Holocaust)
Just try to think a little.

  1. Are you refering to me?
  2. The “myth of Holoucaust” ???
  3. What are your sources???

Yes i really doubt ,( and not jus me in this forum)) but we here discuss the Babi Yar .

Try to look the stupid…
Lancer wrote about Babi Yar

. To burn one average human body about 200 kilograms of wood is needed.
Proven, objective fact - anyone can ask Hindu people, which are experts in this open pyre kind of cremation.
200 kg x 300,000 = please, take your calculator! DO IT YOURSELF!
200 kg x 500,000 = please, take your calculator! DO IT YOURSELF!

You answered him

Have you ever seen a crematorium first hand? They don’t use wood! They probably used coke fired ovens.

So WTF the “coke fired ovens” were in Babi Yar , as…l

WTF…as in what the fuck are you talking about and ??? You didnt answer this question and an another.

Thanks for the explanation of WTF :wink:
So what question did you mean?

Certainly no , i have a discuss with Nick…

  1. The “myth of Holoucaust” ???

Myth of Holocaust is the 6 millions of victims. This not mean they it was 100 00 like Irving wrote but no more the 1-1.5 millions.

  1. What are your sources???

Too much sources . But my main sourse is mind. Just simple calculation ( like Lancer did) and some facts.
Any more the questions Gen?